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top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac

06-09-2016 , 11:55 AM
game is 1/3 NL playing 9 handed

hero: 22 years old sitting with about 300. been at the table for about 1 1/2 hours and had a very good, slightly laggy winning image until a suckout a few hands prior.

villain: 40-50 year old eastern european. wearing a cubs hat and has been on on a heater. in the hour or so he's been at the table, i've seen him make 2 notable plays which led to me tagging him as a maniac.

1 he limp called a 3bet vs a bad lag with KJs and proceeded to call a cbet on AAKr flop. turn was a brick and the lag fired 100 and villain shoved for about 250. lag folded and villain showed

2 after raising in LP and then c betting 20 on a 9-high flop, he called short stacks roughly $90 shove with AJo and proceeded to runner runner 2 pair.

other than that villain has been fairly loose pre and seeing probably 30-40% of flops


5 limps to hero who is in the BB with K3, including the villain who is on the button. villain covered hero.

flop K36 ($16)

normally i would lead here, however as I was deciding on sizing I noticed another guy in EP in the hand already reaching for chips, so i opted to check and go for a check-raise. EP guy leads for 15, villain calls, hero raises to 50. ep folds and villain thinks for 10 seconds and calls.

Turn 7 ($125)

hero leads for 85, villain slowly cuts out a raise and min raises to 170.


Last edited by jaymin; 06-09-2016 at 12:14 PM.
top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-09-2016 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by jaymin
villain: 40-50 year old eastern european. wearing a cubs hat and has been on on a heater. in the hour or so he's been at the table, i've seen him make 2 notable plays which led to me tagging him as a maniac.

1 he limp called a 3bet vs a bad lag with KJs and proceeded to call a cbet on AAKr flop. turn was a brick and the lag fired 100 and villain shoved for about 250. lag folded and villain showed

2 after raising in LP and then c betting 20 on a 9-high flop, he called short stacks roughly $70 shove with AJo and proceeded to runner runner 2 pair.
Both seem like very standard plays. I see no sign of making him a maniac.

Originally Posted by jaymin
5 limps to hero who is in the BB with K3, including the villain who is on the button. villain covered hero.

flop K36 ($16)

normally i would lead here, however as I was deciding on sizing I noticed another guy in EP in the hand already reaching for chips, so i opted to check and go for a check-raise. EP guy leads for 15, villain calls, hero raises to 50. ep folds and villain thinks for 10 seconds and calls.

Turn 7 ($125)

hero leads for 85, villain slowly cuts out a raise and min raises to 170.

Hand 2 gives almost no relevant information to this hand.

Hand 1 might be relevant in the sense that he would probably bet harder on wet board, even though the board was pretty locked down.

There are enough 2 pair and semi bluff hands in his range that folding seems below -EV.

top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-09-2016 , 12:14 PM
hand 1 does make him at least a bad player who is capable of overplaying hands. i mean he's looking to make money by getting the lag to continue bluffing which cant happen when he shoves. shoving there with kj is also likely a spot where he can never get called by worse
top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-09-2016 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by jaymin
hand 1 does make him at least a bad player who is capable of overplaying hands. i mean he's looking to make money by getting the lag to continue bluffing which cant happen when he shoves. shoving there with kj is also likely a spot where he can never get called by worse
Correct, but that doesn't make him a maniac.
top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-09-2016 , 12:52 PM
What range do you give him on the flop after he calls your raise?
I'd think sets are out, but lots of FDs, straight draw/combos and even some Kx.

OTT - he looks like he trying to sell 45 - which is consistent with his line to this point. Given it was limped to him on the button - lets put 16 combos that beat us. But this seems like a pretty bold player and I can see many bluffing combos too. Given that we are n't going to fold river and the hands we beat are all drawing... I shove.
top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-10-2016 , 03:18 AM
i was reading this thread earlier.. interested to see what others had to say. i personally find stacking off with top and bottom ott to be a very precarious spot.. basically is he ever gonna min raize OTT with worse 2pair or one pair hands?? based on the history posted.. he seems to push those middling strength hands hard based on the KJ hand. ofc that could be what he is wanting us to think by going for the min raise now.
top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-10-2016 , 03:27 AM
The flop c/r is too small
top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-10-2016 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Sief
i was reading this thread earlier.. interested to see what others had to say. i personally find stacking off with top and bottom ott to be a very precarious spot.. basically is he ever gonna min raize OTT with worse 2pair or one pair hands?? based on the history posted.. he seems to push those middling strength hands hard based on the KJ hand. ofc that could be what he is wanting us to think by going for the min raise now.
It's not a spot that is going to be of huge margin, a rather thin spot.

That's the difference between trying to avoid losing pots vs going for thin edges.
top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-10-2016 , 10:43 AM
Maybe c/r flop is even overplay with this hand.
Your range has 6 sets and 18 Kx twopairs against few good bluffs, many 2p hands should be used for lead instead of c/r.
top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-10-2016 , 06:44 PM
top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-10-2016 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
It's not a spot that is going to be of huge margin, a rather thin spot.

That's the difference between trying to avoid losing pots vs going for thin edges.
good point, i was thnking about it some more. and another thing that makes this difficult for me is the whole way we c/r off the read. if we woulda just bet and been called, i can bet/shove much more confidently OTT. but the fact that the villains range otf is now much stronger due to betting and calling the raise if that makes sense
top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-10-2016 , 11:06 PM
Why can't H have flush draw?
top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-13-2016 , 12:29 PM
Preflop looks obvious.

I would typically just donk the flop, but if we have a solid read that someone is likely to bet, I don't mind the check/raise attempt especially since it will trap the Villain in the hand (and he's never folding). Since Villain is never folding a draw (or perhaps never folding anything), I would initially think of check/raising to $75 (offering poor 2:1 odds to draws). However, that sets up a rather awkward HU stack of ~$225 in a $180 pot. So I think I would actually mash the flop to $90, which will setup a ~PSB shove for the turn.

From the history hands, it just looks like this guy is too aggro to be able to fold too, so I'd probably just shove here. I'm not exactly in love with it (we showed a crapload of strength check/raising the flop and betting turn, so it would be suicidal to get it in against us), but against this guy who seems to have a death wish, meh.

top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-13-2016 , 12:48 PM
thanks for the feedback guys. as it turned out the villain did have 45 in this hand and we bricked the river
top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
06-13-2016 , 01:01 PM
FWIW, years back, min-raise always meant nutted hands.

Then players who would make these raises either went broke or learned that nut on turn does not translate to nut on river.
top and bottom facing min raise vs maniac Quote
