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Took a shot at 10/10 NL... Took a shot at 10/10 NL...

10-22-2013 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by floppedawheel
LOL, what? Acceptable if you plan to never play poker again if you run bad and bust the 20k, then I agree. Other than that, please have 5x more.
Huh, really? Ten thousand big blinds? So proper roll for 1/2 is 20k? (Okay technically by analogy it would be 2/2.)
Took a shot at 10/10 NL... Quote
10-22-2013 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by floppedawheel
LOL, what? Acceptable if you plan to never play poker again if you run bad and bust the 20k, then I agree. Other than that, please have 5x more.
just going by the relatively standard of 20 BI at 100 BB per BI.... but maybe that's not so standard.... poker's not my living.... if you always refused to move down after running bad, then sure, 20 BI would not be enough.... maybe you do need six figures set aside for poker alone, but man that seems like a lot.....
Took a shot at 10/10 NL... Quote
10-22-2013 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by armor32
One session is def enough sample size to judge how big the game plays and make bankroll decisions/recommendations (latter being somewhat worse IMO)
200 min buy in, yeah I'm sure this game usually plays bigger. If your buying in 2k 30k is obviously not enough but for 1k this is fine even if the game sometimes plays bigger.
Took a shot at 10/10 NL... Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:13 AM
the kk hand basically anything is better than making it 100.
make it 50, ship or even just putting the cards in your pocket and walking away makes more sense.

fold the 22 pre, just complete the 55 pre

lol at the nit reading top at the table
Took a shot at 10/10 NL... Quote
