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Thoughts on this jam? Thoughts on this jam?

09-05-2017 , 09:53 AM
Villain 1 - loose passive fish. Has admitted he's very new to the game. Has called down with bottom pair and won against someone else's 3-barrel bluff! Also seen him fist pump call river with bottom two pair on a four straight, flush board (somehow it was also good). Doesn't think about position at all and just limps from any position if he wants to play. Have not seem him raise a single hand in 3 hours.

Villain 2 - thinking player but somewhat cautious. Was the guy who was caught by V1 making a 3-barrel bluff (which I thought was a credible line, just chose the wrong opponent).

Hero - LAG, been 3betting a lot in position and just pounding on the weaker opposition. Quite active and have a winning image at this table.


Blinds £1/£1

V1 HJ (220) raises to 12.
Hero CO (Covers) calls 12 w/ J10
V2 BU (250) calls 12
Blinds fold.

Flop (38) - 789
V1 bets 25, hero jams all-in...


My thinking at the time is that this player is a very level 1 thinker. The fact he has not raised at all made me assign him a range of AQ+, JJ+. Therefore I wanted to target his inability to fold a hand he thinks is the nuts and play for stacks. I very much thought I could extract value from any hand in his range containing an A, K, Q (maybe even J) of . I'm obviously beat by the few combos of flopped flushes, but my read is that he would elect to slow play this (he did this with his flopped bottom two-pair).

Will post results after some discussion...
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09-05-2017 , 10:09 AM
Meh kind of unique spot due to villain 1

I don't think I like a jam b/c

1. V2 is still in hand and could have a flopped flush who knows...
2. I think you lose value from V1 overpairs that don't have a diamond

I think in this spot I raise to $75 to make sure V2 doesn't have anything and I think V1 has a hard time getting away from this raise with an overpair. Shove turn on any non-diamond.

I don't think it's a terrible play by any stretch and agree that this Villain may call with overpairs with a diamond. But I think you have a chance to stack him also when his overpairs don't have a diamond here.
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09-05-2017 , 11:16 AM
Not a fan of the jam. Could so easily backfire, and you still have V2 in the hand. Just raise and don't let him get away easily.
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09-05-2017 , 02:39 PM
This seems like a clear fold pre. You're right that his pf raising range is really nutted. In fact, I think these types of players might not even raise with AQ or AK. There's the 10-25-35 rule (sometimes 15-25-35) that we can use to find the implied odds needed. The 1st number is for set-mining, the second is for suited connectors, and the third is for weak AXs type of hands. Basically, we want to multiply the pf raise by one of those 3 numbers to see if we have the implied odds. $12*25 in this case = $300. Since V only has 220 pounds, we're not getting the implied odds we want to profit by calling JTs here.

As played... jamming isn't terrible, but as others have said, we might want to size smaller since BTN is still in the hand.
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09-06-2017 , 07:10 AM
Thanks for the feedback guys, I may have gotten carried away with trying to stack the fish instead of considering the other player in the pot too.

Originally Posted by QuantumSurfer
There's the 10-25-35 rule (sometimes 15-25-35) that we can use to find the implied odds needed. .
^I like this. I will use this a lot so thanks for the insight.

The Results (fwiw)

Hero jams all-in, BU folds, V1 tanks for some time (didn't think this was something he could do) but eventually folds and shows... TT.

I am upset that my reads were wrong and he could fold a hand like this, however, after I showed my hand the rabbit hunt revealed Q on the turn.
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09-06-2017 , 07:46 AM
That's a very very very weak play.

1) I don't like the call preflop because calling means you're looking to draw and get lucky. So, you call with JTs but re-raise with AA/KK/QQ and maybe AKs ? Is that what you generally do? That's not an overall winning plan.

2) The jam on the flop suggests me you are at beginning level. With this jam you will be called by hands that beats you or by an A that could outdraw and take all your money. Also your jam will blow away hands you beat like TP and 2P and ... etc..etc.

Raising and calling has nothing to do with what hand you hold, and until you learn and understand this you'll never find where the money are hidden in this game. Not just understanding but acting upon and knowing what situations to look for. That's the secret of NL Hold'em, very very hidden and very deep game. Almost like chess from a strategic point of view. Hell,.., it is in a way a chess game played with cards and money,.. all as one a strategic battle.

For vast majority of people spending money, time and studying the wrong things of this game, it's only a stubbornly persistent illusion never ending where the golden nugget keep slipping away. ...,

Last edited by outdonked; 09-06-2017 at 08:01 AM.
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09-06-2017 , 08:47 AM
1) My call wasn't just an illogical 'lol, I have JTs must call'. I would elect to 3bet this most of the time against most opponents but as I described previously against this opponent I just call because a 3bet I assumed would get 4bet jammed on which is a disaster and if I did flop well I could stack him. As Quantumsurfer pointed out I probably wasn't getting the odds I needed to call, however, I knew there was a very very small chance of the action getting raised behind me and a high chance of people calling behind wanting to play the hand with V1, which is good for me.

2) I agree that the jam is questionable, hence the post, I have stated my thinking behind this though so wouldn't just generalise me at being at the 'beginning level'. I would not jam against any competent player, however, I had seen this fish make some terrible call downs and so thought I could get called by a lot of subpar hands. You're saying that me getting called by A is a bad thing? I want to get called by any FD.

No idea what you mean about a slipping golden nugget illusion haha? It's just waffle that's irrelevant to this post.
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