Originally Posted by AJD804
Its in the OP. This flop hits him squarely in the face, and i knew if he had me beat he would raise the flop or wait until the turn. So I figured why should I bet to find out where I am at, when I can just check. It was bad luck that he went runner runner on me, but in the same spot I do it again. I just wanted to know if anyone else felt the same way.
If the flop was A72 or even A105, or something like that, Im going for three strrets of value. AQJ isnt exactly a great flop for three streets imo.
The guy showed K6, the flop didn't hit his range 'squarely in the face'. Your read on his range is bad.
Obviously he also has A2-AK, K6-KQ, Q8-QJ, J8-JT, TT and a bunch of other ****. You're missing lots of value on the turn. You have 175 left and the pot is 182, shove the turn. This is the same guy who called a flop shove with two overs right? Why are you so gun shy?
Maybe your line helps you get a small river bet from 55, 77-99, but you should be doubling up against pair+gutshot, AX, KX combos.
Just in terms of absolute strength, if we discount AA,QQ,JJ (because he didn't 3bet or 5bet when given the chance) you have the 4th nuts on the flop. The turn promotes 4 hands (A6,K6,Q6,66), but it doesn't matter because if he has those hands he also has a bunch of other hands you want to get value from. Not betting turn seems horrible.