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Taking a second look at a 3bet pot Taking a second look at a 3bet pot

05-24-2015 , 06:01 PM
5 handed 200NL Straddle Pot

Game has been playing moderately loose with bouts of very wild play. My image is mostly solid, with some bluffs.

Vil 1 has been throwing sporadic bluffs at pots that don't seem to exactly mesh with his overall betting style. When he suddenly takes the initiative in pots it seems like he is bluffing around 75% of the time. Other than these strange fits of aggression he plays pretty solid. Definitely still limping his small PP and things like suited one gappers, KT, A9 and the like. When he's not going crazy he plays fit or fold post flop, not value betting turn and river wide enough imo (checking showdowns with some top pair mid kicker/mid pair strong kicker when checked to on weak runouts from time to time.)
His raise sizing in this particular pot seemed on the weaker side. I thought there was about a 20% chance that he had not looked at his cards this hand before raising, although I couldnt be sure as I only saw this out of the corner of my eye.

Vil 2 is essentially OMC. He gets a little loose passive/stubborn pre and post from time to time; but I don't expect him to ever makes huge moves against me. He limp folds more than he should and definitely doesn't protect his money post flop as well as he should. I feel confident picking up physical tells against him in pots and making well timed moves when necessary.

Our stacks are roughly $550 effective

I straddle
Fold to Vil 1 on Button Raises to $14
Fold to Vil 2 in BB Calls
I have Q T in straddle. Raise to $46
Vil 1 calls, Vil 2 calls

Flop J 7 4 Pot $156
Vil 2 Checks
I bet $58
Vil 1 Raises to $150
Vil 2 folds

We now have ~$440 behind.
My thoughts were that I don't always want to fold here. The flop is relatively dry for his hand range and if we call at 3.5:1 we should have some maneuverability, I think he'll shut down sometimes, and I like that we have back door draws here, although I'm not excited to be OOP. I also thought that his window for calling a third bet would be very small, I will get a reasonable amount of credit in this spot, and the ~$360 in the pot looked sweet. First of all, am I a donkey for giving this a second look?

I know that my 3 bet pre is going to face some criticism. I was able to steal a fair amount at this point, and also was not too worried about inflating the pot as both my opponents played relatively weak post flop.

Last edited by sungar78; 05-24-2015 at 06:15 PM.
Taking a second look at a 3bet pot Quote
05-24-2015 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by sungar78
I was able to steal a fair amount at this point, and also was not too worried about inflating the pot as both my opponents played relatively weak post flop.
You've got two napkins against a player that has been playing weak post flop and he raises you. Your cards should hit the muck before the dealer has time to turn to you. His semi-bluff range is currently ahead of you. Otherwise, you don't have a solid image or you have a bad read on the villain. Neither is a good sign for you to continue.
Taking a second look at a 3bet pot Quote
05-24-2015 , 06:48 PM
so, couple of things for next time
"Other than these strange fits of aggression he plays pretty solid."
if he's doing any of the things you mentioned, he is at no point in the game playing solid. and also I can't get pass pre flop. I think venice sheds some light - our edge is post flop vs v, but as you get better it will be pre and post.
Taking a second look at a 3bet pot Quote
