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Starting From T Bottom Starting From T Bottom

02-06-2014 , 03:58 AM
This will be a thread of my journey as I start my poker grind playing live 1/2 NL.
My starting bankroll was $150, this is my normal buyin for live 1/2 at my local casino (Maryland Live). This is largely because i am a full time electrical engineering student, and also work part time. I started this journey last thursday
1/30/14. I played at live when it first upon and grinded for about a month and a half when the poker room first opened. I did pretty well for someone who had only been playing poker for a few months. I was able to pay for some of my school bills with my winnings and other expenses. Unfortunately I couldn't keep playing consistantly and had to stop for a while. I am now ready to grind my way up to through live 1/2.

This thread will be a way for me to share my experiences with other poker players and hopefully get some help from more experienced players. I will try to do some hand reviews from time to time, and hopefully some of you out there can give me feed back on my play.
02-06-2014 , 04:27 AM
Good luck. This thread will be moved to Poker Goals and Challenges.

You are doomed to failure with such a small bankroll. You must run like God just to play a second day. And then a third.

Are you going to limit your losses to one $150 buyin per night? Your risk of ruin with your limited roll is probably 99.99999999999999999 percent. Best of luck to you, though. I'm going to subscribe and hope and pray that if I ever make a trip to MDL, I see you playing $2/$5 or higher.

Read as much as you can in here. Read GG's thread. Post as many hand histories as you can. Respond to as many hand histories as you can.

Subscribe to some PG&C threads and read them regularly.

Good luck.
02-06-2014 , 05:47 AM
Good Luck OP, this will be a fun learning experience for you, hope you enjoy the poker ride!

Have you ever read anything over bankroll management?
08-19-2014 , 06:16 PM
I would first like to apologize as I had completely forgotten about this thread. I have been lucky enough to be still playing poker. My first two sessions went very well as I made $500+ each session. I then continued to increase my bankroll relatively well. I reach a max bankroll of over $3500+ before a major financial situation occurred in my personal life back in may. I then was in new jersey for the summer for an internship at a nuclear power plant. I played in AC a few times over the summer and barely made any money, almost breaking completely even.

Over the last month I have been back in Maryland playing at MDL. So far so good and my bankroll is almost back to $3500.
I will continue play at MDL as much as I can during my final year of school. This will be my main source of income so I should have a pretty good amount of hand history to share.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to remember the hand history's....any apps or is notebook the best method.

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08-19-2014 , 06:19 PM
Yes I realize that I had almost no bankroll but luckily I did run like god I guess lol.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using 2+2 Forums
08-19-2014 , 06:26 PM
Trying to figure out if this is for real. Did you really run good from 150 dollars? Or did you supplement your BR with other income too?
08-19-2014 , 06:46 PM
Must of missed this first time.

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