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somewhat standard 2-5 spot somewhat standard 2-5 spot

11-29-2011 , 09:10 PM
I'm utg plus one and make my standard open to $20 with JJ. Villian to my direct left flats, so does the bb. I have about $650 to start the hand villian has me covered.

Villian is a young, tough, aggressive, winning 2-5 reg. I've played with him a few times but not a ton. I'm guessing he views me as a tight solid player. He switched seats a few hours before this hand and moved two spots from my right, to my direct left. (I'm guessing just a coincidence.) He hasn't called to many of my raises and hasn't 3 bet me at all either since he moved. I have seen him three bet alot more in other sessions, but I would like to think he gives me a little respect and has not messed with me for the few hours we have played thus far.

Flop: 672 rainbow, I bet $50 into $70, villian calls big blind folds.

Turn: A, no flush draw (pot is $170), I check, He checks. I think this player with his image will bet most hands that he floated me with on the flop that don't have sd value, sets, or an ace that floated the flop. He will check back hands with sd value that I beat.

River: 5, I check, he checks behind again. I show my jacks and win the pot. I know it probably sounds weak, but I just really wanted to get to showdown in this spot and wanted to keep the pot small.

I'm pretty certain that this villian is 3 betting qq plus and ace king. When the turn goes check, check, is his hand more or less face up to a pair smaller then mine? Whether it is or it isn't, should I bet the river and if so how much. I feel like against a good, thinking player, leading the river for like half pot or 3/4 pot is almost always going to make my hand look face up and I don't think I will get called too frequently.

I almost feel like betting three streets is a better line to take against a good player then bet, check, bet. I rarely find good players taking the bet, check, bet line as a bluff unless the bored runs out really scary.

Also, these spots come up a few times a session and I'm usually not sure what to do.
somewhat standard 2-5 spot Quote
11-29-2011 , 09:19 PM
On that turn I mix it up between bets and checks. I think a check here is ok.

I def bet the river here. Depends on the player, but in this spot I probably bet about 1/2 pot.
somewhat standard 2-5 spot Quote
11-30-2011 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by spyu
On that turn I mix it up between bets and checks. I think a check here is ok.

I def bet the river here. Depends on the player, but in this spot I probably bet about 1/2 pot.
I dont think this guy is a tough aggro villain because shouldn't he be betting this turn when checked too like always ? A tough villain should be putting the pressure on us with this board on turn and river. For the same reasons, we should expect V to bet this turn a huge % of the time given our read of him. I like your turn check as a result as long as you intended on calling him down. River is a bet as played
somewhat standard 2-5 spot Quote
11-30-2011 , 10:42 AM
Not a fan of your line. Too weak-tight unless you were trying to induce. Two options:

1. bet/fold turn. He might float you light if he has a hand such as TT/99/88/7x because he should know that the A is a good barrel card
2. if turn goes check-check, bet river for value. Sure, sometimes he floated you with Ax OTF, pot controlled the turn to bluff-catch, but it's pretty unlikely, and you can definitely get value on the river here. Plus, a reg in the BB is not calling an UTG raise with many Ax in his hand - possibly just AK/AQ/AJs.
somewhat standard 2-5 spot Quote
11-30-2011 , 10:59 AM

He moved to your direct left because he either thinks your a spot or he thinks you are good, its nothing in between.

That being said, I really hate your line. You got absolutely the minimum value from all over pairs to the flop that are in his range. The turn was a b/f but if you decide to check then its ok as long as you are b/f'ing the river for value.
somewhat standard 2-5 spot Quote
11-30-2011 , 11:28 AM
Your image to villain is weaktight, now you need to exploit that image imo in the future
somewhat standard 2-5 spot Quote
11-30-2011 , 01:13 PM
When the turn goes check, check I am ready to bet every river for value somewhere around half pot. I'm not sure why I froze up and decided to check but I did. This was a pretty small pot, but I couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the session. This is not that tough of a spot imo, but I'm just thinking about non standard ways to play this hand. I feel like when turn is check, check then I lead river for half pot, my hand is almost always what it is. Does anyone ever take a line like that as a bluff? I'm being fickle, but I hate when I feel like my hand is face up and I am just looking for ways to avoid this especially against decent thinking regs.

If I bet the turn, what would be a good sizing? If villian flats me again, what is my plan for the river?

When the turn goes check, check is betting full pot or overbetting pot a good idea once in a while?
somewhat standard 2-5 spot Quote
