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So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2?

04-07-2017 , 08:47 PM

Apparently king queen suited is afold most of the time?
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-07-2017 , 09:45 PM
Of all the videos I've seen, I like SplitSuit's the most. Not all are live or even full ring, but his deconstruction of the action & planning is masterful and applicable to most situation you'll encounter. His pedagogy allows viewers to learn how to analyze for themselves, which is like teaching to fish opposed to providing it.
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-08-2017 , 12:27 AM
OP is clearly spamming on behalf of this awful dude, you guys fall for everything.
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-08-2017 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
OP is clearly spamming on behalf of this awful dude, you guys fall for everything.
lol I not spamming, I think he bad but wanted a second opinion.
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-08-2017 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by fakekidpoker

Apparently king queen suited is afold most of the time?
Standard, especially on the button...
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-08-2017 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by pixelsmile
Yep, definitely the same guy I see grinding at Vancouver's Edgewater casino. I've played a 4h session with him
I was an Edgewater regular for almost all of 2016 and never saw him there. So I guess he made the 12K in the last couple months or he is strictly an overnight player(I was daytime). In his first video he says at Edgewater you can straddle to whatever you want but that wasn't the case in 2016.
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-09-2017 , 02:57 AM
He also insists on 'checking to the raiser' and then criticizing anyone who doesn't.
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-12-2017 , 05:33 PM
So I actually watched all the videos, lol @ me, obviously.

From what I can gather, he payed for 1 hours worth of coaching from a 1/2 NL pro, but it also looks like he is going to start selling some sorta system regarding starting hands in position / blah blah blah. Also sounds like he actually plays 1/3 NL but for some reason is converting the hands using 1/2 NL stakes.

Anyhoo, my overall opinion:

- obviously it's meant for beginner type players who are most likely losers; nothing wrong with that, and those players could benefit big time from these videos
- I agreed with most of the lines he took, although with some exceptions (but you could probably argue doing things some of the time this way versus some of the time that way as fine)
- for the most part it sounds like he is playing fairly shortstacked in a loose-ish type game, so even at 100bbs, due to big raise sizing and multiple callers, small SPR pots are typically always created in a raised pot which means one thing: tight is right, and he's certainly got that down (again, this noob / losers would benefit greatly from this advice); in this kinda game, a by-the-numbers starting hand chart isn't as lol as most think, as mainly the whole game revolves around preflop hand selection (which most of his videos do)
- as others have mentioned, one of the big problems I have is with his setmining strategy (basically $15 "good" versus $20 "bad"); he never takes the time to breakdown exactly what a good setmining situation and why (stacks, opponents, position, number of opponents, etc.), and in fact never mentions once that you're going to hit your set 1-in-8.5 times nor perhaps you'd like 20:1 or whatever IO; not a horrendous starting point for a noob / losing player, but eventually you're going to have to figure out why a spot is (or isn't) a good setmining spot
- he also doesn't mention why a raise size is offering good odds versus bad odds, and just mentions the word "math" in passing when really he should at least be breaking down exactly what the IO odds are (for example); he also misses out on this when he flopped his huge draw, again not even stating what he thinks is equity or FE actually is
- he bases his preflop raise sizing based on hand strength, so as not to build too big a pot until he really wants to; now, on the one hand, this is kinda super genius in a vacuum, as obviously the best long term result is getting in big money with strong hands, and less and less as your hand strength diminishes; course, this could be exploited by anyone paying attention; but the real problem is that the smaller raise can see a multiway (or very multiway) pot, and this then ends up creating the bigger pot that he didn't want to in the first place (ex. if he raises to $12 with ATo and goes 4ways to a $50 pot, wouldn't he be better off creating a smaller pot of $40 by raising to $20 and going HU?)
- he seems to turn a lot of hands that are probably best (and could definitely get paid off by worse/draws) but vulnerable into bluffcatching spots; against some opponents, not a terrible idea, but against others, meh, betting to protect the pot is probably better; but again, probably a 60/40 whatever thing, but he certainly does lean one direction
- he could definitely be more aggressive preflop in position with less-than-monster hands, although if his target audience is noobs/losers, then nothing wrong with taking the passive convservative approach
- he definitely likes the check-to-the-raiser approach in multiway pots on drawy boards with sets, and while the idea of getting in these stacks ASAP on these boards is fine, I think expecting the raiser to always bet in 4+ way pots is a little optimistic (noting that in none of these examples did the flop check around, which would be a disaster); if he can except the cbet, fine, otherwise I'd be more for leading
- but he has a lotta stuff that noob/losing players would benefit from: tight-is-right (which he emphasises a lot), rake being crushing, overlimping some hands (instead of raising) sometimes making postflop simpler, fish vs pros often do the same thing but what makes them different is the times they don't do the same thing, interpreting a lol small bet as a check, concept of bluffing good players (not bad ones), etc.
- lol @ me, but I took notes on all 27 videos and had solid checkmarks on 15+ of them (i.e. I have zero problem how he played them, although you could certainly take alternate lines), would have preferred different lines on some others, and a few were pretty meh; but we're all free to disagree

Overall, noobs/losers would benefit from the videos, imo. Course, noobs/losers could benefit from almost any non-horrendous poker advice (from books, forums, videos, etc.).

If he's made $25/hr for $12K, that means he's only got a 480 hour sample size, which is pretty lol. Then again, if that's what he's done so far, then you can understand why he thinks his strategy is the nuts (BTW, does this guy run good or what or is he just cherrypicking the run good cases for his videos?). Again, from what I understand he's actually playing 1/3 NL and not 1/2 NL, so things are a little unclear, but I think he's going to be in for a rude surprise if he thinks this style is going to crush for 12.5 bbs/hr in a $200 1/2 NL game over the long haul (which he seems to be saying). Is it a winning strategy? I would guess it definitely is, unless the games become a lot more difficult than what appear in his videos.


Last edited by gobbledygeek; 04-12-2017 at 05:42 PM.
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-12-2017 , 07:07 PM
Video 1 seems very spam-like. I will be watching no further in the series
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-12-2017 , 08:31 PM
He shortstacks late night 1/3 at Edgewater. He hasn't been playing for very long. I don't see the point of making all these videos that'll get 50 views. What's the benefit of teaching the fish how to be nits like you? Each video he makes is only costing himself money.

Last edited by Carnivore; 04-12-2017 at 08:39 PM.
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-12-2017 , 11:14 PM
Teaching fish how to play is EV- haha
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-13-2017 , 12:02 AM
Lol i play in the room with him every night, i guess i might as well study up on how he plays. Also lol his hat tonight says 'bad reg' on it.

Last edited by Carnivore; 04-13-2017 at 12:25 AM.
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-13-2017 , 12:33 AM
I didn't realize there was such a high volume of Edgewater regs in this forum lol. Let's study his play style and exploit him
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-13-2017 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by pixelsmile
I didn't realize there was such a high volume of Edgewater regs in this forum lol. Let's study his play style and exploit him
obviously triple leveling to counter-exploit
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-13-2017 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
Lol i play in the room with him every night, i guess i might as well study up on how he plays. Also lol his hat tonight says 'bad reg' on it.
LOL at him for thinking he's being ironic.

Originally Posted by pixelsmile
I didn't realize there was such a high volume of Edgewater regs in this forum lol. Let's study his play style and exploit him
Anyone halfway competent would only need about 1 hour max playing with him to figure out how to exploit him. Seeing his videos obviously doesn't hurt though. Pretty sure the majority of his views are coming from this thread.
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-13-2017 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
He shortstacks late night 1/3 at Edgewater.
Is late night crazy / aggro / loose? If so, my guess is his tight-is-right / bluffcatch / check-to-the-raiser / shortstacking method probably does perfectly fine in that environment, no?

Originally Posted by Carnivore
What's the benefit of teaching the fish how to be nits like you? Each video he makes is only costing himself money.
You could make the same argument for each of us who post replies to HHs in this forum.

So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-13-2017 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
I think it's more the hubris of someone winning in a soft 1/2 game over a short sample thinking he's now qualified to teach poker strategy. There's comedy in the delusions of his abilities.
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-13-2017 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Tucco
I think it's more the hubris of someone winning in a soft 1/2 game over a short sample thinking he's now qualified to teach poker strategy. There's comedy in the delusions of his abilities.
That's fair enough. But as I say, having watched all 27 videos (I'm not sure how many else did?), I'd say at least 15 of them were well played, with others varying from debatable to meh (and I don't recall seeing much that I'd categorize as totally horrendous).

So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-13-2017 , 06:38 PM
His advice is probably great for like 75% of the poker community, or whatever % of the community that is terrible at poker, but for the other % of players that are break even or winning, his advice seems kinda rudimentary

Edit: GG, maybe I'll watch some more videos, I say this from a sample size of 2 that I've watched
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
04-13-2017 , 06:40 PM
The content is solid beginner advice. I still don't understand the purpose.
So is this the ultimate guide to crushing 1/2? Quote
