Originally Posted by blakeatron
He doesn't only have the nut flush, obviously. He will have it a small % of the time. I mean, if he isn't b/f with 44, he probably takes the same line OTR with the nut flush. That seems pretty results-oriented but x/c, x/c, x/ship brick rivers isn't a terrible line for the nut flush. Just a more tricky way of playing it imo.
I think it's pretty terrible. I mean so many people in your spot, TAGs or not, are just going to check back AK and AA on river. Sure, you pick up the occasional 3rd barrel bluff, but it's more likely that a 4th spade hits and you lose all possibility of additional action.
My point to what I said is not having the As at least gives us some showdown value against hands like AsJx and AsTx. So we've at least got some equity in the pot. Maybe not much, but some... OTOH, we block KxQs (one of the most likely hands to bluff out). When we bomb river, we've gotta consider our EV from shoving vs our EV from checking back. Blocking KxQs reduces our shove EV. I mean, we're basically counting on villain to fold flushes and boats at least two thirds of the time. We're not getting much higher than 70%, especially cause 99 is in there (out of the 4 possible flopped sets) and we'd usually (but not always) expect to hear from a flush. So maybe we win $1000 (70%) and lose $1860 (30%) of the time = $142... I think not having the As means that villain might have one of the AsX hands like 15% of the time.... In this case, our shove EV would be $142, while our check-back EV would be $150.... So yeah, I maintain that your line is spew.
Last edited by pocketzeroes; 11-17-2015 at 07:09 PM.