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Shoving with pocket rockets Shoving with pocket rockets

07-11-2014 , 10:36 PM
Is it generally a good move to shove with pockets aces on a flop when you are last to act and low-medium sized bets have been made and there are no possibilities of draws on the board? Need advice, am gun shy with aces. Thanks.
07-12-2014 , 04:23 AM
better try to get in with rocket pockets before u see the flop cause after the flop they cant hit a set or strong hands like this on the flop.

Last edited by AAwasmyLIFE; 07-12-2014 at 04:39 AM.
07-12-2014 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by Giznad16
Is it generally a good move to shove with pockets aces on a flop when you are last to act and low-medium sized bets have been made and there are no possibilities of draws on the board? Need advice, am gun shy with aces. Thanks.
Size your bets in relation to the size of the pot and the board texture and size your bets the same for your value hands and your bluffs (unless this is live then you can typically exploit villains who don't pay attention to bet sizing).
07-13-2014 , 03:19 PM
Giznad, it all depends on stack sizes, your opponents' ranges, and # of players going to the flop. IMO, your goal with big pocket pairs should be to play heads up, at WORST not more than 2 other players in the hand. Once you get 4 or 5 handed and you have AA or KK, your percentage to win the pot goes drastically down. Be cautious, ESPECIALLY on a wet board.

In this specific scenario, the flop was J97ccs, the pot was around $45, you were up against 2 loose-passive players, and your stack was probably around 70 or 80 (I know this because I was at your table ). In this scenario, after V1 checked, I would've shoved to put the decision on V1 & V2, and to charge either one of them for any draw they may have been on.
07-13-2014 , 05:57 PM
It is not a good idea to do anything, "in general." Start over, give us one hand that caused you problems as suggested in the other thread.

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