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Shove or fold? 2-4 combo draw against shorties Shove or fold? 2-4 combo draw against shorties

10-09-2013 , 08:06 PM
Hero 26 yo tag $400 100 bb deep
V1 loose passive mega fish, but is playing tight today. $120
V2 fish, loose passive. $300

V1 raises utg to $20
V2 calls utg1
2 more people call (all with 100bb stacks)
Hero looks down at 98spades otb.
Honestly not a fantastic spot, since v1 is so short.
But hero elects to call. Anybody prefer a fold here?

Blinds fold

Flop $100
Jh Ts 9c

V1 shoves $100
V2 tank calls $100 and has $200 behind
The rest fold
Open ended with bottom pair and bd fd, although my outs could easily be tainted, or no good.

Probably should have folded pre, but as played, Hero?
Shove or fold? 2-4 combo draw against shorties Quote
10-09-2013 , 10:33 PM
Snap fold. I thought you were gonna have spades at least reading this. Your outs to two pair are bad, your outs to trips might not help, and your straight outs might not help either.
Shove or fold? 2-4 combo draw against shorties Quote
