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shove or fold? shove or fold?

11-11-2011 , 06:10 PM
Hi everyone.Been a lurker for a while and want to step up and improve my game a bit.After opinions on a hand from last night.Hope this description gives enough info.

Live 2/2 9 handed.
Very loose table.I`m seeing fish with mid pair weak kicker call all streets.

Its raised to 10 by UTG +1 and theres 4 callers.Hero is button with K8 hearts and calls as do blinds.I did say it was loose!

Flop is 6,7,10 hh

UTG+1 bets 60 with 130 behind,folds to CO who raises to 120 allin.
I am 100% confident UTG+1 will call so I shove all in for 160,fully prepared to reload if I miss.Blinds fold,Utg+1 calls with 10,7 and CO shows A,10 off.

I just wanted to know if this was an OK move on my behalf with the flush and gutshot draw against 2 players?Was I getting the right price?
shove or fold? Quote
11-12-2011 , 11:33 AM
Haha well thanks for the responses.
I have never read a poker book so don`t really know about pot odds and such and i just go by the seat of my pants...but my gut feeling was because I knew UTG+1 would call it was an ok shove,where as if it were against just 1 player it might not be the right price.

If this should be in beginners section or something please let me know.I`m sitting here thinking you are all thinking im as bigger fish as the rest at the table haha.
shove or fold? Quote
11-12-2011 , 11:36 AM
100% the right move, shove and be EXTREMELY happy about it. omg, we call these gifts. Enjoy your gift. nh
shove or fold? Quote
11-12-2011 , 11:36 AM
Looks fine to me postflop, but preflop is a huge error. Definitely fold preflop.
shove or fold? Quote
11-12-2011 , 11:38 AM
you can probably find a way to fold preflop though and wait for better hands. I'm sure others will disagree with me, but the only flop you want to see is going to be that of an all heart flop. A king isn't a good card to see 4 way as youre usually outkicked if theres action. Also, A8 is a little better suited because at least that way you are drawing to the nuts and you have the ace as a backup incase you get it in on a flop like 752hhx board or something like that. But as played you have to call the shoves. nh
shove or fold? Quote
11-12-2011 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by FishtermerService
you can probably find a way to fold preflop though and wait for better hands. I'm sure others will disagree with me, but the only flop you want to see is going to be that of an all heart flop. A king isn't a good card to see 4 way as youre usually outkicked if theres action. Also, A8 is a little better suited because at least that way you are drawing to the nuts and you have the ace as a backup incase you get it in on a flop like 752hhx board or something like that. But as played you have to call the shoves. nh
As you spend more time on this forum, you will see just how wrong that is. This forum's favourite term is "fold pre", lol. But it's 100% a fold preflop here and not really a justifiable call at all.
shove or fold? Quote
11-12-2011 , 12:18 PM
canoodles what is your preflop range OTB here in this exact situation. Suited connectors I would probably 3bet x amount of times and call about the same. I think we can flat a lot of Ax suited hands and flat a lot of ace hands as well? What do you do with A5o here??? Also a lot of broad suited and non suited we flat as well? What is a good 3 bet range here with so many callers preflop..and whats a good flatting range. I understand that this is a fold, but It's not that that will get me in trouble...its 3betting and flatting and when I should do one or the other.
shove or fold? Quote
11-12-2011 , 12:58 PM
Thanks guys,I really appreciate your time.

I realise it wasn`t the greatest call pre,but i figured at least I had position.I had been there for an hour and worked out there were way too many stations and bluffing any hand wasn`t really an option.Earler everyone limped ($2!)to me on the button and I raised to 20 with AA and 7 out of 8 called.

I copped a lot of crap for 2 hours afterwards from a friend whose game i respect but I really felt my postflop play was OK and wanted other opinions.As it was I spiked the heart on the river and took it down
shove or fold? Quote
