Should I 3-bet QQ versus a nit?
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 2,466
I would call with QQ against a perceived tight raiser, until I know different.
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 247
Do you have prior experience with V? Just asking because if youve only played 1 hour with him, its too small a sample to call him a nit. He might just be card dead.
Just read your post #16, nevermind.
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 2,575
Vs tight passive players an overpair is pretty easy to play postflop. Their raises postflop are almost always 2-pair+, they won't continue without top pair good kicker or a nut draw. Honestly, in position I can make good folds vs these guys with <PSB left behind. It is frequently possible to put them on their exact hand by the river.
It is even possible to tell when they have KK+ because they bet-bet-bet big enough to gii quickly while they are more cautious with QQ-99, especially if they see you flatting QQ.
Of you 3! you give up all that information and totally negate your skill advantage. I'm only 3! QQ vs players who either 4bet/gii wide or flat my 3bets really wide and play awful postflop.
Flatting QQ with players to act behind is fine too IMO. Everyone becomes even more tight passive when multiway.