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set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$

07-03-2015 , 12:30 AM
All limp around.
Hero got 22. Flop 923 rainbow. Utg bet 10$ in pot(20$) three callers , me at the button also calls. 923d Qd on turn. Utg bets 41$ , fold , fold, I call. River pot: 140$. Utg bets 70$ , River board: 923dQdTs , no flush possible. I got 270$ behind , utg about 800$.
Hero call / raise / shove???
V is about 40 , played whole night, complains how unlucky he is sometimes at poker, thinks maybe he plays great but doesn't, makes extreme bad calls sometimes ( AJ on 789J4 River bet called for 150, flush was possible), is no an extreme loose player, but very weak I think.
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 12:43 AM
Shove River. I would have raised turn to set up a river shove.
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 12:44 AM
Flatting this flop is ok because it's so dry. But when four people have expressed interest in this pot, and I'm on the BTN, I'm gonna raise. It really helps us build a nice pot.

AP, turn is a mandatory raise. River is a shove.
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 03:01 AM
Didn't raise for some deception. Because all people knows me at the table. Standard I would raise flop or turn. What are you expecting is here calling an shove? Can someone figure out an range? Other opinions on the hand ?
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 04:27 AM
I think letting four people see the turn is a little dangerous, but I like it because we are good enough to avoid losing big money when we are beat. A small raise ott looks good to be able to gii otr without having to make a huge raise.
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 04:46 AM
Since the flop is super dry, it can go either way.

The key to the hand is: Raise turn; shove river.

Edit: I think raising flop is best. V may view you as trying to squeeze on the flop. $45 sounds good.
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 04:58 AM
Ok I will post my honest thoughts at his final River bet. What can an weak recreational player limp utg and three barrel have? He is weak and I saw him rarely three barrel and then on the river so small made me suspicious. I thought about his range and I gave him 33/99 , rarely 99 because i think Even he would Raise it. So i was between Shove and call. Never folding because of The cheap Price. Them i Decided to shove. He called and Showed 333 ( higher set ). Is here the difference between an great player and an average player to shove or only call? I mean I was some pretty sure that he has an set. But I wanted to go full value. Another player after the hand asked me why I shoved(he is an tag), I stated that he can call pretty much anything because of the player type. Another lag on the table who also played against him often stated that the shove was right decision against him. I mean if you figure out any limping range which three barrels in a multiway pot what can he have? Will I really see sometimes bluff/KK/AA/9Q/9T/23(which I block)? Or just standard cooler and don't mind? Next time raise turn?
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 01:32 PM
Flat flop seems fine, especially in a limped pot where villains are unlikely to have overpairs and there are not really any two pair hands or draws that he can have. Would consider raising here if UTG is the type to limp QQ+ planning to limp/reraise.

I'd raise this turn smallish to setup a river shove. As played, definitely shoving the river for value against this player as described. Yes, you will sometimes value/own yourself by shoving here, however in the long run, you're making money against his range. Shoving instead of just flatting here is one of the little edges that separates big winners from small winners.
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by BackDoorFlush
Since the flop is super dry, it can go either way.

The key to the hand is: Raise turn; shove river.

Edit: I think raising flop is best. V may view you as trying to squeeze on the flop. $45 sounds good.

Also, OP please put some blank lines in your posts. They are almost all walls of text and therefore really hard to read, especially as it seems that English is not your first language.

Your English doesn't suck, but it does add to the difficulty of following your thoughts when they are all strung together in one super-paragraph.

Edit post results: Lots of Vs have 2-pair, A9s, or TT+ in this case. He may have been going for a limp/re-raise and no one raised, so don't think there are no overpairs in his range.

Also, stop talking strategy at the table. Why give Vs a free look at your thought process and/or educate the bad players? Horrible for the game.

Last edited by Garick; 07-03-2015 at 01:48 PM. Reason: post results
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 02:50 PM
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 02:55 PM
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 02:58 PM
Id consider min raising flop as people at these games are all prob gonna call that.

Aside from that I'm def raising turn.

As played raise River. If go somewhere between 2x-3x
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 03:13 PM
Bad Beat Forum Is Down The Street.
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 04:14 PM
So we have a historically passive player who has taken a b/b/b line and generally calls down light.

Based on his betting the turn I would think he has at least 2 pair. Had there been a flush draw otf I could maybe see Qxss that would continue this line after hitting top pair. Although I would not expected a passive mawg to play his draw this aggressively.

So a range of 23/33/99/Q9 gives us 61% equity and we know he's calling with the very bottom of his range based on reads.

If we pull out some combos of 99 because he will probably open pre, then we're even further ahead. Shoving is definitely the right option at this point.

I'm probably raising this turn and getting it in when he plays back at us. If we have some sort of soul read based on his bet sizing or other physical tells maybe I can find a fold, but it's probably still not the best play.
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoLex
So a range of 23/33/99/Q9 gives us 61% equity and we know he's calling with the very bottom of his range based on reads.

If we pull out some combos of 99 because he will probably open pre, then we're even further ahead. Shoving is definitely the right option at this point.
I think your hand-reading is very suspect.

1. Remove 32o from his range
2. Remove Q9o from his range, and he might not even bet the flop with Q9s

How can you say that with such certainty? Hero never said that he definitely limps 100% of hands pre-flop, which he would have to do to show-up with 32o.

Originally Posted by Garick
Edit post results: Lots of Vs have 2-pair, A9s, or TT+ in this case. He may have been going for a limp/re-raise and no one raised, so don't think there are no overpairs in his range.
I think your hand-reading is very suspect. You think lots of Villains show up with KK+ in this limped pot? If they show up with TT that's bad news.

There's nothing in the OP to indicate that the Villain limps 100% of hands.
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 04:53 PM
not raising flop is suicide draws pps 1p hands never folding
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
07-03-2015 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by au4all
I think your hand-reading is very suspect.

1. Remove 32o from his range
2. Remove Q9o from his range, and he might not even bet the flop with Q9s

How can you say that with such certainty? Hero never said that he definitely limps 100% of hands pre-flop, which he would have to do to show-up with 32o.
Fair point. I misunderstood Vs position, thought he was sb not utg. I would agree we can probably remove all 23 from his range. I think he could still show up with Q9o depending on table dynamic,if a table has been very passive I see utg playing a fairly wide range. I could also see him showing up with QQ though, when he failed to get his l/rr in pre. In fact, this is almost the exact line I would expect him to take with QQ given the run out.
set vs bet/bet/bet - hero@river? 1/2$ Quote
