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Set on Big Blind Set on Big Blind

04-12-2022 , 06:10 PM
Hello to everyone! I was playing 1/3$, had 120$. 6 players limped, I checked with 6s4h on big blind.
(21$): flop - 3d6d6h, sb checked, I checked( right now I absolutely sure that I should bet on so wet flop vs 6 players, but I checked).
5th player, BU, had around 400$, betted 5$, sb called, had around 300$, I called ( right now I'm sure that I should raise, but I called), 1-3rd players folded, 4th player called, CO, had around 400$.
(41$): turn - Kc. Sb checked, I betted 30$, CO called, BU called, SB folded.
(131$): river - 9d. I betted 35$, CO called, BU reraised 140$, I had just less than 50$ behind, so I decided to call as I saw such hands as K9, AK which I could beat and I guess my pot chances were to sweet.
What do you think about this hand?
Set on Big Blind Quote
04-12-2022 , 06:31 PM
There are a million people in the hand and there are multiple draws.

Check raise flop ($35), shove turn. You should be ok losing 40bb with this hand if somebody has you beat on the flop.
Set on Big Blind Quote
04-12-2022 , 06:49 PM
I would just bet the flop. I probably fold river. I would be very surprised to see AK given the preflop and river. I would be pretty surprised to see K9 but it’s not impossible.
Set on Big Blind Quote
04-12-2022 , 07:41 PM
Lead flop would be best. Then raise flop to $25 when you have the chance.
Turn bet is fine with that many people in. If you had raised flop you can likely shove turn.
Check/call river. Villain mostly has either hands he knows loose to your 6X or a hand that beats you on the river. You need to give him a chance to bluff or bet his medium hands. As played I probably call off the final $50 also just because of pot odds.
Set on Big Blind Quote
04-13-2022 , 01:15 PM
FYI: What we have is known as "trips" (3 of a kind with a pair on board) and is much less stronger than a "set" (3 of a kind with a pair in our hand).

Preflop seems obvious.

I'm either/or on the flop. I think a 1/2 PSB is ok but I also think a check/evaluate is fine too. Facing the small button bet and SB call I think I'm also either/or. Think I'm actually fine with just calling this multiway and not bloating a pot when we could easily be coolered by better.

Fine with betting this blank turn. A little worried I might be on the worst end of it with two callers.

So far I think our flop/turn decisions are ok although there is obviously other ways to play it. But overall we've created a reasonable sized pot for the strength of our hand and not gone too crazy.

Where we really lost the plot was on the river though. This card complete the main draw and with 2 others in the pot there is a very good chance someone just got there (if we weren't already behind to someone else). Very easy check/fold for me, and we're just putting bad money in after bad with the final call, imo.

ETA: Missed the fact that we are fairly short, but still think that intentionally attempting to stack off in a 7way limped pot by the turn is *way* overplaying our hand (since we literally beat only one 6x combo). So I don't mind our early streets play as much as others.

Set on Big Blind Quote
04-13-2022 , 04:40 PM
I never rely on someone else doing the betting in a limped pot, so unless I have the ubernuts on a dry board e.g. 77 on 772 rainbow, I'm always betting if my hand is good enough. I would lead out $15 here. Note we are only 40bb deep so no need to slow down with this hand. AP I would raise the $5 to $25.

Turn is aight.

River I just x, probably sigh call a bet.

You have trips not a set.
Set on Big Blind Quote
04-13-2022 , 05:00 PM
FWIW, I would be much cooler with betting the flop / building a pot if we were simply likely to have the best kicker (like I'm betting A6 here all day). But when there is almost no chance of having the best kicker, attempting to build a big pot with someone else 7ways is very meh, imo.

Set on Big Blind Quote
04-13-2022 , 06:20 PM
Need to be cautious multi-way with trips no kicker, but the min-bet on the flop is quite telling. Lots of players size bets according to the strength of their hand. So I would feel very comfortable raising the flop bet to $35, and jamming this turn card.
AP turn bet is good.
River I check/evaluate.
As played I kinda want to fold. BTN is putting his entire stack at risk by raising into the COs big stack, which is just immensely strong. This is never K9/AK/whatever. I can see sticking our last $50 in because the price is so cheap, but we’re almost never good here.
Set on Big Blind Quote
04-15-2022 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by ChaosInEquilibrium
Need to be cautious multi-way with trips no kicker, but the min-bet on the flop is quite telling. Lots of players size bets according to the strength of their hand. So I would feel very comfortable raising the flop bet to $35, and jamming this turn card.
AP turn bet is good.
River I check/evaluate.
As played I kinda want to fold. BTN is putting his entire stack at risk by raising into the COs big stack, which is just immensely strong. This is never K9/AK/whatever. I can see sticking our last $50 in because the price is so cheap, but we’re almost never good here.
Sir, just interesting, in what city are you playing?
Set on Big Blind Quote
