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Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread

03-26-2020 , 01:11 PM
Break quarantine in s korea and face $8,500 fine, up to a year in jail, or deportation
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 01:15 PM
USA will be #1 after today in reported cases. Hit 500k worldwide and over 1k deaths in the US.
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03-26-2020 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
You're the 11th richest country in the world in GNI (gross national income) and 2nd in GDP purchasing power parity. Time to wake up, and realize foreign countries aren't even buying your debt anymore. You think your country has that 2.2 trillion, or are they just adding to their debt?

You have nurses in garbage bags, and doctors begging for ppe. Now is not the time to be bragging; those days are behind you
trust me, I'm not bragging - I'm saying acting like the US is broke, while simultaneously giving trillions to corporations, is disingenuous.
Also we're #1 in nominal GDP and #2 in PPP, I'd say that qualifies as a rich country

do we have the money? I mean, money is a social construct, money printer go brrrrr, we have the money
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 02:19 PM
I agree with your point abt saying they're broke, and now all of sudden almost everyone getting money in the mail, hotel rooms for the homeless, etc. In uk they dismantled their health care for years and now suddenly they are infused with cash. It is gross, and it points to capitalism being in survival mode
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
Hearing hypotheses that we'll open things up before July but that a second wave is coming in the fall/winter and we can expect to be in lockdown again for a few months in the fall/winter... Thoughts? This is terrifying to me - not only because college football would be cancelled, but also because our economy would go full on great depression

Nobody knows for a sure 6. Just ride it out and take it 1 day at a time
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
Hearing hypotheses that we'll open things up before July but that a second wave is coming in the fall/winter and we can expect to be in lockdown again for a few months in the fall/winter... Thoughts? This is terrifying to me - not only because college football would be cancelled, but also because our economy would go full on great depression
If it's seasonal then we get a lull in summer and are able to stock up on tests, ventilators, temp hospital beds and ppe. Then when it comes back instead of shutting down we can aggressively test and isolate positives plus keep the death rate from spiking because health care is prepped.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
If it's seasonal then we get a lull in summer and are able to stock up on tests, ventilators, temp hospital beds and ppe. Then when it comes back instead of shutting down we can aggressively test and isolate positives plus keep the death rate from spiking because health care is prepped.
Just had an hour long conversation over Skype with one of my economics professors, and he more or less said the same thing.

He said he personally wouldn't worry about college football getting cancelled, but he seemed very confused that that was my top worry. He said the only way he sees it getting cancelled is if we decided to open things back up way too early and then let us get into a considerably worse situation than we are in now, and then wait a while to act, which he says he wouldn't put past Trump but that even that is unlikely.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff

He said he personally wouldn't worry about college football getting cancelled, but he seemed very confused that that was my top worry.
I'm very confused that that is your top worry as well.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
He said he personally wouldn't worry about college football getting cancelled, but he seemed very confused that that was my top worry.
Yeah, like if you're being serious you just seem completely ridiculous when that is your top concern.

It's really hard to take you seriously on that point.

It's like if you were on a plane that's about to crash and being sad you won't have time to finish your in-flight movie.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 03:31 PM
Imagine you don't really have a family, you don't have a SO, and your favorite activity in the whole world is watching college football. Now, imagine the coronavirus strikes, and you'll be okay and so will your friends. What's your top concern? College football.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
Imagine you don't really have a family, you don't have a SO, and your favorite activity in the whole world is watching college football. Now, imagine the coronavirus strikes, and you'll be okay and so will your friends. What's your top concern? College football.
You don't have to have any of those for that not to be your top concern in the midsts of a global pandemic and economic crash.

But the fact that you do I guess points to your level of cognitive devolopment and maturity.

Kind of like how babies are only aware of and care about what's in front of their face at the moment. jfc.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Axel Foley

Has the government stimulus provided nothing for your clients?
No not nothing but still unclear if it will be enough.

I will say that yesterday/today "feels" better than earlier in the week. Readily admit that the market stabilizing probably helps this "feeling". Last weekend and Mon/Tues basically felt like financial triage around here. Clients were panicked and i couldn't really say anything honestly to assuage their fears.

It's not always about having enough cash on hand. In some cases, the prospect of no or very little work for 4-6-8 weeks or more makes people make tough decisions. Even if they have little work for 8 weeks, there is a TON of uncertainty of what the economy will look like on the other side. Many small businesses both well capitalized and not will say "**** it I'm not throwing good money after bad".

And in some cases I can't blame them.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
Imagine you don't really have a family, you don't have a SO, and your favorite activity in the whole world is watching college football. Now, imagine the coronavirus strikes, and you'll be okay and so will your friends. What's your top concern? College football.

Is it possible that the stark reality of this post could act as the stimulus we need to invest our time and energy into planning to get some additional interests and activities once the current dangers and limitations subside?
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
USA will be #1 after today in reported cases. Hit 500k worldwide and over 1k deaths in the US.

According to they just got there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Is it possible that the stark reality of this post could act as the stimulus we need to invest our time and energy into planning to get some additional interests and activities once the current dangers and limitations subside?
1) I love poker - live poker got taken from me, but I'm still able to play in games that appear to be as soft via Pokerbros; this is also an opportunity to engage in intense studying

2) I love movies - movie theaters got taken from me, and it sucks, but I can still watch movies

3) I love working out - gyms got taken from me, but I can lift and run at home

4) I love socializing - in person communication primarily got taken from me, but I can make phone calls and what not

5) Last, and what generates the most utility for me - I love college basketball and college football, and really like the NFL - these got taken from me and there are no substitutes with this outbreak

As you see, I have a broad horizon of interests, and I doubt I need more, but my favorite one doesn't have substitutes
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
1) I love poker - live poker got taken from me, but I'm still able to play in games that appear to be as soft via Pokerbros; this is also an opportunity to engage in intense studying

2) I love movies - movie theaters got taken from me, and it sucks, but I can still watch movies

3) I love working out - gyms got taken from me, but I can lift and run at home

4) I love socializing - in person communication primarily got taken from me, but I can make phone calls and what not

5) Last, and what generates the most utility for me - I love college basketball and college football, and really like the NFL - these got taken from me and there are no substitutes with this outbreak

As you see, I have a broad horizon of interests, and I doubt I need more, but my favorite one doesn't have substitutes
Yeah man **** that Aussie douchebag. He just doesn't get it.

Plus no hockey is a trag
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 05:07 PM
Re socialising, my buddies and I have a scheduled ‘FaceTime’ meetup for a few beers tonight

Not sure how it’ll go but worth a shot.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Yeah man **** that Aussie douchebag. He just doesn't get it.

Plus no hockey is a trag
The "if someone that is older than you says something, you must not question it and blindly agree, and if you even think of explaining your side, we automatically assume you're attacking us and saying we're stupid" mentality that the population on here employs is quite silly.

On a side note, I don't really watch hockey aside from Michigan, which I don't follow too closely, but if I did I'd be super bummed. There's nothing wrong with being bummed about no sports.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Re socialising, my buddies and I have a scheduled ‘FaceTime’ meetup for a few beers tonight

Not sure how it’ll go but worth a shot.

Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Re socialising, my buddies and I have a scheduled ‘FaceTime’ meetup for a few beers tonight

Not sure how it’ll go but worth a shot.
We should totally do this for LLSNL, especially with the Meetup likely being cancelled. I'm sure it'd turn into a **** show, but I'd love to try.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
There's nothing wrong with being bummed about no sports.
Funny thing about that...when both your favorite pro baseball team and favorite pro football team both decide to blow up their rosters and rebuild, missing a year actually doesn't seem like the worst thing.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69

* you’re
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevenoff
We should totally do this for LLSNL, especially with the Meetup likely being cancelled. I'm sure it'd turn into a **** show, but I'd love to try.

I’m out
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
bros, is it gay to talk to another man on your phone? Like, their voice... is coming out of something you keep in your pants. Sounds pretty gay to me

toxic masculinity is pathetic
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
03-26-2020 , 05:33 PM
You don’t have to and shouldn’t have no social interaction whatsoever. Have small gatherings.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
