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Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread

08-06-2020 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
T-cells do not offer immunity. Affected T-cells will help the body fight a second case FASTER.
From the BBC: T cells are a kind of immune cell, whose main purpose is to identify and kill invading pathogens or infected cells.
I am not a medical professional, but saying that this is not immunity seems like splitting hairs. I mean, that's also what antibodies do. They attack the infection when it's in the body, not keep it from getting into the body at all. I've only read popular articles on the issue (such as this one from which the quote above comes), but not only they, but several academic papers refer to this as "T-cell immunity."
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 01:12 PM
It’s incredible that people who don’t understand how low the pure EV of every mask wear likely is (so many problems with the data linked) — bully and judge people who they don’t know.

YOu wAnt yOUr frIENDS grANdMother TOo to be DeD u SelF ABSOrbsed imbECILE?

Iz called peer & societal pressure. We should channel this same energy into mandating 69 other higher EV daily actions that are just as “easy & harmless” as wearing a mask post pandemic. Nah? What happened to wanting to be a saint? Ohhhh you were doing that because of optics? Got it.

inb4 you can’t put a price on anything surrounding health & wealth. Regardless of its EV.

*I wear a mask just as much as anyone itt*
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
It’s incredible that people who don’t understand how low the pure EV of every mask wear likely is (so many problems with the data linked) — bully and judge people who they don’t know.

YOu wAnt yOUr frIENDS grANdMother TOo to be DeD u SelF ABSOrbsed imbECILE?

Iz called peer & societal pressure. We should channel this same energy into mandating 69 other higher EV daily actions that are just as “easy & harmless” as wearing a mask post pandemic. Nah? What happened to wanting to be a saint? Ohhhh you were doing that because of optics? Got it.

inb4 you can’t put a price on anything surrounding health & wealth. Regardless of its EV.

*I wear a mask just as much as anyone itt*
What are these 69 other activities that can reduce daily micromorts by 50?

In terms of EV, what do you value your life at?

Personally, I value mine at ten million dollars - that is my net worth + current salary*years to retirement + three million dollars (value of recreational time to me).
I would put the discomfort (cost) of wearing a mask at 50 cents per day
so a mask has to reduce the chance of me (or someone else - I'm not willing to put the value of my life above others) dying from COVID by at least 0.000000005% per day. I think it hits that pretty easy. 1 micromort is 1e-6 chance of dying, so not wearing a mask would have to cause less than .05 micromorts.

That is without even getting into the economic costs of widespread COVID infections.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 02:02 PM
Love to hear how the above math applies to everything else we "should* be doing to help prevent deaths and you're a jerk if you ain't.

Ex. Replace Coronavirus-death * 1.0 with Flu-death * 0.1 and doesn't the math still say you're a jerk for not having worn a mask in public during flu season prior to 2020?

Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 02:03 PM
You should wash your hands after you go to the bathroom. Particularly after a sheit. You're jerk if you don't. Having been to the RIO during WSOP time. I've found most poker players are jerks.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 02:05 PM

I agree with your logic, I wear one myself. What I don’t agree with is your views on people who don’t wear them. They may not “value life” in the same way that you do. We’re always at the mercy of others actions, aren’t we? This is no different. And imo it’s much more harmless. But OK. We can disagree there.

I’ll let it be before G-man gets mad

G-man if you could translate some of my points plz.
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08-06-2020 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Love to hear how the above math applies to everything else we "should* be doing to help prevent deaths and you're a jerk if you ain't.

Ex. Replace Coronavirus-death * 1.0 with Flu-death * 0.1 and doesn't the math still say you're a jerk for not having worn a mask in public during flu season prior to 2020?

I request this individual be banned for using logic and for his excellent reasoning skills.

wHy ARe yoU sO SElfiSh bro?

Don’t you know that wearing masks is basically the new social distancing?

If you don’t wear a mask for the rest of your life you’re an ***hole dude.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
I am not a medical professional, but saying that this is not immunity seems like splitting hairs. I mean, that's also what antibodies do. They attack the infection when it's in the body, not keep it from getting into the body at all. I've only read popular articles on the issue (such as this one from which the quote above comes), but not only they, but several academic papers refer to this as "T-cell immunity."
T-cells are a part of the immune system. Antibodies can't be produced without the help of appropriate T cells. Therefore, having immune T cells to a given virus is essential for the response

Queen Spew
PhD immunology
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by Ranma4703
Cool. Wanna share what you think with the class?

Wearing a mask doesn't make you a saint, it makes you the bare minimum responsible member of society. And I didn't say it means you're killing someone eventually, I said it increases the chance that you cause someone to catch coronavirus, which can lead to them dying. Are you arguing that wearing a mask does not reduce the spread of coronavirus?

At least poker will always be profitable with people who have this much trouble with basic math

I mean, you're wrong
Originally Posted by OvertlySexual
Correlation is when increased ice cream consumption coincides with increased crime rate.

This isn't that case. Of course there's causation. I mean, you can't say uncle John wasn't wearing a mask and caused cousin Billy's death, but in the sense that higher percentage of people not wearing mask increases infection. That's ****ing causation.
But a hair salon in Missouri proves causation, to those who missed that the masks didn't protect the co-worker in the anecdotal example.

Originally Posted by Munga30
There's no "hard evidence" that parachutes work on people, either. Not a single study of them includes double blind placebo control, the gold standard for determining efficacy and safety.
There's no soft evidence that sky-diving is a contagious danger to public health.

FYI I stopped keeping score in public places because I am usually the only masked man in the room.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 08:09 PM
So Covid has infected me and caused damage to my heart which will probably haunt me for the rest of my days.

Today, Covid cost me my job.

My tilt level is off the goddamn charts right now.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 08:21 PM
Sorry to hear that prairie :/

Hope you get a better one soon

anything we can do to help?
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 08:43 PM
You want to talk about it prairie? General "the economy sucks, so sorry" situtation, or something more specific?

Really sorry your having to deal with this shite.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 08:51 PM
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by prairiebreeze
So Covid has infected me and caused damage to my heart which will probably haunt me for the rest of my days.

Today, Covid cost me my job.

My tilt level is off the goddamn charts right now.
oh ****!

sorry to hear that - why...specific stuff related to your absence due to the illness or more that your employer's business is in trouble?
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
You want to talk about it prairie? General "the economy sucks, so sorry" situtation, or something more specific?

Really sorry your having to deal with this shite.


I’m upset, tilted, worried about my own health, my wife’s health, how the **** I’m gonna get healthy and get another job in this environment.

Not gonna lie. Pretty scared right now.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 08:59 PM
Very sorry to hear prairie
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by prairiebreeze

I’m upset, tilted, worried about my own health, my wife’s health, how the **** I’m gonna get healthy and get another job in this environment.

Not gonna lie. Pretty scared right now.

What kind of gubmint support do you get in Canada #1?
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by prairiebreeze

I’m upset, tilted, worried about my own health, my wife’s health, how the **** I’m gonna get healthy and get another job in this environment.

Not gonna lie. Pretty scared right now.
Very sorry to hear that. There's a lot of that going around right now.

So two things. One: I know you know this intellectually, but it can't hurt to reinforce it. This is a COVID issue, not a you issue. Don't let your brain fool you into thinking that it's a reflection on your value.

Two: You'll be OK. I know it seem like an insurmountable problem right now, but you will overcome, and might even find a better place.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-06-2020 , 09:16 PM
Damn Prairie, that's another hurdle for you to clear. What field do you operate in?
There will be more opportunities for keyboard warriors, you know it.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-07-2020 , 07:15 AM
So sorry to hear that, Prairie. Only advice is to think about what you want and can do going forward and start working towards it.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-07-2020 , 08:17 AM

You may or may know that I own an executive search business. I’m having lots of conversations with people right now who’ve lost their jobs - people iI’d normally be really excited to represent.

What I’m telling everyone is to not take this personally, keep believing in yourself and what you’ve achieved career wise. But you also need to be humble and be open minded and flexible. We don’t know how long the economic fallout of this is gonna take to play out, so consider more things and be open to more compromises for the time being, even while you’re working towards a different medium or long term plan. Future employers will forgive a weird 3, 6 or 12 month role that you took to get by whole this **** was happening.

If you want detailed advice, pm me your email and I can have a look at your cv and give you a perspective. We won’t be in the same industry but I’ll be able to help in a few ways
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-07-2020 , 10:59 AM
Feeling, I’m going to take you up on your offer. Would like to have a completely different perspective on my CV. Thank you.

To the rest of you guys offering support, I appreciate it. You guys are ****ing awesome. 2020 can eat 2020 bags of dicks.

I’m gonna take the weekend to relax and do some stuff with the Breezes and figure out the financial plan going forward on Monday when I have a little more clarity.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-07-2020 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
Damn Prairie, that's another hurdle for you to clear. What field do you operate in?
There will be more opportunities for keyboard warriors, you know it.


I’m a structural engineer by training, but worked as a production (manufacturing) manager for 10 years before moving into project management (mostly industrial) about 11-12 years ago.

Here where I live, with things being the way they are, there are small signs of cracks of light starting to open. And the big test is kids (I’m a dad to a senior and a freshman) going back to school in 4 weeks - with masks.

Lots of thoughts going through my head at the same time so it’s hard to get coherent today but if you want to know more, the well and my PMs are open.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-07-2020 , 11:13 AM
sorry to hear that prairie

feely very surprised to hear that, i generally can't stand recruiter but you seem aight
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
08-07-2020 , 11:14 AM
Sad to hear, pb. Wishing you the best.
Self quarantine: the LLSNL Coronaids thread Quote
