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River Play: 2/3 River Play: 2/3

01-22-2015 , 01:21 AM
Hero: BTN. has 22, eff stacks 290 ish.

folds to hero who raises to 15. BB calls. Pot 27.

Flop 7x7x3. Villain checks, hero bets 22. Villain calls. Pot 71.

Turn 2. Villain bets 45. Hero raises to 140. Villain flat calls. Pot 351.

Turn 7. Villain checks. Hero? [110 behind~, barely covered]

Notes on V: V check shoved AA from EP on a QJ4 board after getting called 4ways from his EP raise. V doesn't play very many hands, but floated AK down two streets, and won the hand on a K river. V raise folded 66 pre-flop to a 3bet, folded and showed the hand to me and the player between us. V is older and talks about games he's played in in AC (we're in california). V is talkative but shuts up whenever he's in a hand or is still holding cards (even if he folds them when the action gets to him, so it's not like he's only doing this with hands he likes).
River Play: 2/3 Quote
01-22-2015 , 01:40 AM
Check behind.

Horrible river card for you. You really can't beat anything anymore. He's never calling you with worse (AK high?). And if he has a PP, the 7 probably only made it more likely he will call you down, esp with so few chips left.
River Play: 2/3 Quote
01-22-2015 , 02:17 AM
Looks like a sad check. Pray he has 54dd or AQdd or whatever. If he called with 88 on the turn, don't see him folding now. Only thing we can fold out is 33.
River Play: 2/3 Quote
01-22-2015 , 12:07 PM
I also raise preflop when it's folded to me on the Button.

I would bet smaller on the flop, about ~1/2 PSB.

I also raise the turn as that is the easiest way to play for stacks. I might raise slightly smaller so as to make sure I don't lose him, but whatever.

Gross river. Typical players don't like folding fullhouses, so I just don't think we're going to get a fullhouse to fold, especially with so little left on the river. The only hand we beat is a flush draw that got there, but I'm not sure they pay off on this board when any pair is a fullhouse. I probably just give up and check behind. ETA: Although I guess we can get 33 to fold, and that hand certainly looks possible here; I still probably just give up.

River Play: 2/3 Quote
01-22-2015 , 01:02 PM
instacheck and be glad that you got a free showdown. He is never folding and you are beat like 95% of the time here. the only hand that you beat is Ax, and he is never going to call you down with just A high anyway
River Play: 2/3 Quote
01-22-2015 , 02:15 PM
Terrible river. Check and muck.

Don't try to bluff, because "no one ever folds a boat". -Some dude's theorem.
River Play: 2/3 Quote
