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River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot

02-01-2018 , 09:22 AM
Villain- Drunk Maniac. Has been very LAG vs other players at the table but is being very friendly with me because I bought him a beer and laughing at his stupid jokes. Hasn't shown to much aggression towards me yet. Loves to chase and put money in the middle. When the pot is big he doesn't give up easy.

2 hours later........

folds to hero

MP$660.00 Hero- AQ raises $12.00

Button$800.00Villain- 3 bets- $40.00

Hero- calls $40.00 (Question: if we have AQ off here are we 4 betting since we are out of position??? Or would that be only against a competent player? Also I would say no because he is never folding to it)

POT= $83.00


Hero- checks

Villain- bets $55.00

Hero- calls $55.00


Turn- 7

Hero- checks

Villains- checks back

River- 6


Villain- bets $220.00 without thinking

Hero- goes into tank and I immediately ask him " Why so much? "....I haven't seen him overbet pot yet.
His 3 betting range so far never has a 6 here and if he hit backdoor flush doesn't he want to get paid??? why not bet 100?

Last edited by Scooo13zzz; 02-01-2018 at 09:33 AM.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 10:58 AM
I might 4bet this pre vs. this V if I know he's calling light (or 5betting light).

Why all the checking and calling? If it's to induce, call, but you let everything get there.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:00 AM
lol at what point am I not suppose to check being oop

donk lead turn??? no

cant really bet river with backdoor coming

and yes i wanted to induce but not this sizing he is saying I have flush or air

lmao and what's everything the backdoor flush ??? lol
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:00 AM
your hand is way under repped so I think I can find a call here.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Scooo13zzz
lol at what point am I not suppose to check being oop
He checked back the turn, why not lead river for value? Did you check to induce a bet? If so, that's fine, so call.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Scooo13zzz
lol at what point am I not suppose to check being oop
He's a maniac willing to put money in when he's behind and to chase. Make him put money in and chase. These guys are a dream to have at the table, but only if you capitalize on having them there.

Also, seat change.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:04 AM
i did check to induce but didn't expect this sizing this is a first for him
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:05 AM
java you still didn't answer my question though at what point in hand are we taking the betting lead after being 3 bet out of position ???

donk lead turn

lead river?
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:06 AM
the flop is rainbow and we block KQ

you make it seem like a wet board

against a villain like this i feel like checking river is more profitable than leading it
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:12 AM
4bet pre. Raise the flop, but I understand the call, especially since we flatted pre. Definitely lead the turn -- every time, all day vs. this type of player. Letting them check behind is criminal.

The river does kind of suck, but you showed weakness throughout and checked to induce and it worked, so call.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:14 AM
ok thanks for input
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:19 AM
Of course, this all assumes he really is a maniac and he's been 3betting liberally, chasing draws, putting pressure on, etc.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Scooo13zzz
java you still didn't answer my question though at what point in hand are we taking the betting lead after being 3 bet out of position ???

donk lead turn

lead river?
I don't necessarily hate your line of playing possum here, but to answer your question to java...

I think I would have taken control on the flop with a c/r if Villain truly "Loves to chase and put money in the middle." If we c/r to 180 - 200, it leaves an easy turn shove.

Again, if V were aggressive/maniacal but not spewy making bad calls chasing, I think I prefer your possum line. But when you say he loves to chase and put money in the middle, I prefer to take control and get that money in the middle early in the hand when we are likely ahead.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:21 AM
No sorry i should have stated earlier he hasn't been 3 bet crazy but just makes opening sizes super large and is aggro....but as far as his 3 bet range at the time i had only seen him do it a couple times over 8 hours

also says he is a 5-10 player but is here to have fun.....I HIGHLY DOUBT IT THOUGH
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:24 AM
Also, I actually don't like the 4b pre given V's description. If we do get 5b, even by this maniac, what are we doing? I'm sure some will say fist-pump shove but I think a 5b even by a maniac starts to mean something.

If he flats our 4b and we don't bink an ace or queen (most of the time), we know he is spewing and likes to get his money in, so we will have little fold equity.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:27 AM
yea i don't like 4 betting here either i think its much smarter to go post flop vs these players

which is why i just called the 3 bet
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:28 AM
This is maybe his third 3bet in more than eight hours? Not a maniac Changes things a bit. Makes me want to raise the flop even more and definitely lead the turn.

Vs. a true maniac who's been 3betting a lot and willing to gamble, I have zero problem with the 4bet pre and think it's ideal.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:36 AM
more than 3 prob like 7 and trust me hes a maniac just not with a 3 betting range

maniacs don't have to 3 bet they just have no concept of bet size and there lines make no sense and will swing chips

but all these 3 bets were against other villains he was super nice and chatty with me we really didn't clash
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 11:45 AM
This to me is a maniac in a 1/3 game:

He (~$1,200) limps mp, I (tight woman, cover, AA) raise LP, he 3bets, I 4bet to $300, he flats. Flop comes KxKs7s. He shoves, I snap and MHIG.

I am not sure if your guy is a maniac or not, but they usually 3bet often and would bet this turn when checked to. Your guy just sounds kind of aggro.

Doesn't the fact that he's never 3bet you make you wonder what he has? QQ+?

As I stated, if he doesn't 3bet often and has never 3bet you, you need to raise this flop (and fold to a shove) and you definitely need to lead the turn.

It's almost impossible to give advice on the river as played w/o being at the table. If he's a true maniac, call; if not, fold.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 12:38 PM
hero calls $200 V shows Kc Jd we scoop
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 12:41 PM
Just realized you posted these hands this morning. Probably better to wait 24h to post results, so I'll wait to comment.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
Just realized you posted these hands this morning. Probably better to wait 24h to post results, so I'll wait to comment.
ok ill keep that in mind for future
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 02:12 PM
I was going to say call before I read the spoiler... Villain's only reasonable hands that beat us are Axcc, but does a "maniac" really check these back on the turn. Yeah, I guess he could have some oddball 6 -- maybe 68s or 56s or K6s or something, but I really don't see a villain 3betting one of these hands and not double barreling flop/turn. I'm going to completely remove all two pairs/sets on the turn. A maniac knows his image, and isn't slow-playing by checking back turns. Your line is good. No reason to bet at any point.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by pocketzeroes
Your line is good. No reason to bet at any point.
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
02-01-2018 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Scooo13zzz
hero calls $200 V shows Kc Jd we scoop
Wow so I guess this was for value... Based on your playing with him for 8 hours I know you said he was spewy and loved to get his money in the middle, do you think he would have continued on the flop had your c/r to 180?
River Overbet Vs Maniac 3bet Pot Quote
