Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 999
1/2 game
V in this hand has been pretty quiet and suddenly opens to $20 with about $250 behind, Hero covers and calls on BTN with 33. Heads up.
Flop K97 2 clubs
V checks
H bets 25
V calls
Turn Qs
Check, check
River 3h.
V bets 35
1) Do we just fold our hand PF even though we have position? Why or why not? I think an argument could be made either way. If we go by the 10x rule, then a call seems ok.
2) Is it better to just check back the flop or bet to fold out worse hands like 1010- QQ? AQ, etc? Often when a player suddenly opens to 20 with no limpers is signifies a hand they "hate" like a big pair and sometimes AK. The line he took with this hand felt more like AK, yet I think is opening range is often more big pairs, so its weird.
3) OTR as played are we ever not raising this for value? Bottom set is basically only beating AK but again his line to me is so passive if feels more like AK than KK or QQ. I am not considering KQ because I just don't see people opening to 20 very often with than hand (except me sometimes).