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Right line against agro-donk? Right line against agro-donk?

10-12-2010 , 12:11 PM
Playing 1/2 $40-$200 buy in NLHE full ring. I had bought in for $140 (all I had easily accessible in my pocket when I sat down). Most of the table is short stacked (50bb or less) except for villian to my direct right, who has around 150bb. I have played against villian before, but the last time was several months ago. He likes to take advantage of passive play by limping PF, then barelling on subsequent streets. He also will often call a small PF raise, then donk bet into the original raiser.

Villian had just stacked off against my wife by cracking her AA by turning a third Q. Since that time, he had played just about every hand (may have folded one) in a couple orbits of the table since I've been there.

I am in CO and am dealt QQ My plan is to try to take advantage of villians obvious wide opening range.

There were about 4 limps to me (including villian). I lead out for $12. Get two calls, one fold. Villian raises to $24. I tank for a couple of minutes.

My thought process was this - I have two options. Call - which I view as uber bad - as I will have no idea where the villian is and would be taking a shot in the dark post flop. He could flop a set, two pair, higher pair, etc. In any case I know he is going to bet 1/2 of my stack PF. Raise - how much? I doubt that a raise would take advantage of fold equity, as I just don't see the villian folding to a raise here. So - if he calls my raise, I am faced with the same decision as if I called. I decided my best option is all in and drive to showdown. There's dead money in the pot, so a call by villian would more than double me up. If he has me beat - nhrebuy.

I move AI.

Thoughts? Comments? Spewy?

Last edited by gwjones00; 10-12-2010 at 12:17 PM.
Right line against agro-donk? Quote
10-12-2010 , 12:30 PM
I like it. Sometimes against bad players a minraise screams strength but given how you described villain you should either move all-in preflop or 4-bet him preflop and get all the money in on most flops.
Right line against agro-donk? Quote
10-12-2010 , 12:33 PM
Against an aggro-donk, weak-tight is the right play.

In this case, you're wrong about not having an idea of where you are if you call. You're in a hand with a big pair with a SPR of under 3. Therefore, you're getting your stack in on a board without an ace or king. Let him drive the action. I'm only worried if he checks.

A shove says big pair to him. He's folding anything you have a great advantage against.
Right line against agro-donk? Quote
10-12-2010 , 12:34 PM
From villain's description, it seems like he likes to call a lot then lead and take advantage of weakness. This seems WAY different as he min-3 bet you. This would raise a BIG red flag for me.

I think by 4-bet shoving over him, he will likely only continue with hands that beat you and fold out other hands. He may be loose pre-flop with calls and aggro-donk post-flop but can you really see him calling a 4-bet all-in with anything less than AK, JJ, QQ, KK or AA (only 2 of which you are ahead of)

Have you seen him 3-bet anyone?

I think his range is closer to big aces (AQ, AK) and pp's (JJ+) so it's a tough spot. Curious to see what the regs think as I'm still a learning noob.
Right line against agro-donk? Quote
10-12-2010 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
Against an aggro-donk, weak-tight is the right play.

In this case, you're wrong about not having an idea of where you are if you call. You're in a hand with a big pair with a SPR of under 3. Therefore, you're getting your stack in on a board without an ace or king. Let him drive the action. I'm only worried if he checks.

A shove says big pair to him. He's folding anything you have a great advantage against.
If hero calls other two limpers are calling also. Leaving him with qq four handed with spr of not much more than one.
I'draise to fifty-ish and call or shove flop
Right line against agro-donk? Quote
10-12-2010 , 01:57 PM
villan limped like 3rd or 4rth? then reraised? if he limped behind other limpers most probably he doesnt have a monster here... probably something like TT -JJ - AJ or AK at worst for you ... i like the play for 70BB...

its true that the shove makes him fold all the hands that u crush... but if you call the others are calling and u dont want QQ in 4 way pot...

even an other min reraise from you to isolte is the same as shoving, not a big difference...
Right line against agro-donk? Quote
10-12-2010 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Icarus911
If hero calls other two limpers are calling also. Leaving him with qq four handed with spr of not much more than one.
I'draise to fifty-ish and call or shove flop
Originally Posted by HPAnigma
its true that the shove makes him fold all the hands that u crush... but if you call the others are calling and u dont want QQ in 4 way pot...
This kind of thinking is costing you both money.

If you shove, you'll get called by KK and AA and be an 80/20 underdog losing $78 on average. If he doesn't, everything else folds and you win $56. For this to be BE, his range has to be wider than JJ+, AQs+, AKo to limp/min 3bet.

If his range is JJ+, AQs+, AK, then calling and having the other two call creates a pot of $84, with Hero having equity of $29 (assuming they have top 20% hands). Since it cost $12 to call, the net advantage is +$17 and a super easy hand to play post flop.

Obviously we can keep looping this around, but the point is that unless he's doing this with an extraordinary range of hands, we have more equity by calling than shoving. If he does have only KK and AA, we have 15% equity in an $84 pot, or $12.60. Since it costs us $12, calling is still the right play if we are sure that the two others are calling too.

If you can't afford to risk 70BB, you shouldn't be in the game.
Right line against agro-donk? Quote
10-12-2010 , 07:15 PM
Are we set mining with qq? Getting it on on undercards on the flop? Can we call on flop if be dont hit?
Right line against agro-donk? Quote
10-12-2010 , 07:23 PM
Calling is a viable option. You are in position, and people like tp play flops straightforwardly in 3 bet pots. See a flop and you'll know if your hand is good or not. Nothing wrong with calling the annoying minraise, and seeing the flop, and folding if there is a lot of action and the flop comes bad for you. Spots like this one are fairly player dependant, and read dependant.
Right line against agro-donk? Quote
10-13-2010 , 10:47 AM
Thanks folks. The consensus looks like I should have called his min bet and see what developed.

I got lucky then I guess. I moved all in, Villian called. He turned over K9. The QQ held up.
Right line against agro-donk? Quote
