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The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands

03-26-2014 , 05:27 AM
Small hand small pot, if you excuse the cliché

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The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
04-11-2014 , 09:57 AM
Sorry for the long BAHH. It was necessary to show how someone so clever can be so unaware.

Man fails to lay down pocket Kings in a 4bet pot.

Well that hardly sounds newsworthy or even like a bad play. It took a special set of circumstances to make this thread.

From his perspective.

Someone min raises the straddle to $12. He decides to get cute and min-3bet to $18. I show him cuteness by min 4betting to $24 out of the straddle.

(IN Arizona, a 4bet preflop is a cap just as in limit holdem or Omaha hilo).

I had Q2 in the straddle with $500 back.

He tried to 5 bet to $60. Floor is called and rules the betting had been capped. Villain thus effectively turned his hand face up or narrowed it to AA-QQ, maybe AK.

Three to the flop ($72) Q32

I did an okay acting job checking out loud and acting real meek. Villain bet $90 and I min raised [mocking the pf action]. I have $300 back after the $180

Okay from V's perspective:

DMW intentionally capped the betting pf and knew the rule.
Villain had effectively announced he had monster.
DMW just check min raised on a dry board.

For us, it's now obvious that there is nothing DMW can be bluffing with here, if you'll accept I don't play 54s like that. IN fact I think I was expoitable with that line since it has no bluffs.

However the V didn't even know that his hand was obvious, so to make it more obvious, he quickly sets me all in. (We both had over $500 to start the hand).

I called and tabled the 2pair. Dealer burns and turns 10 and then the 10 The third player who folded otf claimed he had a ten.

Still unsure if V is the donkey?

He didn't understand why the dealer pushed him the pot. I offered IF you feel bad we can chop it

He felt better.

Last edited by DeadMoneyWalking; 04-11-2014 at 10:02 AM.
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
04-11-2014 , 10:03 AM
Why did you raise it instead of folding pre

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The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
04-11-2014 , 06:24 PM

V now has $1100, DMW rebought for $100.

utg [blind raised my previous straddle] now straddles $6. V open limps from MP still stacking his treasure. Fold to me in the bb, I tilt call 74
staddle checks.

($18 - 3 rake) J 6 5

I lead $10. both call.

Turn ($42) K I check, check, check.

River 3

I bet $40, straddle folds, V raises me to $80 I call. V smoothly over K8
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
04-11-2014 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Hickok
Why did you raise it instead of folding pre

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To win the pot.

No actually folding is probably better, I had a fantastic image at the time, believe it or not. They were, not good players, as the above hand I post shows.
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
04-12-2014 , 02:31 AM
Hand 1: I don't get it. He didn't realize he had 2 pair also? KK 1010
Hand 2: I don't get it. Was he supposed to think you'd call $6 with complete garbage?
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
04-12-2014 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by LadyBugger
Hand 1: I don't get it. He didn't realize he had 2 pair also? KK 1010
Hand 2: I don't get it. Was he supposed to think you'd call $6 with complete garbage?
1. Yes

2. He had top pair

He wasn't horrible but had the usual nags.

He told a dealer "You are ****ing on his side" getting a reprimand.

He would get up for 15 minutes and then return for one orbit rinse-wash-repeat.

He also started chasing me around the table in humorous fashion. HE moved to my immediate left, so I moved to his now vacant seat.

When my new left and neighbor left, he immediately locked it up. So I played to utg and left the table
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
04-20-2014 , 04:27 PM
Saying all 1/2NL players are fish is totally wrong.
I've been playing a private 1/2NL cash game with people who are very good. The table is very hard to beat.

But this weekend, I played some 1/2NL at a casino.
Wow, it was a very different game.

All the fish behavior stuff I've read on these boards finally came true!

People chasing straights with 1 out while hero was betting 50% into the pot.

People calling pot sized with bottom pair....

I tripled my buy in. A good session.

Now, I know what people mean by 1/2 players.
But, private 1/2NL cash games are a different beast.
These guys have been playing for 10 years some of them.
And have read all the books.
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
04-21-2014 , 07:22 AM
The skill delta in home games is pretty insane. Some 1/1 home games are seasoned pros. Other 1/3 or even 2/5 games are fishy as ****. It all depends.

Casino skill levels are pretty consistent though. 1/2 players are terrible, 1/3 players are slightly less terrible, 2/5 is about evenly split between whales and slightly winning ABC tagbot nits you can exploit if you're good.
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-07-2014 , 08:15 PM
Thread deserves a bump. Hopefully people have some new hands to add also . I'm going to be playing the next few days and will post any hilarious pots if they come up
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-07-2014 , 08:28 PM
Here's an 'AA is the nuts' hand where V managed to get the vast majority of his money in drawing dead. I'm hero in the hand. V is a MAWG who is very loose-passive, haven't seen him show aggression in my entire time at the table.

V limps in MP, hero next to act with KdJd raises to $15, folded back to V who calls. Eff. stacks $300.

Flop Qd8d4x

V check/calls a $22 c-bet.

Turn 3d

V checks, hero bets $70, V insta-ships. Hero sigh-calls, hoping to see a worse flush.

V shows black AA.
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-07-2014 , 11:30 PM
hand happened two days ago, 2/5nl eff stacks $600

V1 is older hispanic terribad rec-fish with 65 in the small blind.
V2 is a 40's something Asian super nit (yes they do exist) in the CO

UTG limps, MP limps, LP limps, HJ limps, CO limps, BTN limps, SB (65) and BB limp, 8-way action, eff stacks $600

Flop($40) A 9 7
chks to BTN who bets $25, SB calls, V2 calls, everyone else folds

Turn($115) 2
chks around

River($115) 7
SB chks, V2 bets $75, BTN folds, SB c/r to $250, V2 tanks, stands up with a pained expression on his face, leans over and looks at the board, looks at his hand, looks at the board, sits down, shakes his head, bites his lower lip, takes a deep breath, sighs, shakes his head, sighs again and in a whining voice says, "I'm all in".
SB bangs his fist on the table and says, "you got a better flush huh? F*** it, I go home!!!! I call!!!!"

SB shows baby flush
V2 shows quad sevens

SB proudly PROUDLY exclaims, "I knew my hand was no good, I knew you had something big!!!" and then he marches off the table saying, "I knew it, I F***ing knew it..." all the way till he's out the doors

god bless live poker

Last edited by Garick; 07-08-2014 at 01:04 PM. Reason: OP request.noticed typo
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-08-2014 , 12:21 AM
Ha I'll make a contribution to this thread:

Live 1/3

~4 AM at a casino a few months ago. Table went from 4 handed to 3 handed. I start opening up my range a lot and being aggressive and taking down random pots. Me and another guy bust guy 3. Villain looks at me and asks if I want to play heads up. I tell him I don't know but I might play for a little bit. Villain had seemingly played fairly solid and we had equal stack sizes so I was a bit scared that he might have an edge on me. He said "I don't want to play one or two hands. Play 30 minutes at least or I'm going home." It was the last table for the night so I reluctantly agree because I didn't have anything else to do and I wasn't sure how good he was.

First hand I get KdKs.
I bet $15, he calls.

Board comes out Kc7c2h
I lead $25, he RAISES to $75. I think about how to extract maximum value and call.

Turn gives a board of Kc7c2h 5s
I lead out $100. He calls.

River gives a board of Kc7c2h5s Kh.
I lead out $200. He shoves all in for $250, flips over his busted baby flush draw, and leaves before I can table my cards.
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-08-2014 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by SmokeMaxX
I lead out $200. He shoves all in for $250, flips over his busted baby flush draw, and leaves before I can table my cards.
Wait, what? How is this in any way a "typical hand"??? He essentially just gave you $250. I've never seen that happen.
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-08-2014 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by boonwatt
Wait, what? How is this in any way a "typical hand"??? He essentially just gave you $250. I've never seen that happen.
Whoops sorry. You're right. I misread the thread title and hadn't read the thread in a while so posted the wrong type of hand. Wish I had a better example, but most of my hands are "Hero has JJ and opens $15. Four callers. Board comes out 852r. Hero bets $45, super loose villain shoves for $60 more. Hero calls and villain flips over A8o."
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-08-2014 , 08:51 AM
I put you on AK…

Note: Not sure who is the bigger donk in this hand, Hero or villain, leaning towards the latter..

1/2 Live late night.

Eff: $250

Table was weak tight and Hero has been abusing CO and BU, taking it down with a c-bet. Card dead otherwise.

Villain (HJ) seems like a rec tournament type of player.

Limps to H on BU bets $15 with the mighty 3c 5d (plan was to c-bet and take it down if called then give up).

V calls.

Pot $26.


Qd Jc 7s

H bets $20, V calls

Pot $66

Qd Jc 7s 2h



Qd Jc 7s 2h Td

V checks, H abandons original plan and thought this would a great bluff card,

H bets $45

V tanks, starts talking:

“ You have AK, AK makes sense.. This looks like AK, but why’d you bet so small?…

I call…

V flips over K9, H mucks….
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-08-2014 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by CDK13

Qd Jc 7s 2h Td

V checks, H abandons original plan and thought this would a great bluff card,

H bets $45

V tanks, starts talking:

“ You have AK, AK makes sense.. This looks like AK, but why’d you bet so small?…

I call…

V flips over K9, H mucks….
This is one of my pet peeves in LLSNL, when players talk crap with the near nuts saying "I don't think you have it... okay I call"

it's one thing to call you with Jx or a pair of 8s, quite another thing to call you with the 2nd nuts...

don't know why but it tilts me when players do that whole "I think You are bluffing" speech then turn over the 2nd nuts
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-08-2014 , 12:58 PM
^^^ it's like slow-rolling and they're doing it on purpose, or they're just donks
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-08-2014 , 01:46 PM
This was maybe the most insane example of “I put you on AK” that I have ever encountered.

2/2 NL at the local card room. Villain, a middle-aged white guy, is a regular in this game and an absolutely terrible player. Effective stacks are ~$175.

Hero opens to $12 UTG w 88. 2 calls in middle position, and Villain 3bets to 40 on the BTN. I call (maybe a bit of a loose call OOP, but whatever), 1 more call and 1 fold.

Flop ($149): J 8 4 r.
Hero checks, MP checks, Villain bets $50, hero shoves for ~$150, MP folds and Villain calls.

After calling, Villain looks a little worried, and asks Hero: “Do you have AK?”

“What? AK? No, I have a set of 8's,” I reply, as I table my hand.

“Oh! A set of 8's? You’re good. I put you on AK,” Villain explains, as he tables his hand: AQo.

So here we have a Villain who “put me ok AK” (which in itself is pretty optimistic after Hero called Villain’s 3bet preflop and then check/shipped a Jack-high flop), but called an all-in with a hand that AK absolutely crushes.

Of course, the turn and river came a K and T, giving Villain the nut straight to scoop the pot. After the hand, Villain explained his play by saying “Wow, I just got real lucky to hit runner runner like that. I never thought he was that strong with a set there. I just thought he had AK and was trying to buy the pot!”

And I truly believe that was Villain’s whole thought process: “This guy isn’t that strong... he probably just has AK. I’m going to call him down.” Like it never occurred to him to just take that train of thought one step further and consider whether he has a hand that can beat the hand he’s putting me on...
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-08-2014 , 02:01 PM
I play 2/2 NL as well. Not surprised in the least.
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-08-2014 , 06:22 PM
There is some serious comic gold ITT. I’d like to make my first contribution with something I’ll call:


It’s a $1 / 2 weekend game at Parx, because of course.

V1 (~$200), whom we’ll just call JT, is your typical LP donkfish who calls with any piece but only leads out with TPTK or better.
V2 (~$400) is loose and situationally aggressive (one of about 3 players at the table with any concept of position).

JT gets dealt JT (see what I did there?) and limps from UTG+1. 2-3 more limps to V2 on the BTN, who raises to $12. Blinds fold, JT (offsuit, mind you!) calls off $10 more CUZ I HAZ JT, and rest of the limpers fold.

Naturally, the flop comes down K Q 9 rainbow. TEH NUTZ!

JT donks out for $15 into the $30 pot. V2 eyes his stack and calls.

Turn ($60): K Q 9 T

Displaying his innate knack for bet sizing, JT donks for $20 this time. V2 raises to $75. JT insta-shoves for his last ~$150 (seriously, I don’t think he ever even looked back at the board on the turn). V2 snap-calls and rolls over AJs. River bricks and V2 scoops while JT sits there looking puzzled. WHY I NO WINZ TEH POT?

Cliffs: JT calls a 6x raise OOP with an unsuited hand that’s usually dominated; flops gin; donks into a PFR and as a result gets less than 10% of his stack in as the favorite; then 3-bet shoves on the turn drawing dead CUZ I HAZ JT! NH sir.

Cliffs of the Cliffs: Fish looooove them some JT.
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-08-2014 , 07:48 PM
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-09-2014 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by Mook
Fish looooove them some JT.
This guy was a fish because he underplayed his hand when he was way ahead and overplayed it when he was way behind, not because he played JT oop.
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-09-2014 , 01:17 AM
Low SPR + Pair = Spew Shove

This mostly applies to short-stacks, which are obviously very common at LLSNL. I see this sort of hand multiple times per session usually. Typically the V is loose-passive, has limp-called/folded enough times such that their stack is significantly less than that which they started with, and they have reached their breaking point of folding. At this point, as soon as they have a pair on the flop which doesn't hit AK, they spew shove, because they just want to finally win a pot.

Example 1:

V has been complaining about being card dead for the last hour, has been doing a bunch of limp-calling pre-flop, only to fold to c-bets on the flop. His stack was $500 at a point after starting on a heater, but has dwindled to about $170, below his $200 buy-in. I am hero.

An open UTG to $10, 3 callers including V, hero 3-bets to $65 OTB w/KK, folded back to V who tanks for ages then calls.

Flop ($160-ish): 39tcc

V shoves his remaining stack in, hero calls and holds against 77.

Example 2:

V is an loose-passive player post-flop, but will generally raise most hands a TAG would pre-flop, however he limps the rest as opposed to folding. In the previous hand he opened to $15, got 3-bet by a competent Asian TAG (hero in example) to $60, and called OOP w/AKo. Very angrily check-folded to a cbet on a T-hi board, continually insisting that he got bluffed and that he was going to 'get' hero (He had QQ).

The hand, eff stacks $300:

V opens to $15, hero 3-bets to $50, folded back to V who snap calls.

Flop ($100-ish): 39Jr

V open ships $250, hero snap calls w/AA. V has 88 (and binked OTR :P)

Example 3:

V has limp-called his way from a $200 stack all the way down to a $80 stack. Hasn't done anything notable yet, but appears to be getting a bit frustrated.

V open limps in MP, one more limp to hero (me) OTB w/AQo who opens to $20, folded back to V who calls quickly, other limper folds.

Flop ($45-ish): 7TQr

V open ships his remaining $60, hero calls and holds against JTo.
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
07-09-2014 , 01:35 PM
0.10/0.20 EUR pub game 5 handed

Our V is loose and sitting to my immediate left.Good hand reader. Plays to many hands, likes to raise in position. Table captain and won 300 last week I learned from a friend who plays there more often than I do which is a fortune given the 0.10/0.20 blinds. Stack 38 or so.

H is tight preflop, no slowplay postflop, hasn't shown a bluff so far. Image is fine, playing for two hours. Covers.

UTG straddle to 0.40, Hero calls in CO with AcQc, hoping for a raise from V and preparing for a 3bet. However, V calls, SB and BB complete, UTG checks.

Pot 2.00
Flop Qd 9c 3c

Checks to Hero, I bet 1.50, get 3 callers including V.
Turn is 2h (8.00).

Checks to H, bet 6.00.

V thinks for 15 seconds, then minraises to 12.
Other two people in the hand fold.

Hero shoves (VS range is capped and we have a solid nut flush draw).

V thinks for a minute. Mumbles ' you're probably ahead'. Finally calls. And tables Qh6h !!
The Real LLSNL: Typical Donkalicious Hands Quote
