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Read gone wrong Read gone wrong

01-05-2017 , 03:44 AM
I raise in the raise first in the LoJack with AJo to 12 I get four callers

The flop comes AQ3 all hearts i am first to act I lead for 23

It folds to the big blind he thinks a little makes the call a brick on the turn I lead for 48 on the turn he raised to 140

I just thought he had a heart on a draw I jam for 100 more me snaps k3hearts
I know I should of folded but it felt like he was thinking on the flop and posturing the turn trying to get to get me off the hand with outs. Do most ppl just flat looking to see the river and barrel accordingly?

My big problem when I have strong top pair hands and I am the pre flop aggressor is that I do not want to make it seem that I am willing to give up to any raise by an opponent so that way I do not get bluffed to often but then it leads to a mistake like that.
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01-05-2017 , 04:20 AM
Without reading the rest of the hand/your thoughts/etc...

There will be debate whether you should check back turns and only because the BB thinks a little is that getting merit. People don't generally think about 1 card flushes, they just put it out and call. If he's thinking, it's pretty much a flush or a hand like KQ or 2p. I highly doubt he's really thinking with hands you're beating that often on a 3 suit board.

Either way, if you bet turn and he comes over the top it's a snap fold. You probably bet too small on flop fwiw.

As for results, yeah that's basically what I expected a ton of flushes. It's a mistake to call/jam over the top. If he had just one heart, he would probably not put too much thought on the flop and either call or fold. Remember he's in the BB he probably has the most suited hands in his range.

No, I'm not flatting his c/r.

Yeah, that's a big problem if you're not willing to fold TP hands, you'll be a fish in poker if you can't find a fold button.
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01-05-2017 , 04:34 AM
Monotone IMO boards are not great ones to get value. You're never getting 3 streets from an A-rag hand. I'd check turn bet small on non-heart rivers. As played, snap fold to the check raise.
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