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Raise 66 got 3! ... again ... by same V ... Raise 66 got 3! ... again ... by same V ...

06-25-2018 , 06:34 PM
Hi all,

1/3 MGM National Harbor. Switched tables an hour ago and running good. Flopped top boat in 3! pot and called a big river bluff with top pair no kicker. Up to 650. I’m an unknown to most at table so they probably assume I am stupid.

V 20s WG plays 2/5 a lot has giant stack and earlier in session when I was shorter he 3! my $15 MP raise to $40 from LP. I had 77 and flatted. He checked an A-high flop and I turned a set. River was K and we GII he had AK. I scoop. After this hand I commented that v should have bet flop. He was pissed. An orbit later he said he would have all my chips soon.

So later I raise 66 MP to $15 and V 3! again to $40. I flat. Flop A-Q-2. I check and V checks. Turn 8. I check and V announces all in. I fold. He shows 65o. F*cker.

How should I adjust at this table (other than by leaving it)? I hate playing V OOP when he constantly 3! and has shown capacity to 3! light. He clearly has a vendetta against me and likes isolating this “fish.” I don’t want to be a b*tch and leave with my tail between my legs either.

Raise 66 got 3! ... again ... by same V ... Quote
06-25-2018 , 06:46 PM
limp PP if you think that way gets you better odds, can always dump if he still bets super large pre. tighten up your opening range and stack him with your real premiums.

You can 4bet lighter than your current 4 bet range, but be careful, you are basing this off 2 hands, not a lot of volume

If you don't want to be OOP, change seats when one open up
Raise 66 got 3! ... again ... by same V ... Quote
06-25-2018 , 07:04 PM
Random stuff:

1. It's considered bad etiquette to "educate the fish". I would suggest not making any comments about how any villain played a hand.
2. How much shorter were you in the first hand, like 300? If so, you did not have odds to setmine. You got lucky in that hand - in general, flatting 3-bets OOP with medium and small pocket pairs leads to bleeding chips. The only other reason to flat a 3-bet is if you plan to try to push him off the hand postflop, which is a risky proposition if you don't have a solid read on the vilain.
3. Was this only the second time the villain had ever 3-bet you? If so, gg villain I say. Very few 1/3 players have the guts to 3-bet light and go all in as a bluff. 19 times out of 20 66 is no good there so don't be ticked about the one time it was.
4. What BIoodRose said
Raise 66 got 3! ... again ... by same V ... Quote
06-25-2018 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by DalTXColtsFan
Random stuff:

1. It's considered bad etiquette to "educate the fish". I would suggest not making any comments about how any villain played a hand.
2. How much shorter were you in the first hand, like 300? If so, you did not have odds to setmine. You got lucky in that hand - in general, flatting 3-bets OOP with medium and small pocket pairs leads to bleeding chips. The only other reason to flat a 3-bet is if you plan to try to push him off the hand postflop, which is a risky proposition if you don't have a solid read on the vilain.
3. Was this only the second time the villain had ever 3-bet you? If so, gg villain I say. Very few 1/3 players have the guts to 3-bet light and go all in as a bluff. 19 times out of 20 66 is no good there so don't be ticked about the one time it was.
4. What BIoodRose said
I was shorter the 7s hand...around $300. Yup second time he 3!
Raise 66 got 3! ... again ... by same V ... Quote
06-25-2018 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
Hi all,

1/3 MGM National Harbor. Switched tables an hour ago and running good. Flopped top boat in 3! pot and called a big river bluff with top pair no kicker. Up to 650. I’m an unknown to most at table so they probably assume I am stupid.

V 20s WG plays 2/5 a lot has giant stack and earlier in session when I was shorter he 3! my $15 MP raise to $40 from LP. I had 77 and flatted. He checked an A-high flop and I turned a set. River was K and we GII he had AK. I scoop. After this hand I commented that v should have bet flop.
What exactly was the motive for this comment?
Raise 66 got 3! ... again ... by same V ... Quote
06-25-2018 , 07:22 PM
By the way
one of my favorite things ever at poker is when you outdraw someone like this 77 set, say you get a free card and make a gutshot or pick up a backdoor combo draw or whatever. Then in their rage they forget the prior action and start berating you based on what they think the action must have been.

And here whereas a mature player would accept that he gave a free card for pot control that was unlikely to hurt him, and just got really unlucky, it sounds like he thinks you called a bet with 77ui.

But here's the thing. YOU WANT HIM TO THINK YOU'RE TERRIBLE. Human nature is to want to defend our decisions, everyone's felt that temptation at some time, and I suspect that's what happened. But it's a leak, just the same as 4-betting 77 for value would be a leak.

But I'm curious if that was your motivation here or if I'm misreading.

But anyway, here's the biggest adjustment I would make, not just in this game but every poker game you ever play:

You simply must change your mindset from making this an interpersonal battle of the wills, a macho pissing contest, to come anywhere close to maximizing your win.

Comments like, "I fold. He shows 65o. F*cker," and " I don’t want to be a b*tch and leave with my tail between my legs either," strongly suggest that you're approaching poker with a losing mindset. Occasionally you'll outplay your nemesis based on pure testosterone, but at some point you'll give your chips to a player who's as technically knowledgeable as you but better at emotional self-control.

If you don't change, you'll make bad decisions--not just playing a hand but also in game selection, in making a good game bad through hostility, etc. So just nip it in the bud. You might target a player to maximize EV, but you shouldn't target anyone just to prove your virility or your courage.

Last edited by AKQJ10; 06-25-2018 at 07:27 PM.
Raise 66 got 3! ... again ... by same V ... Quote
06-25-2018 , 07:25 PM
I wanted to piss him off. He seemed like a douche bag. Lol����������

Maybe I inadvertently made the wrong impression. Or the right one?

All excellent points AKQJ10. I’ll refrain from snide remarks and ignore his in the future. Maybe it would have been better to have left the table seeing as he clearly got into my head.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 06-25-2018 at 07:31 PM.
Raise 66 got 3! ... again ... by same V ... Quote
06-25-2018 , 08:26 PM
Good choice.

Do we really want other players, ESPECIALLY the d**ks and ***holes, to play BETTER?
Raise 66 got 3! ... again ... by same V ... Quote
06-26-2018 , 12:12 PM
Highly doubt that raise/calling 66 OOP is going to be profitable against most players, let alone those with half a clue. Although as soon as I type that I then read how he overbluff shoves in this spot which is just *horrible* as he would have handed you his stack had we been slowing a nuttish hand. But still.

One of the the things you absolutely must do in poker is leave your ego at the door. If you don't, you'll pay for it. So first, get a seat change and don't sit OOP to this guy. Second, tighten way up while you are OOP to him and don't build bloated pots preflop with mediocre hands like 66. Third, if you don't feel comfortable at the table with him, get a table change. Anything else is just stupid ego driven epeening.

ETA: Regarding the comment and wanting to piss him off, I think overall this is the wrong line to take. The old saying of "you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar" applies here, and plus just makes poker a much more enjoyable environment to play in (for both your opponents and yourself). And having poker an enjoyment environment to play is absolutely key because it's really the only reason long-time losers (which most of your opponents are) will continue to come back to the table.


Last edited by gobbledygeek; 06-26-2018 at 12:18 PM.
Raise 66 got 3! ... again ... by same V ... Quote
06-26-2018 , 01:24 PM
Agree don't tell him he played the hand poorly. Or he wont do it again which you want.

There really isn't an adjustment to make. Mostly, you should fold to 3! when OOP with small pairs unless you are really deep.
Raise 66 got 3! ... again ... by same V ... Quote
06-26-2018 , 02:35 PM
Adjust by opening tighter, making moves with equity a little more often. It's tough because he's in position and is just going to own you, the best you can do is mitigate it by playing back with a tighter range.
Raise 66 got 3! ... again ... by same V ... Quote
