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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread "The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

09-22-2020 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
My prediction is that we will be under martial law at some point prior to year end.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by prairiebreeze
Is this really how it could play out? Pelosi getting sworn in, albeit very temporarily? She’s gotta be like +25000 somewhere. Anyone wanna fire a couple bucks at that for shits and giggles?

Pelosi as 46th prez and Biden as 47th is not something I would have ever thought possible.
It isn't gonna happen. Lot of hysterics over this but our worst case is that some swing states don't report that night. Keep in mind that the mail in/early voting is happening enough in advance that it won't take as long to count as some of the primaries, and most of those were in relatively quickly.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
You offering 25k to 1? Sure
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by prairiebreeze
Is this really how it could play out? Pelosi getting sworn in, albeit very temporarily? She’s gotta be like +25000 somewhere. Anyone wanna fire a couple bucks at that for shits and giggles?

Pelosi as 46th prez and Biden as 47th is not something I would have ever thought possible.

It’s a little more nuanced than that, but that is 1 scenario

So the Line of Succession, as defined by the 25th amendment is:
1) VP
2) Speaker of the House
3) President Pro Tempore of the Senate (effectively the longest continuous serving Senator from the ruling party)

Pence is ruled out immediately because of the 20th amendment, which is noon on Jan 20, 2021. Same as Trump

So the House is up for re-election. The entire House. Based on the 20th amendment, Senators and House members terms end on Jan 3, 2021

It’s assumed Dems will keep control of the House but if the election results were called into question, the House elections could also be called into question. So it’s debatable that it could be Pelosi. I believe states can effectively ratify this themselves.

But if the House wasn’t established then it would move to President Pro Tempore of the Senate, which is currently Chuck Grassley (R - Iowa), serving since 1980 (we really need ****ing term limits. Dude has been in the Senate for longer than I’ve been alive).

But wait, what about all the senators up for re-election? If the House results are called into question, so are the Senates. So by eliminating the Rs and Ds that are up for re-election, the Senate would actually turn power over to Democrat. The President Pro Tempore of the Senate would then revert to Patrick Leahy (D - Vermont), serving since 19-****ing-75.

Now I’m sure you’re thinking to yourself “self, I know Governor’s and state lawmakers can actually temporarily appoint Senators”, and you would be correct! But based on the number of Democratic vs Republican governors, Democrats would actually take the Senate in this scenario, assuming Governor’s don’t appoint across party lines.

So long story short, if we hit Jan 20, 2021 without election results, all hail President Patrick Leahy.

Here’s a bonus fun fact: Martha McSally (R-Arizona) vs Mark Kelly is actually a special election, as McSally replaced John McCain after his passing. Since it’s a special election, the winner can be sworn in in November.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
Keep in mind that the mail in/early voting is happening enough in advance that it won't take as long to count as some of the primaries, and most of those were in relatively quickly.
Case in point. I filled out my ballot today.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
You offering 25k to 1? Sure
So your confidence on your prediction is approaching zero. Not much of a prediction imo.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
So your confidence on your prediction is approaching zero. Not much of a prediction imo.

I believe this is the Kevin Malone thought process to betting.

"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
So your confidence on your prediction is approaching zero. Not much of a prediction imo.
Well if you want to take me up on it let me know where to send my money for the escrow.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by BigSkip
It isn't gonna happen. Lot of hysterics over this but our worst case is that some swing states don't report that night. Keep in mind that the mail in/early voting is happening enough in advance that it won't take as long to count as some of the primaries, and most of those were in relatively quickly.

I’ve been led to understand that mail ins are counted last and that it’s a longer process because of signature verifications and other stuff. Any truth to that?
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by prairiebreeze
I’ve been led to understand that mail ins are counted last and that it’s a longer process because of signature verifications and other stuff. Any truth to that?
Not in Colorado. I was counsel to a local election official for most of a decade. All ballots are sorted, counted, verified, at the same time regardless of source.

But CO has been doing mail-in for about 10 years. Other, dumber states will surely make a mess of it.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 11:28 PM
I am extremely bored sitting in my parents living room in rural South Dakota watching Fox News and figured I would check in and I'm very sad to see this place has not become less toxic without me. Have you people no shame?!
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 11:34 PM
I cannot believe what I am witnessing
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 11:40 PM
By god is that RobFarhas music?!?!
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
I am extremely bored sitting in my parents living room in rural South Dakota watching Fox News and figured I would check in and I'm very sad to see this place has not become less toxic without me. Have you people no shame?!

There’s a couple of new young posters who you would have responded well to over the past 6 months.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 11:54 PM
I have slowly reached a plane of either nihilism or enlightenment by which I literally do not give a ****. Hope everybody is doing well, except for anybody who wishes me ill, in which case I say the best revenge is living well and I am living my revenge.

Everybody should turn off the news, truly brain polishing ****. I am really missing playing cards and going to Vegas. Really enjoyed just not playing for the first 8 months but I'll be excited to eat breakfast at Mon ami Gabi then go get **** faced at noon at Aria when we get past this bullshit.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-22-2020 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
By god is that RobFarhas music?!?!
We both took years off and returned at the same time. We may be soulmates.

Congrats on your enlightenment. I was in that state before quarantine but now I am completely out of control
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-23-2020 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
I have slowly reached a plane of either nihilism or enlightenment by which I literally do not give a ****. Hope everybody is doing well, except for anybody who wishes me ill, in which case I say the best revenge is living well and I am living my revenge.

Everybody should turn off the news, truly brain polishing ****. I am really missing playing cards and going to Vegas. Really enjoyed just not playing for the first 8 months but I'll be excited to eat breakfast at Mon ami Gabi then go get **** faced at noon at Aria when we get past this bullshit.
what have you done with all the money you saved?
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-23-2020 , 12:16 AM
Being out of control is fine if you are out of your mind but probably bad if you are crazy. Insane people have historically had great insight into the world whereas psychotics are just dangerous.

I have alot more respect for the opinion of the schizophrenic who is telling me the world is going to end.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-23-2020 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
what have you done with all the money you saved?
I bought a 2020 4runner and more ammunition!

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-23-2020 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
I bought a 2020 4runner and more ammunition!

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

I had you down as a Prius guy
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-23-2020 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
I had you down as a Prius guy
Don't lie, you had me as a Tesla guy but just want to insult me. Since I own no Tesla stock I am now firmly committed to never buying their products.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-23-2020 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
Being out of control is fine if you are out of your mind but probably bad if you are crazy. Insane people have historically had great insight into the world whereas psychotics are just dangerous.

I have alot more respect for the opinion of the schizophrenic who is telling me the world is going to end.
thanks 11t.

you are as insightful and make just as much sense as i remember
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-23-2020 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
thanks 11t.

you are as insightful and make just as much sense as i remember
You do anything productive this year? Saw you were learning a foreign language but recall you learning to program etc..
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-23-2020 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
You do anything productive this year? Saw you were learning a foreign language but recall you learning to program etc..
spent 4 months in thailand/korea right before the virus started.

Came back to the US started some lucrative stuff with some of the more popular poker apps with a few guys.

Programming was cool for a few months but I think it was mostly just me trying to find a purpose. The thought of showing up to work everyday for some douchebag doesn't strike me as something I could go through with. I know this comes as a shock but I don't do well with authority. I found out a long time ago it's simply not for me.

Yeah I was learning Chinese and Thai for a while. Now only Chinese. Fantastic hobby that's introduced me to a lot of people and things I wouldn't of otherwise done or seen. Gotten a lot of free stuff and positive interactions.

My Chinese is still objectively pretty bad but even being able to hold a basic conversation for 5minutes is mind blowing to a lot of Chinese people.

How about you? Omaha still? Children inc?
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
09-23-2020 , 01:24 AM
I live in Kansas City, started trying for kids in like March but no luck yet. I'll meeting with a doctor next week so they can determine my virility. I'm very open to other people's opinions so if anybody itt would like just PM me their address and I'll mail you a sample.

To be honest, the big issue with jobs isn't the boss it's the other people. Unfortunately, pretty tough to make any significant money in any industry without dealing with alot of people.

I took this opportunity and have been working on some **** I've had on the back burner since college. Literally submitted a paper to a math journal right before I came to check out the forum.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
