Originally Posted by de4df1sh
Hard to say.
Here in rightside up world student loans are backed by the gubmint. Thats one of the reasons why tuition has skyrocketed in the last few decades. Anyone can get a loan unless you got pinched slangin' drugs. Infact, with all the hoopla around the pandemic the gubmint has mandated that all interest rates on all loans be reduced to 0%. My guess is that a 0% interest rate loan (tho temporary) will be very attractive to people.
I've been off-line, grunch.
Freshman looking to go away to school whether in-state or out-of-state, are looking to fo just that - go away.
They ste not looking to take out loans and stay home and study online.
They would rather defer or take intro classes on line from local community schools at much lower cost, and transfer later.
I know several in this boat. School is a financial hardship. Its not just the education, but the experience. Without the experience many will avoid the expense.
Juniors / seniors more indebted already and further into their major, may not have same option, especially if they stand to lose scholarships if they take time off.