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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread "The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread

12-27-2020 , 08:21 AM
Serious question...any tips for dealing with the munchies?

After a lifetime of rarely ever getting stoned, I’m having edibles most nights to help me sleep and the issue is that I’m eating giant amounts of food afterwards. I want to sleep but I don’t want to get fat.

Any thread strat for not succumbing to the munchies?
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Serious question...any tips for dealing with the munchies?

After a lifetime of rarely ever getting stoned, I’m having edibles most nights to help me sleep and the issue is that I’m eating giant amounts of food afterwards. I want to sleep but I don’t want to get fat.

Any thread strat for not succumbing to the munchies?

I think Rob posted about this too if I’m not mistaken.

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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Serious question...any tips for dealing with the munchies?

After a lifetime of rarely ever getting stoned, I’m having edibles most nights to help me sleep and the issue is that I’m eating giant amounts of food afterwards. I want to sleep but I don’t want to get fat.

Any thread strat for not succumbing to the munchies?
I think that for the most part edibles/weed are going to make you feel how they make you feel. What works for me late at night is a silly personal rule. Forever I’ve had this rule where once I brush my teeth i’m forbidden to consume anything other than water. That helps me fight the munchies.

Something similar may help. That and/or just locking up the fridge/drawers
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
You should give Sneaky Pete a shot.
Sneaky Pete is for sure up there. It does help that they filmed a few episodes at my home casino, Mohegan Sun so I may be biased.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 10:05 AM
Sneaky Pete was solid. Disappointed it was cancelled.

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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Serious question...any tips for dealing with the munchies?

After a lifetime of rarely ever getting stoned, I’m having edibles most nights to help me sleep and the issue is that I’m eating giant amounts of food afterwards. I want to sleep but I don’t want to get fat.

Any thread strat for not succumbing to the munchies?
Have you considered CBD? You should get similar improvements to your sleep without the munchies or potential ganjover the next morning.

I don't really have any help I can give regarding not giving in to the munchies as I can eat a truly disgusting amount when I'm high, though I have found that if I'm already full when smoke the munchies are much less potent (and therefore easier to not indulge) so perhaps try to delay your dinner slightly? Failing that I guess try to have some healthy food already prepared so that if you do indulge it's at least healthy food and not pizza chocolate etc.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Serious question...any tips for dealing with the munchies?

After a lifetime of rarely ever getting stoned, I’m having edibles most nights to help me sleep and the issue is that I’m eating giant amounts of food afterwards. I want to sleep but I don’t want to get fat.

Any thread strat for not succumbing to the munchies?
For me the only thing that consistently works is not having unhealthy food in the house. If I get high and I have garbage in the cupboard its game over.

I've had to try to develop alternate strategies lately since the gf can actually control herself and likes to have certain things in the house so simply keeping it all out isn't as easy. In my experience anything short of not having it around is incredibly difficult. Its not impossible but its playing on hard mode.

I've tried hiding the bad stuff so its out of sight, out of mind and having healthy munchies like almonds/fruit/carrots that are similarly easy to eat when high but both have been hit or miss depending on how much willpower I have left in the moment.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 01:19 PM
For snacking in general, I try to portion control but pouring it into small Tupperware’s instead of eating out of the bag. Nothing is stopping you from pouring more into it but I find more often than not, I don’t top it off.

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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Serious question...any tips for dealing with the munchies?

After a lifetime of rarely ever getting stoned, I’m having edibles most nights to help me sleep and the issue is that I’m eating giant amounts of food afterwards. I want to sleep but I don’t want to get fat.

Any thread strat for not succumbing to the munchies?
I typically pop edibles right after eating dinner. Might have a snack afterwards but by that point I'm full enough that I won't go overboard from the munchies. I started taking CBD before bed as well and that does help with sleep as someone else mentioned.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by tellypl
Sneaky Pete is for sure up there. It does help that they filmed a few episodes at my home casino, Mohegan Sun so I may be biased.

Originally Posted by miamicheats
Sneaky Pete was solid. Disappointed it was cancelled.

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If anyone is looking for a great prestige series to binge, I highly recommend The Bureau. May be a little tough to find but well well worth it. Is in French.

It’s about a French spy group from their version of the CIA. If you like Euro-centric espionage/spy thrillers I can’t recommend it highly enough. Think of a 5 season Le Carre TV show. Set all over Europe and Middle East. Beautifully shot too

Just brilliant TV
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Serious question...any tips for dealing with the munchies?

After a lifetime of rarely ever getting stoned, I’m having edibles most nights to help me sleep and the issue is that I’m eating giant amounts of food afterwards. I want to sleep but I don’t want to get fat.

Any thread strat for not succumbing to the munchies?

Embrace the dad bod or

Take the edibles later. I have real bad insomnia issues. When I am having issues sleeping I do a pre sleep ritual. Nice long relaxing hot shower. Sex/ jerk off. Then smoke/eat thc or both. Edibles take a while to kick in for me. So right before bed smoke a little weed which will kick in quickly obv and help u fall asleep (a couple of hits of decent indica should help u shut it down w/o having crazy munchies) and eat yer edible which will help keep u asleep and once the munchies hit from the edible you will be snoozin and it wont matter.

edit - also no electronics in bed - this includes tv. This does in fact make a difference
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 05:42 PM
I recently adopted a rule to shut down my laptop by 7pm. Still checking my phone and will have the TV on later but one less screen to stare at has been helpful. Doing anything at night on my laptop tends to be a waste of time anyways (pr0n is more of a daytime activity imo).
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Serious question...any tips for dealing with the munchies?

After a lifetime of rarely ever getting stoned, I’m having edibles most nights to help me sleep and the issue is that I’m eating giant amounts of food afterwards. I want to sleep but I don’t want to get fat.

Any thread strat for not succumbing to the munchies?
This has come up before ItT awhile back.

For me, coffee or tea helps a ton. If you’re looking to sleep, I’d say try some non-caffeinated tea, something herbal would do the trick. Peppermint tea or something like that would work well imo. If you look into it, there’s probably even a couple that are hunger suppressants.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
If anyone is looking for a great prestige series to binge, I highly recommend The Bureau. May be a little tough to find but well well worth it. Is in French.

It’s about a French spy group from their version of the CIA. If you like Euro-centric espionage/spy thrillers I can’t recommend it highly enough. Think of a 5 season Le Carre TV show. Set all over Europe and Middle East. Beautifully shot too

Just brilliant TV

Ty will add to the list

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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 05:58 PM
Why did I bet the Cleveland Browns knowing they would not have any wide receivers today due to COVID. Why did I not bet more on the Chicago Bears. Thank you for listening to my results-oriented rant.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 06:08 PM
I have been playing an absurd amount of poker lately. Adderall has been a miracle drug for me, way more useful (and less harmful) than blow.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 06:16 PM
Thanks everyone for the tips.

Tbh I think ‘take them later’ is probably the only practical solution. (Which is a shame as I do enjoy being stoned)

I do all the sensible stuff before bed already in terms of showering, root, read fiction and no electronics and that works pretty well. My issue is waking up at 3 for a pee and then not getting back to sleep but I find if I’ve been stoned then it’s way easier to click back into sleep mode

I can’t smoke before bed because I can’t risk my kids smelling it on me. One of them is extremely experimental and needs firm boundaries and I just need the moral high ground with her right now. I’m 100% a believer in being honest and open with my kids about chems but not when she’s only just turned 13.

CBD is hard to find here but I do have a friend that grows/sells but I honestly don’t find it does much for me.

I might also try having some lean protein and chopped veggies to force myself to eat when the munchies hit but it’s so tough to avoid all the good stuff in the cupboards.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 07:05 PM
FW - look into vape. Does not smell at all like weed. Works great.

CBD doesnt do dick for me either

Here in USA#1 we have sugar free fat free Jello instant pudding. The chocolate is quite good and it is a very effective sub for sugary fatty sweets in case of emergency
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
FW - look into vape. Does not smell at all like weed. Works great.

CBD doesnt do dick for me either

Here in USA#1 we have sugar free fat free Jello instant pudding. The chocolate is quite good and it is a very effective sub for sugary fatty sweets in case of emergency

Yeah, we have an 80cal ice cream sammich which is vvg. If I could limit myself to that and a few spoons of peanut butter I’d be delighted but I just go nuts.

Drinking scotch at the same time doesn’t help my discipline tbh
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by squid face
FW - look into vape. Does not smell at all like weed. Works great.

CBD doesnt do dick for me either

Here in USA#1 we have sugar free fat free Jello instant pudding. The chocolate is quite good and it is a very effective sub for sugary fatty sweets in case of emergency

Wife buys that stuff. Pretty fuggin good and was not expected at all

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"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by SABR42
I have been playing an absurd amount of poker lately. Adderall has been a miracle drug for me, way more useful (and less harmful) than blow.
You are a midwesterner at heart with your love of amphetamines.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-27-2020 , 08:13 PM
I love the pax vape, edibles aren't great for me sleeping tbh.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-28-2020 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
You are a midwesterner at heart with your love of amphetamines.
I do blow like a Californian though.

Though for the time being I quit drinking because it was getting out of hand.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-28-2020 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by SABR42
I do blow like a Californian though.

In a pretentious and self absorbed manner?
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
12-28-2020 , 08:46 AM
And off boobs/booties.

In all seriousness I actually don't do it that often.
"The Pen:" Live NLHE Chat Thread Quote
