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QQ vs 6A5 flop QQ vs 6A5 flop

07-15-2019 , 09:36 PM
Hero ($120 HJ) 20s African. American female. Seen as tight. Played an hour. Raised a total of 3 times and no callers during the 60 mins.
Full table.

V1 ($250 BB) 30 Caucasian Female. Hero considers her the best player on the table. She has 3 bet her Jack's pf and has done set mining against tight aggressive players. ( called a $45 bet pf with a middle pair)

Two limpers
Hero has QQ
Makes it $15

V1 in. BB calls

Flop 6A5

V1 checks
Hero cbets $21
V1 snapcalls

Turn is 10
V1 checks
QQ vs 6A5 flop Quote
07-15-2019 , 10:43 PM
Interesting. Quick call often means draw, perhaps 78.

She might have had to think with say 88. I probably bet 40, but am done if called. Don't think checking behind is terrible, but your hand is pretty face up then, and if she fires on a blank you are in a tough spot.
QQ vs 6A5 flop Quote
07-17-2019 , 01:42 AM
A couple of things. Why are we sitting at 60 BB? Assuming the max buy in is $200, we need to buy in for that. Also you say V called 45 preflop with middle pair (66-88 or thereabouts) hard to see how she was getting IO for this to be a good call. Maybe not as good as you think.

If V is known to c/r then check behind OTT. Otherwise bet 35-45.
QQ vs 6A5 flop Quote
07-17-2019 , 08:25 AM
im relatively new (this being my 2nd ever only post)(10nl player) but why are we betting flop?

on a spectrum from solid value hands to complete air id say we're in a pretty stable showdown value position (few turn cards hurt our current hand strength on a 'somewhat' dry board)

we are betting for 'protection' chiefly against Kx hands??

does betting only tighten our villains range? (naturally as they are having to call) My thoughts would be check flop, bet turn for thin value if that makes sense?

if wrong please say so as im learning also!

Last edited by PROPOSITION_JOE; 07-17-2019 at 08:30 AM.
QQ vs 6A5 flop Quote
07-17-2019 , 10:33 AM
I would jam here as played. Anything less will increase odds of her calling with marginal Ax.

If she is a good player she would have a good chance calling you with AJ AQ AK now AT cause it got there. AQ you block and AK discounted cause she she might have 3 bet with and of course sets.

She should be folding the rest of the AX hands and KK which also discounted cause she should have 3 bet along with all draws.

If you check I think you have to fold to bet on the river.

Typically I would check back a board like with with QQ KK Ax on flop to protect the flop check back range. Makes it easier to play and to extract value from marginal hands.

Last edited by JeffChang; 07-17-2019 at 10:38 AM.
QQ vs 6A5 flop Quote
07-19-2019 , 10:52 PM
This brings up an interesting problem. As the PFR in a HU pot, I'm cbetting about 1/3 of the time on a dry board with an overcard to my pair (JJ-KK). I will also check about 1/3 of the time with TP. Am I just spewing or losing ev when I do this?
QQ vs 6A5 flop Quote
07-19-2019 , 11:11 PM
there's little reason to bet the flop here. we will have plenty of Ax+ hands to bet for value. our hand can't really expect to bet multiple streets for value (worse hands won't call more than once), and yet doesn't really need protection (not much can happen on the turn to move us from ahead to behind)... pretty good spot to check the flop with the intention of possibly going into bluff catcher mode, depending
QQ vs 6A5 flop Quote
07-20-2019 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by sisyphusonroids
there's little reason to bet the flop here. we will have plenty of Ax+ hands to bet for value. our hand can't really expect to bet multiple streets for value (worse hands won't call more than once), and yet doesn't really need protection (not much can happen on the turn to move us from ahead to behind)... pretty good spot to check the flop with the intention of possibly going into bluff catcher mode, depending
I guess it depends on how often a bet OTF gets us to the river or show down for one bet.
QQ vs 6A5 flop Quote
07-20-2019 , 04:21 AM
I check flop, AP I check turn.

Also set mining for 20% of a stack is bad and if that’s villain’s strat, she is bad.
QQ vs 6A5 flop Quote
07-20-2019 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by Mr. Big Stack
I guess it depends on how often a bet OTF gets us to the river or show down for one bet.
a check will get us to the river for one bet FAR FAR FAR more often than a bet will. by definition, you need to have 1-2 streets check through to accomplish that. you GUARANTEE that by checking. but.. that's not the entire point. there are times where you'd not want to put in multiple streets of value, yet want to bet the flop. those are situations that benefit from protection (equity realization). this isn't one of those.
QQ vs 6A5 flop Quote
