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QQ gets 3-bet by Unknown Older Guy QQ gets 3-bet by Unknown Older Guy

06-04-2015 , 11:23 AM
I wouldn't bother bluffing turn as you have to double barrel vs KK. A lot of players will call down as they have a premium hand and they 3-bet it preflop and c-bet the flop. They have a hard time folding premiums anyway even if they KNOW you have them beat.

Some players will check top set AA ott also.

I'm fine calling the flop bet for the cheap price, but folding turns unimproved. Old guys just aren't squeezing wide enough (not even AK somtimes).

Don't bother calling the river you're not good 15% of the time, bluffing doesn't seem profitable.
QQ gets 3-bet by Unknown Older Guy Quote
06-04-2015 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by jambre
Don't bother calling the river you're not good 15% of the time, bluffing doesn't seem profitable.
Agree with not calling. A raise to 100 is a very small raise but quite scary looking to random villains. It requires very few folds to be profitable. Though I am starting to think villain can well have an ace in his hand, I think it might be worth a stab at the pot.
QQ gets 3-bet by Unknown Older Guy Quote
06-04-2015 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
meh, you only need to be correct here 15% of the time. i'm crying calling here because we're probably beat, but the odds are too good to fold imo
Originally Posted by jambre
I wouldn't bother bluffing turn as you have to double barrel vs KK. A lot of players will call down as they have a premium hand and they 3-bet it preflop and c-bet the flop. They have a hard time folding premiums anyway even if they KNOW you have them beat.

Some players will check top set AA ott also.

I'm fine calling the flop bet for the cheap price, but folding turns unimproved. Old guys just aren't squeezing wide enough (not even AK somtimes).

Don't bother calling the river you're not good 15% of the time, bluffing doesn't seem profitable.
Originally Posted by Willyoman
Agree with not calling. A raise to 100 is a very small raise but quite scary looking to random villains. It requires very few folds to be profitable. Though I am starting to think villain can well have an ace in his hand, I think it might be worth a stab at the pot.
I went with johnny's line and called getting 6-1 or whatever and the villain rolled....

TT for the killlllllllllllllllllllllllll.

nh gg me.

Turns out the old guy was a certifiable maniac. The atrocities he took part in over the next 2.5 hours were a sight to be seen. Literally was 90/15.

Peeling with 45 in a raised pot on AK9 and got there. Peeling with 23 on AQ8 and got there. Raising a 4-flush board on the river with 2nd pair against a confirmed nit and getting bent because the nit didn't fold.

At the same time had zero hand-reading skills except when I was in the hand with him and he wouldn't put in $ after the flop
QQ gets 3-bet by Unknown Older Guy Quote
06-04-2015 , 05:31 PM
Then thank god you didn't bet the turn, he would have got there!

There seems to be a particular type of maniac V who overvalues any pair 88+ preflop (because it's impossible for more than one person to have a pair PF, I think that's in RROP), will lead any board without an A on it, and if they hit any piece of the flop after calling a PF raise, will always assume you have AK.
QQ gets 3-bet by Unknown Older Guy Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:10 PM
Why do we think him 3 betting a button raise is only AK and JJ+?
QQ gets 3-bet by Unknown Older Guy Quote
06-04-2015 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by RunsGood
Why do we think him 3 betting a button raise is only AK and JJ+?
That is my default range against unknowns. I have no empirical evidence that it is correct against this particular player.

Moreover, he 3 bet me out of the big blind. Not the button.
QQ gets 3-bet by Unknown Older Guy Quote
