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QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold.

08-18-2014 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by BuffaloHound

Villain ($700): just got to table 10mins ago and sat down with $700. 60s well dressed white guy. Looks wealthy. Hasn't played a hand. Super involved with something on his IPad. Seems like a tight careful OMC, but he's certainly not scared money.
I don't understand your description. If he hasn't played a hand, how do you know he's not scared money? 10 minutes is what.....5 or 6 hands? If he's been super involved on his IPad, he's probably not even playing poker yet. Not old men are OMCs. I don't see too many well dressed, wealthy-looking, OMCs.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by IbelieveinChipKelly
Why are you so shortstacked?
this important too. are you short stacked because of some coolers, lost a big hand recently? that can affect your image.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 10:38 AM
According to buffalohound, he is a well known shortstacker
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 10:45 AM
Firstly, by in for a full stack. Second that's a snap ship on the flop imo. Im never folding to a half pot donk. If you arejt going to raise this hand you'd be better off just folding it pre. Nit it up until you are more comfortable postflop.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using 2+2 Forums
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 10:49 AM
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 10:52 AM
Why raise pre with QJ if you are going to muck it when you hit one of the best flops possible? This is literally a no brainer jam, if villain is an OMC then wouldn't he donk a little more with a good made hand so that he does not give people odds to draw on that board?
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 11:23 AM
Have you tried playing Parcheesi instead?
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 01:18 PM
IF the V only donks sets, 2 pair, straights and AJ combos, then we are 2 to 1 dog with our hand faceup if we hit. I would fold if I truly thought this and hada reason to.

If he donks mostly TP hands, sprinkled with a few two pair etc., we are around 40% and I would raise a size that he might flat AJ KJ, but fold to large turn shove.

Not knowing the villain I have to default that this is TP trying to protect as well as block and find out where he is. I expect stronger to chk raise on avg.

This can be no more than a guess of default tendencies of this type of player since we know very little about him.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 02:27 PM
Trolling strat threads not allowed

Last edited by Garick; 08-18-2014 at 06:59 PM. Reason: Yes, even if you think they're asking for it.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Shell Gas
Are you kidding me?
Yes. This thread is a joke.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by IbelieveinChipKelly
Just limp pre if you aren't going to get the field thinned by raising.

Or just raise a lot more, like $60 if that is what it takes to get you headsup.

Why are you so shortstacked?
It was my first LP open at the table. Usually $30 gets respect, plus I welcomed a couple calls with initiate against weakish L/c ranges.

Why am I so short stacked? Are you trolling me or ignoring me? I think the former.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by jesse123
I don't understand your description. If he hasn't played a hand, how do you know he's not scared money? 10 minutes is what.....5 or 6 hands? If he's been super involved on his IPad, he's probably not even playing poker yet. Not old men are OMCs. I don't see too many well dressed, wealthy-looking, OMCs.
He hasn't played poker yet as far as I've seen. But he's obliviously wealthy (nice watch, fancy shoes) and he handles his chips well. This is a very wealthy area. I can say he's a tight, winning rec player with a high degree of certainty.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 07:21 PM
BH, please stop posting hands to try to teach. If you don't have a question, don't ask. Make a theory thread,
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by CohibaBehike
this important too. are you short stacked because of some coolers, lost a big hand recently? that can affect your image.
No. I bought in for $200.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by "NoQoutation"
Firstly, by in for a full stack. Second that's a snap ship on the flop imo. Im never folding to a half pot donk. If you arejt going to raise this hand you'd be better off just folding it pre. Nit it up until you are more comfortable postflop.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using 2+2 Forums
If this was HU I would certainly ship or take a line to allow him to value own himself. Honestly, I'm more concerned about the other 4-5 players in the hand that we know little about there hands.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by PokerDharma
Have you tried playing Parcheesi instead?
I'm not familiar with the game. Does it allow folding?
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by AintNoLimit
IF the V only donks sets, 2 pair, straights and AJ combos, then we are 2 to 1 dog with our hand faceup if we hit. I would fold if I truly thought this and hada reason to.

If he donks mostly TP hands, sprinkled with a few two pair etc., we are around 40% and I would raise a size that he might flat AJ KJ, but fold to large turn shove.

Not knowing the villain I have to default that this is TP trying to protect as well as block and find out where he is. I expect stronger to chk raise on avg.

This can be no more than a guess of default tendencies of this type of player since we know very little about him.
I'm fairly certain his range looks like TPmeh kicker, 2 pair, any set (I know that's a bad sizing with 2p or a set but he seems capable), or a pair with an OESD. Like I said I'm happy to get it in with him, but I think it's important that there's 5 other players in the hand who likely default check to the raiser.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
BH, please stop posting hands to try to teach. If you don't have a question, don't ask. Make a theory thread,
That's certainly not my intention. And I'll keep that in mind with future (non-existent) OPs. But when multiple posters question my reads rather than follow my reads with logical conclusions I feel the need to reaffirm my original scenario. I welcome being corrected with player tendencies, and am happy to discuss said reads. However I don't feel that constitutes trying to "teach", but rather appears as a debate about the players. That said, I'll try to soften my responses.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by BuffaloHound
I'm fairly certain his range looks like TPmeh kicker, 2 pair, any set (I know that's a bad sizing with 2p or a set but he seems capable), or a pair with an OESD. Like I said I'm happy to get it in with him, but I think it's important that there's 5 other players in the hand who likely default check to the raiser.
Your range of what he could have doesn't make sense given the info you've told us about him.

A lot of people yelling at you in this thread but I'm going to try and give my thoughts on the situation without berating you :P

I'll just start by saying if your going to be playing a short stack like you are, you cant be folding in spots like this IMO.

You describe him as a good player, basically making him sound like your typical TAG winner. Would a winner over-limp JJ TT or 99 from the highjack? Highly unlikely imo. So from your description I would assume he doesnt have a set. The only hands I would be scared of is KQ or 78, but once again I would figure a tight winning player would raise KQ PF from the HJ. I would expect him to show up with JT T9 78 J9 a lot here if you shove and he calls tbh.

Versus any 2 pair hand we're roughly 50% equity and I think if this guy understands ranges, we'll pick up a decent amount of fold equity when we shove if he has a hand like T9 J9.

The only hand I'm truly scared of is him snap calling and flipping over KQ.

As far as the way you played the hand.. with your stack size, I think it's fairly standard to ship over the top here. Even if your called you got plenty of back door outs.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-18-2014 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by BuffaloHound
That's certainly not my intention. And I'll keep that in mind with future (non-existent) OPs. But when multiple posters question my reads rather than follow my reads with logical conclusions I feel the need to reaffirm my original scenario. I welcome being corrected with player tendencies, and am happy to discuss said reads. However I don't feel that constitutes trying to "teach", but rather appears as a debate about the players. That said, I'll try to soften my responses.
Your other thread seems to give you the lie, but you still would have been fine if you had not descended to insults. Please keep that in mind with future (non-existent) OPs.

Originally Posted by BuffaloHound
SI want to make a final attempt to open up your (or anyone's else's) eyes' to short stacking. <snip>
I recently posted a flurry of hands on this forum against my better judgement to give this forum another chance at reading into my play and, hopefully, offering up some constructive criticism about my game. I don't regret doing that, but it's obvious now that my attempt was a lost cause.
While you said "constructive criticism" in there, you don't get to determine what is constructive and what we have to just take on faith.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-19-2014 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by BuffaloHound
I'm fairly certain his range looks like TPmeh kicker, 2 pair, any set (I know that's a bad sizing with 2p or a set but he seems capable), or a pair with an OESD. Like I said I'm happy to get it in with him, but I think it's important that there's 5 other players in the hand who likely default check to the raiser.

I miswrote on the above. I meant if he donks top pair i would raise and shove over a 3 bet. I would never raise then fold there. I must have been half sleep when i wrote that.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
08-19-2014 , 11:01 AM
OP I agree with others who have said that your raise pre is a tad too small. I believe it should have been in the $40-45 range. Having said that I don't see a reason for the raise in the first place. You have a hand that plays well multiway. It flops and turns well. Why not see a 1bb flop with a chance of making a huge score?

I'm not sure you can call. The pot would be 390 and you'd have 260 behind with 3-4 left to act. Assuming all others fold, you're likely to put the rest in on the turn. You may as well try to maximize your FE on the flop, although I don't think you have any or very much.
QJs OTB. Awesome flop, I fold. Quote
