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01-14-2015 , 01:00 PM
$.50nl $30 behind 2 cover.
Hero Q6o in BB 5 handed. Limped around hero √
Flop QT2r √ Hero $1cccc
Turn 6d √ Hero $2 fffc
River Qc √ Hero $2 fold.
Some reason I show

One guy who I think is best player in game. Told me glad he didn't call turn bet with Q9o. I might of doubled up. Had I checked turn would of fired pot size bet. He is only player that ever uses terms like that.

Made me replay hand and think what made him fold?
It is my table image and betting habits. I fire on flop most will call but OOP if In fire @ turn I am mostly nutted.
When I √ turn can usually be bet off unless lots of outs and cheap to draw to.
So am I seeing this correct?
I need to slow down think and play monsters same as missed hands or play some missed hands like my monsters?
If I have shown a monster played that way many different nights. Should I ever show bluff?

With this group if you show bluff once they will look you up a lot.

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Last edited by Archer68; 01-14-2015 at 01:20 PM.
Q6 BB Quote
01-14-2015 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Archer68

Made me replay hand and think what made him fold?
It is my table image and betting habits. I fire on flop most will call but OOP if In fire @ turn I am mostly nutted.
You should be pretty nutted firing into a 6 way pot here.

Don't show bluffs
Q6 BB Quote
01-14-2015 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
Don't show bluffs
Usually you shouldn't show bluffs. However, the more "extreme" the table (extremely tight OR extremely loose), the easier it is to exploit. So if the table is loose, you may wish to show your bluffs to further loosen it. If the table is tight, show your monsters to further tighten it.
Q6 BB Quote
01-14-2015 , 01:31 PM
Check flop.
Bet turn stronger to charge draws.
Bet river stronger for value.
Don't show bluffs.
Q6 BB Quote
01-14-2015 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Archer68
So am I seeing this correct?
I need to slow down think and play monsters same as missed hands or play some missed hands like my monsters?
So I asking as which line would be better or do both from time to time for balance.

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Q6 BB Quote
01-14-2015 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Archer68
So I asking as which line would be better or do both from time to time for balance.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using 2+2 Forums

Don't worry about balancing at these stakes or in a 6 way pot
Q6 BB Quote
01-14-2015 , 04:29 PM
Flop bet with TPWK is probably bad, your going to get called by better QX and you don't have many outs against those hands. Once you do bet, there just isn't anything you can do on the turn that would really be better. Betting turn after your flop bet gets called 4 ways is very strong, your telling everybody you can beat QX at that point. However, on the turn your hand simply isn't strong enough to not bet. Anybody with QX probably has a a higher kicker then 6 and there are straight draws, many boards also will allow for flush draws or pair+draw hands.

Really, against a crowd that big the only thing you should consider slow playing on the turn is a situation where you limped a low pair, flopped a set and hit quads on the turn. At that point you should occasionally check dry boards, both for balance and to let somebody catch up to a hand that can call a big bet.
Q6 BB Quote
01-14-2015 , 04:41 PM
why its not good to show bluffs?
Q6 BB Quote
01-14-2015 , 04:57 PM
I am not asking about if hand was good or not only used it to give some info on story.

What main question was about I have a typical betting pattern did not realize it until this hand and following conversation with other player. He has used it to get reads from me and maybe couple other guys have also.

So question was.

Do I mix in playing monsters with same line as unmade hands or better to mix in bluffs like my made hands?

Or which way I go be player specific?

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Q6 BB Quote
01-14-2015 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Archer68
I am not asking about if hand was good or not only used it to give some info on story.
Oh sorry. You did play it poorly though.

Originally Posted by Archer68
What main question was about I have a typical betting pattern did not realize it until this hand and following conversation with other player. He has used it to get reads from me and maybe couple other guys have also.
Wow, sick. He read that top pair bad kicker is probably no good against a double barrel. Dude is a sicko! He should move up to .50/$1 I wonder what he would have done with AQ or KQ or KK.

Originally Posted by Archer68
Do I mix in playing monsters with same line as unmade hands or better to mix in bluffs like my made hands?
Semi bluffing is ok in spots. Bluffing in general is bad at this level.

Originally Posted by Archer68
Or which way I go be player specific?
You'd be the sickest .50 player out there. Sure, if you recognize better ways to play vs different opponents then you should utilize them but in general you should be value betting your hand including betting this turn with 2 pairs on a draw heavy board which is super standard.
Q6 BB Quote
01-14-2015 , 05:50 PM
Thanks that is more what I looking for. He is good player in casino he plays a lot of 3/6 kill and 2-100 spread. This is a group of old timers that invited me into their private game last year. He plays in it because he hosts game He never crush's them just takes a lit bit. We play this stake because they agreed no one looses big and they spread money back and fourth anyway. I sit in and using it as training tool & BR builder. I want to get good same way when I first learned chess. It is really helping to read players and betting patterns. Just wasn't paying attention to mine. I working on image and thinking about what they think I have. I am note taking this year on players and write down almost every hand I play for later review. When I have bigger BR will go to casino play 2-100 spread or other state play $1-2nl. Only have $2000 right now.

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Q6 BB Quote
01-14-2015 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Archer68
Do I mix in playing monsters with same line as unmade hands or better to mix in bluffs like my made hands?

Or which way I go be player specific?
Yes, but it's really only a concern when heads up against somebody you play a lot and who is paying attention to how you play. Most of the time at low stakes it really just doesn't matter.

Also, there are some betting patterns, like the turn bet here, that are just unavoidable. The situation is such that you should never be bluffing, betting a weak made hand or semi-bluffing, you have to be betting for straight value and it has to be pretty strong hand.
Q6 BB Quote
