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Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Q5h flopped trips 1/2

12-05-2014 , 12:42 AM
Hero 277 BB- at local casino haven't played for a long time just sat down for a hour played 2hands one folded on the turn one allin on the flop with AA.

V 268 CO- been here since I was there haven't seen him do much

Utg bets 10 U1, Mp1, CO, SB, Hero (Q5h) calls

Flop 557scc
Utg bets 30 U1 calls folds to V raises to 100


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Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-05-2014 , 12:56 AM
You have to be very good postflop to justify the preflop call, but it probably is +EV for good players. If we don't fancy ourselves to be Galfond incarnate postflop, then we can squeeze too, assuming UTG is less than 45 years old. No shame in just folding, too, if we don't want to get ourselves into any potential spew spots while we're still getting a feel for our opponents.

Any reads at all on villain? Even just demographic?

I'm certainly continuing here. Villain has about as many combos of 54s-J5s as A5/K5s/75s/77, and, depending on player type, he can have some draws and overpairs he's trying to protect with as well. The nice thing about flatting is that I expect UTG to call behind a lot for the price he'll be getting, even though his range is absolutely dominated. The bad thing is that we're gonna make more mistakes for the last $158 than villain is.

Last edited by surviva316; 12-05-2014 at 01:25 AM.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-05-2014 , 01:01 AM
Villain is a Caucasian in his late 20s short hair with glasses seems normal quiet type.

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Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-05-2014 , 01:07 AM
Muck pre. Call flop raise, then check call remaining stack on all run outs. Basically, we want to maximize the size of the pot post flop. Obv sucks if we are beat but we don't help our cause by shoving flop (we are never folding out better and getting so many low equity hands to make an easy fold), and obv folding is not an option.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-05-2014 , 01:08 AM
Obvious fold pre. As played, it's the flop you hoped for so jam. Overpairs and fd will call.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-05-2014 , 01:23 AM
I understand,you've been card dead.

All things considered im shoving also
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-05-2014 , 01:30 AM
RE my own thoughts on preflop: given it's 4bbs more, that we're mostly readless on everybody and the rake structure of 1/2NL, it's probably actually totally impossible to make calling worthwhile. [EDIT: Assuming they rake $6 from this pot, our discount is only giving us a 10% equity incentive, which doesn't seem worth calling Q5s for, and our relative position advantage is pretty tepid when we don't know dick about our villains' betting tendencies]. Not that I really ever thought we should call, anyway, given a safe assumption about our skill limitations.

Squeeze or fold pre.

Last edited by surviva316; 12-05-2014 at 01:40 AM.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-05-2014 , 01:51 AM
Well played sir, now shove. Only thing that will fire again is an imbecile, or a worse 5 (that you beat). Both of which call your shove, plus draws.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-05-2014 , 02:00 AM
There's a few 5's in his limping range, a ton of nut/near nut flush draws, the occasional slowplayed overpairs, and the potential donkey factor like ALL the 5's (25s, J5, etc) that we cant be sure he doesnt play since we have no reads. We're only worried about A5/K5, if the flopped a boat no way is he going to raise with 2 active players ahead of him and you behind him. I'd say stick it in and stack his trips or his draw.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-05-2014 , 02:00 AM
great spot to 3bet pre I'd go to $55. Still calling getting better than 5-1 closing the action is fine to.

I think we gii here on the flop. flatting a $100 raise from the bb screams I have 5x+. No reason for it. The 9c or something can come ott and ruin action or beat us. There's no reason to let a scare card come off. Also your range may possibly appear a tad bit wider to some(NFD's).

Anything you do will look super strong, gii now. maybe we get lucky and utg calls w/ an over pair or AcQc and villain overcalls w/ 56 or 45. If we ran into 77 or A5, so be it, we have the best hand the vast majority of the time and want to get our stack in the middle as quick as we can.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-05-2014 , 10:32 AM
I feel like the way people use the phrase "getting a good price" around here is a bit meaningless.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-05-2014 , 11:04 AM
UGH, too late to edit my post. Wanted to append:

5:1 is good in relation to what?

My Stove absolutely hates me for what I just did to him. I'll have to take my dog for a walk and come back before I can provide some info.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-05-2014 , 01:41 PM
Fold pre >> 3 bet pre >> call pre imho.

I actually like donking flop (40) as it is pretty easy to bet 3 streets and get it in.

As played I don't know why you would do anything other than stick it in. It looks like you have a flush draw anyways so do it with your 5. Lots of other fives call. I honestly don't see 77 raising here as it is just so strong.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-06-2014 , 12:39 AM
This may be a good spot to 3-bet pre as a steal but in general this is a fold pre. It is a leak to call preflop in this spot. Jam flop.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-06-2014 , 01:14 AM
Calling pf a UTG raise oop is such a terrible decision that really the rest of of it doesn't matter much. I can guarantee you the rest of your life that if you folded Q5s under these conditions, your win rate will improve. Raising pf is marginally better than calling against a villain you apparently know nothing about because you provided no information about them.

As played, you got as good a flop as you're ever going to get with your hand. Raise and gii. If you win, congrats and realize you shouldn't do it again. If you lose, then you'll know why you never want to call in this situation with Q5s oop in the future. Long term it will be +EV for you.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-06-2014 , 11:54 AM
I agree it's a fold but think it's easy to overstate how much of a fold it is.

If UTG makes it 8 instead of 10, we hold Q6s instead of Q5s and we have the sorta reads we should have on a table after an hour, then we can turn a profit on a call.

If UTG made it 10, there was a blind poster who folded and we held K5s, we could probably turn a profit too.

But yeah, in this spot we have like 13.5% equity whereas we need 18%, and no way we're outplaying readless opponents with Q5s.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-06-2014 , 12:07 PM
Don't like the 3 bet in this spot pre. Hand obviously is not strong enough (to squeeze on its own). We by no means have any info saying this squeeze has enough fold equity.

As played jamming looks good. So does a flat. an over pair isn't folding from utg. The extra $ is +Ev for giving up 2 extra outs.

Flatting advice assumes you have no fold equity vs V that raised. If we flat I am jamming all non club turns.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-06-2014 , 05:24 PM
Thank you very much for the input guys so the results were:

I shoved and u1 called with a overpair and V snapped with 77.

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Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-06-2014 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Eidorian
Thank you very much for the input guys so the results were:

I shoved and u1 called with a overpair and V snapped with 77.

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It's unfortunate that you ran into 77, but these things happen. the fact that UTG called your 3 bet shove with the original raiser still to act w/ just a one pair hand shows exactly why you should be calling in these kind of spots.

If you have a table where guys stack off that light I'd be calling ATC getting 5-1 and closing the action. Well played, just unlucky he had 1 of the 5 combo's that beat you. (3-77, 2-A5s)
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-06-2014 , 11:47 PM
Be careful calling raises oop when you feel "priced in". These hands may seem cheap to see a flop given that you close the action, but they also have RIO that cannot be discounted.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-06-2014 , 11:51 PM
Also when you are the SB don't just automatically complete every hand. I see a lot of players do this and then claim that they got cold decked when their junk hand flops big and loses.
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-07-2014 , 12:32 AM
Fold pre
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-07-2014 , 03:03 AM
Is this still a flat if hero isn't closing the action?
Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
12-07-2014 , 03:14 AM
Why arent we folding garbage like Q5 preflop? OOP also this should be an instafold every freaking time.

As played i am raising looking to get it in. IMO when we play garbage and gets our miracle flop its ridicilous to do anything else than stacking off.

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Q5h flopped trips 1/2 Quote
