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Punty? Punty?

07-29-2024 , 10:23 PM
Here is a pot I played 2/5 at coconut creek in south Florida.

Villain is a very aggressive competent (I believe is a pro) player.

850 effective
2/5 1k

Hj open to 20 hero but call Q8cc bb calls

345cc hj 25 hero call bb 130 call call
pot 455

Turn 8h

Bb 225 hj fold I jam for 685 bb calls
River 9s
Punty? Quote
07-29-2024 , 10:38 PM
- Don't post results (though I guess you could have won with the 8 if villain was on draw)
- HJ description please

As for play:

Pre. Fold. I know you got position, but Q8s is still trash
Flop: I like raise against hj here particularly if we can isolate HJ and get rid of BB, but call is not terible
Turn: We can't really fold when we pick up extra equity, so choice is call or raise. Villain's hand screams set or straight, neither of which he is folding. I'd discount a club draw or combo draw given he led into both of you twice, but that's the only thing you're ahead of that he could have. i.e. you have very little fold equity.
River: Hope he was on a draw but doubt it
Punty? Quote
07-29-2024 , 10:57 PM
I ended up winning, he had combo draw.

I understand pre it’s loose.

I have a hard time raising flop when I know the BB has full range advantage on this board texture.

Thank you for the response. I look forward to getting more feedback from more hands.

Cheers man
Punty? Quote
07-29-2024 , 11:18 PM
Fold pre, fold to flop raise. Turn I guess you can call given his weak sizing jamming vs the size seems not as terrible either given his turn size makes no sense for value and you're on an obvious draw.

Oh yeah I like a flop raise too vs the HJ who seems like he doesn't know he shouldn't be c betting this flop into 2 players one of whom was a button cold caller.
Punty? Quote
07-30-2024 , 12:07 AM
Thanks spyutastic…part of the reason I jammed was bc I was ahead of all FDs and he can easily do this with multiple

Yes I know it’s a fold pre.
Punty? Quote
07-30-2024 , 12:47 AM
Eh, I would not call preflop, but I don't think we have to fold...

I would 3 bet pre.
Punty? Quote
07-30-2024 , 01:28 AM
Fold pre play 3 bet or fold vs this size
Punty? Quote
07-30-2024 , 05:37 AM
I would fold this preflop 95+% of the time. Suited 3-gapper, looking to make a third nut flush, and if you do flop top pair it's with no kicker. It's not egregious - Q9s and K8s are definitely worth a conversation on the button - but Q8s is too weak for me.

If BB is competent he shouldn't have A2o, 76o or 62s (a bad player might overcall these from BB). I doubt it he has many overpairs either (77-66 probably don't continue turn and 99+ will squeeze preflop). In fact you need to have a good think about what a good player overcalls with from the BB, as they should be folding a hell of a lot with some squeezes. This is going to be a very standard polar range of sets, occasional two pair (depending on whether he gets involved preflop with 43s or 53s...he shouldn't) and draws. You're behind many of the draws (should be a lot of King-high and Ace-high flush draws) and maybe some 6x so I would fold to the flop check-raise. (That said, hitchens mentioned raising the cbet which is definitely worth a shout, I actually like this a lot).

Turn you now beat the draws, close between call and jam here, I lean call but there's probably not much in it.
Punty? Quote
07-30-2024 , 08:51 AM
Moxterite, thanks for a detailed explanation, I am hearing 3 bet pre. I will take that into consideration next time.

Also, am I calling A2 suited and 67 suited on button? Along with 33-55? To make my flip raise balanced with other draws and possible over pairs?
Punty? Quote
07-30-2024 , 08:57 AM
Overall I agree with kvnd and Buster that H needs to 3b or fold preflop. Otherwise our positional advantage gets reduced because we're capping our range. Had we 3b pre, the hand gets a lot easier to play.

I also like raising the mistaken c-bet on the flop. AP, we should be folding to the bb cr pretty often.
Punty? Quote
07-30-2024 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by Dandy9900
Also, am I calling A2 suited and 67 suited on button? Along with 33-55? To make my flip raise balanced with other draws and possible over pairs?
Depends on how your set up your button calling range vs a 3bet range but yeah all these hands would play fine as a call

You're concerned about BB having range advantage, but you have just as much of an advantage and by raising flop you'll fold out a lot of his speculative hands (although I suppose nobody is folding the nut flush draw which also has a gutshot)
Punty? Quote
07-30-2024 , 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by Dandy9900
part of the reason I jammed was bc I was ahead of all FDs and he can easily do this with multiple
He also has value hands in his range as well as draws, especially after he c/r's the flop from the BB. Players are usually very strong in that spot when they're OOP vs 2 other players.
Punty? Quote
07-30-2024 , 12:17 PM
Preflop: Fold. On the button you could justify a call with this hand if the raiser was a player who you have a good read on/control of. That doesn't seem to be the case here.

Flop: As played, call/fold. The first bet size is small enough that you should peel, but I would fold after the raise despite the good price because even though the bet is small there's a decent chance you are either drawing to a 2nd best flush or up against a combo draw that is taking some outs away from you.

Turn: As played, fold for the same reasons as on the flop.

Just my opinion...
Punty? Quote
07-30-2024 , 12:53 PM
I think calling from the BTN pre is okay, but not really great. I'd prefer to 3B or fold. I'd say raising > calling > folding, when we're in position against an aggro V. I prefer raising to isolate and get this heads up, rather than flatting and inviting the blinds to call behind, and go to a flop multi-way with some really wide ranges.

On flop, I think I raise behind HJ's c-bet, still hoping to get this heads-up. When we flat call and BB raises, alarm bells are going off, and I might occasionally fold when action gets back to us. Otherwise, we can flat call and see what BB does on the turn.

On the turn, when BB bets 1/2 pot, I don't know how many worse hands we can expect him to have after his flop check-raise gets called, and he bets again. And this is why I'd prefer raising to calling pre.

If we raised pre, BB probably would have folded out a lot of combos that make worse flushes here, and possibly some KX combos that would be better flushes. But now, BB can have every combo of AXcc and KXcc, along with every worse flush combo, and probably a fair bit of AXo with the Ac. If we jam turn, how many of those worse combos are calling?

The spot we're in on the turn is really gross, and I don't really love any of our options. I wouldn't have gotten here the way we did, but once we're here, I think we should make a nitty and exploitable fold.
Punty? Quote
07-30-2024 , 10:00 PM
Doc I greatly appreciate your response. Extremely detailed and gives me some great thinking points. Love it thank you!

This is why I posted, can’t wait to post some more.
Punty? Quote
07-31-2024 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by Dandy9900
I ended up winning, he had combo draw.

I understand pre it’s loose.

I have a hard time raising flop when I know the BB has full range advantage on this board texture.

Thank you for the response. I look forward to getting more feedback from more hands.

Cheers man
Pre is not loose. Over time it is just a punt.
Punty? Quote
