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PSA: Make the fish happy PSA: Make the fish happy

02-04-2017 , 01:54 PM
This is more prevelent in the lower stakes but it obv happens across the board. Fish/whales come in generally to have a good time. They want to chase their draws, keep you honest on the river etc....... A lot of players even regs seriously just don't get it. Keep the fish happy!

Things that put me on tilt (some are in the grand scheme of things not that serious but still tilt me).

1. Playing online at the table on your phone/tablet and even more tilting a laptop. It slows down the game and it generally makes the fish uncomfortable especially if there are more than 1 player at the table doing this.

2. Wearing sunglasses. You just look like a tool.

3. Headphones to the point where you can't hear anything at the table. And/or when 1/2-3/4 of the table have headphones on. Rec players generally enjoy some table banter. I know people can be unbearable but just f'in talk to them.

4. Berating the fish. Just don't do it. LDO

I'm sure there's a lot more that'll come to mind.

The games are going to continue to get tougher. If the fish are losing and generally not having fun most of them eventually stop bashing their heads in and will stop playing.
02-04-2017 , 03:41 PM
NEVER BERATE THE FISH, make them feel good and unlucky when they're 8/4 two suited doesn't hold up
02-04-2017 , 04:52 PM
5. When they try to talk strat with you, keep it lighthearted & shallow and/or incorrect.
02-04-2017 , 05:39 PM
Wanna-be pros talking poker jargon with each other is tilting for this reason; have seen this tools openly discuss 'the fish', which has to be about the fishiest thing you can do if you want to make money at the tables.
02-04-2017 , 07:44 PM
Thread is not a strat question. Probably a better location is live casino poker.

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