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Preflop Spot Vs Condensed Limp/RR Range Preflop Spot Vs Condensed Limp/RR Range

10-22-2017 , 11:59 AM
[2/4] I almost never have this read so I need some opinions

Hero ($700): Young WG; image could be better as I got caught bluffing where I floated a donk bet and repped an A on the turn that I should have very often. I got kind of upset b/c the donk kept saying that if the other guy didn't call in front of him he would've called me down all day because I was obv FoS. I later made it back when I jammed the nuts on the turn and tabled my hand on the river when there was a side pot. Not tilted I don't think, but anxiety might be high.

V ($550): Young white reg. Gets out of line fairly often and can be spewy. This session he won a huge pot by triple barreling a pair of threes and getting called down by A high. In the hand before the one in question he limped the cutoff and called a sb iso raise. He got caught triple barreling with zero equity when SB checked his 2nd pair. I have a fairly solid read on this player that he limp-reraises decent, but non-nutted hands. I've seen him do it with 88 with lots of dead money (even though he used a really bad sizing, so maybe he was legitimately trying to juice the pot?) and he open raises all his premiums. Also tends to raise some pretty marginal hands from EP.


Fold to V who open limps the HJ; Hero raises to 25 with A T in the SB and V raises to 125. Hero???

Folding is a safe and low variance option and seems intuitive in any LLSNL game, but is stuffing it here +EV? I rate to be slightly ahead of his l/rr range I think, and I should have decent FE. If he spazzes and calls with 77 he will probably do so with A2s as well. It seems less likely to me that he is towards the top of his range with the open limp from the hijack. There is zero reason to believe that he will get raised enough at this table for it to be profitable.

Calling is out of the question because he will just push me off my equity. I wish I had the foresight to complete because I def didn't want to get reraised with this hand. I want to play pots against him and let him barrel his ass off.

Trying to exploit light aggression is so unpredictable in these games. It works so well online with the same reads...

Please affirm or deny my reasoning and let me know what you think is best.
Preflop Spot Vs Condensed Limp/RR Range Quote
10-22-2017 , 12:35 PM
You think he's gonna call an overpot 160bb jam with A2s?
Preflop Spot Vs Condensed Limp/RR Range Quote
10-22-2017 , 12:45 PM
Can't imagine a sane human doing that admittedly, but I don't think his continuing range will be far off from his l/rr range, if not the same. I think it just comes down to how he reacts to this as opposed to his actual cards. Nothing in his range should stack off, but I can't tell what he's gonna do.
Preflop Spot Vs Condensed Limp/RR Range Quote
10-22-2017 , 02:51 PM
If you trust your reads, I like a jam and the raise is good. You can't not raise a hand this strong just because he might l/rr you.

Calling is reasonable too if you expect him to punt his stack off post-flop with his entire range.
Preflop Spot Vs Condensed Limp/RR Range Quote
10-22-2017 , 04:21 PM
call you have position.
Preflop Spot Vs Condensed Limp/RR Range Quote
10-22-2017 , 04:22 PM
No I don't
Preflop Spot Vs Condensed Limp/RR Range Quote
10-22-2017 , 06:43 PM
If your BR can handle the variance, then stuff.
Preflop Spot Vs Condensed Limp/RR Range Quote
10-22-2017 , 06:57 PM
Ride the variance train. If your read is accurate you are flipping when called. Dead $$$ + FE = ship.
Preflop Spot Vs Condensed Limp/RR Range Quote
10-23-2017 , 02:39 PM
Yeah my BR can handle it, but it piled on to my current downswing so I'm taking a break now.

Instead of shoving I 4bet to 300 b/c I thought he covered me with all his greens and planned to call if shoved on. Probably didn't max my FE because of that, but it should've looked strong since my 4bets are squeaky clean value (I have been caught 4betting light once at a different room with different players and won an $1800 pot against JTo lmao). Got jammed on by the absolute worst hand for me that's consistent with my read: AJs. Lost on the river to the nut flush on a 775T2 runout.
Preflop Spot Vs Condensed Limp/RR Range Quote
10-23-2017 , 04:30 PM
Villain having hands that you only have 25-30% equity against is a big deal and inconsistent with your initial read.
Preflop Spot Vs Condensed Limp/RR Range Quote
10-23-2017 , 05:53 PM
Well I mean anytime you shove something that isn't AA there are dominating hands in my opponents range. My read is that v never has premiums here. If I get V to fold out 60% of his limping range (99-22,AJs-A2s,K6s+,Q7s+,J8s+,T8s+,98s,87s,76s,65s,AJo-ATo,KTo+,QTo+,JTo), I only need like 33ish% against his continuing range to break even. I give him (99-55,AJs-A8s,K9s+,QTs+,JTs,T9s,98s,AJo,KJo+) and AThh has about 55% against that.

That's the best I can analyze it.
Preflop Spot Vs Condensed Limp/RR Range Quote
