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preflop spot 2/5 preflop spot 2/5

01-06-2014 , 08:40 PM
So my friend and I had a disagreement about a spot that came up my last session, hand is very simple but I'm posting it because I usually don't disagree with this particular friend about poker strat but I respect him a lot

2/5 nl at MD live

villain is new to the table, sat within the last orbit, Indian dude with shades, has like ~400

hand: folds to him he limps the cutoff, button limps, hero makes it 30 out of the bb with AKo, and villain 3bets me to 90

which option do you choose? I think he has 400 total to start the hand, 393 the final count was
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-06-2014 , 08:56 PM
OL/Shove is usually very nutted, but few are willing to risk no raise when folded to them in that late a position. Readless, I would still put about half of his range at KK/AA, and about half with smaller pairs (88-QQish). You have a blocker of each to AA and KK, so I don't hate a shove here, on the theory that we have FE and are often flipping when called, but... OL/shove is such a nutted line. Even with blockers, I think we're often behind.

The prob with flatting is we usually have to c/f whiffed flops. If an A or a K comes OTF, it makes his holding them much less likely, but it probably kills our action. If it doesn't kill our action, we're probably toast.

I therefore shove or fold, and I base it on reads. If he looks like he has the gambool about him, I shove. If he looks redic confident, I prob shove. If he looks conservative, his hands are shaking, or he looks uncomfortable, I just fold it and pretend it was a steal.
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-06-2014 , 09:03 PM
Basically what Garrick said. I think we can make a case to shove ak suited because the extra few percent of equity gained against the range appointed adds up a lot when we see all 5 cards
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01-06-2014 , 09:49 PM
Snap fold. Guy just sits down and limp reraises you... Smells like AA KK
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01-06-2014 , 10:27 PM
Without a better read on the Villain, I'm probably folding here.
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01-07-2014 , 12:31 AM
Without a better read on the villain, I am probably shoving here.

Maybe it's the online background talking in me, but I just don't like to give people a range of KK+ when I have blockers, especially for less than 100bbs. I mean, the LRR is a little scary but for all we know this is just some random aggro donkey.
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by socialrunner
Without a better read on the villain, I am probably shoving here.

Maybe it's the online background talking in me, but I just don't like to give people a range of KK+ when I have blockers, especially for less than 100bbs. I mean, the LRR is a little scary but for all we know this is just some random aggro donkey.
yeah dude, the online player in me ripped it without thinking lol... but I called my friend after the hand who said ''villain's looks strong, we aren't getting many folds blah blah blah'' and it made me question my sanity but wtf we have AK
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by oh-nahhh
yeah dude, the online player in me ripped it without thinking lol... but I called my friend after the hand who said ''villain's looks strong, we aren't getting many folds blah blah blah'' and it made me question my sanity but wtf we have AK
what did the Vs have? Assuming you got at least one caller...
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 01:35 AM
Whys there a post. He has 400.. You're friend is under rolled or knows villain better than you..
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by socialrunner
Without a better read on the villain, I am probably shoving here.

Maybe it's the online background talking in me, but I just don't like to give people a range of KK+ when I have blockers, especially for less than 100bbs. I mean, the LRR is a little scary but for all we know this is just some random aggro donkey.
Yes, and the player population is relevant. (gamboooly -> more shoving)

I don't recall having seen very many open-limp/RRs from the cutoff at 2/5. Those who have: is it usually AA/KK, or just spazzing? It seems like such a silly thing to do with AA/KK...
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 02:34 AM
shove or fold. im heavily leaning towards folding without better reads. why gamble HOPING for a coin flip at best?
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01-07-2014 , 03:16 AM
The only hands to be afraid of are AA and KK, and you have blockers to both. A C/r with those hands from the CO is so weirdly played that I'm gonna pay it off. This is an easy jam for me against 95% of my player pool. And I'm always pushing verse an unknown here, and I expect to see 99-QQ most of the time when called. BTW, we likely also have a decent amount of FE verse many of the villain's underpairs.
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 04:16 AM

but seriously, he's wearing sunglasses guy.
late position LRR are FOS hands a lot, like a mid PP that wants to 'take it down now' sometimes AQ, I turbo get it in here. Its not like we're deep, easy ship.
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 04:55 AM
I hate when they wake up with aa or kk esp when we have blockers, but I've been running into monsters lately when I have ak. I like folding or shoving. Not flatting.
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 04:57 AM
It's sub 100bbs so I would get it in and hope were flipping/ maybe he even folds pre.
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by oh-nahhh
yeah dude, the online player in me ripped it without thinking lol... but I called my friend after the hand who said ''villain's looks strong, we aren't getting many folds blah blah blah'' and it made me question my sanity but wtf we have AK

This is a 100% fold without even raising an eyebrow. Adjusting to the ridiculous narrow ranges of live players will be something for you to do.
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 10:48 AM
late position LRR are FOS hands a lot, like a mid PP that wants to 'take it down now' sometimes AQ, I turbo get it in here. Its not like we're deep, easy ship.
I agree, when it's an overlimp. An open limp/RR, is much more nutted, even in late position.
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by AintNoLimit
This is a 100% fold without even raising an eyebrow. Adjusting to the ridiculous narrow ranges of live players will be something for you to do.
ANL is right here particularly read less. Read that second sentence over and over
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 11:10 AM
mannnnnnnnnnn i know i know! but wtf folding AK when getting limp reraised but the fkn cutoff? like damn, vs an EP dude i would obv turbo fold.... and yeah I've gotten a lot better at adjusting to livetards, and I'm crushing live so far pretty easily but this spot just pissed me off lol

I ended up shoving, he called with QQ and held

I knew it was shove or fold, but folding just felt gross, all options felt gross.... sigh

I'm happy at least there are differing replies here though, but the guy with the coaching listing agrees with my friend (who plays higher than this and is clearly better than me)

lol to the guy who said he's underrolled, I'm going to link him to your post and he'll get a kick out of it hahaha, nothing personal just for fun sake

god so this really is a fold????????? some of the more competent guys are saying snap fold :head asplode:

pretty sure he folds sometimes, has worse sometimes, etc.... HE'S THE CUTOFF MAN LADSFS;DLFJKSA;FLKJAWSF;LKj

idk why this is bugging me so much it's such a simple hand, but it is lol

thanks for the replies guys
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by slimshady1999
shove or fold. im heavily leaning towards folding without better reads. why gamble HOPING for a coin flip at best?
coin flip at best when called maybe he has AQs like 5% of the time too? and if I have ANY fold equity, I think flipping when called is fine

Originally Posted by peac b the journey
Whys there a post. He has 400.. You're friend is under rolled or knows villain better than you..
hahahaha awesome man, I would probably say that same thing if I were you, except this friend plays HSNL and is a complete sicko, so funny that you said this lol <3

Originally Posted by Shwauby
what did the Vs have? Assuming you got at least one caller...
yeah the limp/caller called it off and the btn folded, he had QQ

Originally Posted by Jay S
Yes, and the player population is relevant. (gamboooly -> more shoving)

I don't recall having seen very many open-limp/RRs from the cutoff at 2/5. Those who have: is it usually AA/KK, or just spazzing? It seems like such a silly thing to do with AA/KK...
thats why i jammed! and dude the population is very relevant, it increases the number of silly hands in his range

oops thought you said irrelevant, my bad

alright I'm done with this thread, went on way too long for such a simple hand, on to the next one #2p2addict
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 11:40 AM
Shipping and folding here are both marginal at 60xbb versus somebody's first hand when they limp raise from the co. I don't hate either but folding is the safer play.

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preflop spot 2/5 Quote
01-07-2014 , 01:58 PM
Definitely a fold imo. Whether or not he has AA or KK is irrelevant. The point is he is only doing this with a pair. Doesn't matter if he has 22 or QQ. If you add AA and KK to his range it's a very clear fold. AK is only 40% against a range of 88+ and we only invested $30 into the pot.
This is why llsnl is so easy because villains play their hands face up and allow us to play perfect poker. Fold.
preflop spot 2/5 Quote
