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Post flop play Post flop play

05-12-2014 , 02:27 PM
I play in a loose live game. It is $.50nl 40BB buy in max. Preflop raising does nothing in this group of guys. I figure I can work on my tight pre flop play, also as training for solid post flop play 7-10 handed every hand.
Give me advice what are the first steps to take to learn post flop better.
I am trying to get reads by watching them see the flop then I look @ cards.
05-12-2014 , 02:37 PM
I'm afraid that this question is way too general to be able to generate a good discussion. Generally speaking, though, at .25/.5 with a $20 BI, where "preflop raising does nothing," you should be playing a solid tight short-stack strategy with ridiculously large PF raises (whatever it takes to get 2 callers or HU, I'm guessing in the $7.50 range) and pretty much shoving almost every flop. There's really no room for post flop play anyway.
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