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Is it possible Is it possible

11-29-2014 , 08:16 PM
Hi there. Im a long time poker player of the age 29. Consistant winner but not by a ton. Ive had an epiphany anout 1/2 live games that are passive. Can you beat them?

I play in a card room in a city with a lot of old people. You sit down at a table with 9 people, half of which have half stacks or less. The games are completely limp happy with everyone wanting to see a flop, but never take any initiative to do so. With this said, they want to see the flop for 2$, but have no problem seeing it for more when i raise on the button with what ever i have. So it starts with 6 people limping, me raising to 17$, and getting all calls. How do you put people on a range? How can you exploit this situation? There is no rhyme or reason to anything they do? You CANT out play them because they dont care aboht what you have. So there is no such thing as getting them to fold top pair or even middle pair. This would be an easy answer if you were heads up or 3 way on flops, but each flop is at least 6 ways. How do you beat this game? It seems the only way is nit patience and waiting for stone cold monsters to get max value from but is the answer that simple? I dont find it hard to beat one or teo calling stations, in fact, i love that. What i find hard is beating 6 of them at the same time. Is there anyone here who plays in these super passive short stack limp call happy 1/2 games that can shed some light? Thanks in advance.
11-29-2014 , 08:35 PM
Literally... $17...$18...$19...

Feel me?
11-29-2014 , 08:36 PM
Three options:

1. Raise more pre and cut down the callers.

2. Be happy for 6 callers with what should be much worse. Play very straightforward post flop and profit on made hands and position.

3. Mice up to 2/5 where they respect raises.
11-29-2014 , 08:37 PM
Welcome to the forum. Please use the search function, as this is a common question and we've had a lot of threads on this.

Short answer is to play tight, pump up the pot hugely with premiums for value, never bluff or bet post flop without at least top pair, and value bet mercilessly when you have TPGK plus. This will still have variance, but will be very profitable.
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