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Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr)

05-17-2013 , 09:03 PM
Not as fun as other questions I'm sure, but you mind briefly detailing your back pain saga?

I have incredible lower back pain and have been to multiple doctors over 3 years, several MRIs and nothing. They just keep sending me to physical therapy after they are certain they see nothing wrong. Done PT 4 times now and it doesn't help. I am 25.

Did you have similar issues? It seems a lot of folks back pain goes undiagnosed for a long tome. Any recommendations?
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-17-2013 , 09:20 PM
Dominoes deliver in college town was crap hours, but it had some nice fringe benifits. Got flashed often and offers I had to refuse (damn) a few times. One girl answered door tastefully attired in a pair of glasses, held a check up next to her breasts and asked "is this OK?". She then turned her back to me and bent over to fill it out on the coffee table. One of most tempting moments of my life...
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-17-2013 , 09:36 PM
if you were going to turn gay for a poker player, who would it be?

are any of your nurses in hospital hot?

have you told them yet?
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-17-2013 , 09:37 PM
More tempting moment was when I was at a party flirting with this girl and another came up and attached herself to the other side of me. So far kinda standard flirty stuff, but when I came out of bathroom later, they went back into their positions and then each stuck a tongue in my ear. Then started kissing eachothwr and dragged me off to the beach. Great night even though I had enough willpower to not actually f them. Each other, oOTOH, ... so hot.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-17-2013 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
if you were going to turn gay for a poker player, who would it be?

Vannesa Rousso. I'd turn into a girl first, ldo.

are any of your nurses in hospital hot?

Yeah. esp recovery room nurse.!

have you told them yet?
Not that drugged. Plus, wive was here till just a bit ago.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-17-2013 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Not that drugged. Plus, wive was here till just a bit ago.
Ok, now we get the real stories.

Seems to me that you could have had her write the check and said, "Depends on how good you are for me whether this check leaves or not."

Last edited by venice10; 05-17-2013 at 10:09 PM.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-17-2013 , 10:04 PM
Will answer paid one later, as it will take too long on phone. Clifss: if your pain is from disk, MRI should have shown. Sorry, man.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-17-2013 , 10:23 PM
Glad the surgery went well.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-17-2013 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Dominoes deliver in college town was crap hours, but it had some nice fringe benifits. Got flashed often and offers I had to refuse (damn) a few times. One girl answered door tastefully attired in a pair of glasses, held a check up next to her breasts and asked "is this OK?". She then turned her back to me and bent over to fill it out on the coffee table. One of most tempting moments of my life...
Ok, this is sad. The poor girl screws up her courage to live out the pizza delivery guy fantasy, and you turn her down flat.

Well question: what's it like to know you wrecked some random girl's psyche and probably cost her years of therapy?
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-17-2013 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
Ok, this is sad. The poor girl screws up her courage to live out the pizza delivery guy fantasy, and you turn her down flat.

Well question: what's it like to know you wrecked some random girl's psyche and probably cost her years of therapy?

I think she was fine. When I reported what happened back at the stood, other drivers started fighting over who got her deliveries. She pretty much always answrd ed the door that way thereafter, and one guy said he was about to go for it when her boyfriend, also stark naked, wandered into the room. Resultsoriented, ldo, bit I was very glad after I heard that I'd folded pre.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-17-2013 , 10:52 PM
hiw attractive are we talking?
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-17-2013 , 11:07 PM
Pizza girl: She was very hot. Body was incredible. No shave, but this was in the late 80s, when was pretty rare. Did seem trimmed. Face was attractive in a girl next door sort of way, more cute than beautiful. Glasses added a naughty librarian vibe. Lol, more than 20 years later and still can picture it vividly.

Team girls: one very cute petite blond and other was a brunet just a bit above average, but athletic.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-17-2013 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Not that drugged. Plus, wive was here till just a bit ago.
So now you can speak freely about your love for APD?
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-18-2013 , 12:42 AM
One of my frustrations with playing so much less in the last six years since my son was born (and hardly at all since Black Friday) is that I'm just not as good as I used to be. I used to be really good, and now I'm probably just barely competent. As a hypercompetitive person, this can eat me up when I let it. How have you adjusted your competitiveness to cope with the fact that you're not the best at poker?

I think the way I've done it that I've just accepted the change in the situation and now I look at my various forays into the poker world as mental stimulation, but man, whenever I screw up in a way that I wouldn't have years ago, it's frustrating enough that it really bothers me until I play again, even if that's eight weeks later. And that's something that I can't shove aside.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-18-2013 , 04:01 AM
you have got some amazing willpower
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-18-2013 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
you have got some amazing willpower
My ex and I had a "you can get you appetite anywhere, as long as you come home for dinner" policy. This prob put me in temptation's way more than was prudent, but with the permission to do some, I developed an ability not to take it too far.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-18-2013 , 11:45 AM
Coping with diminished skills answer will also need to wait until I can answer on computer. Way too long for phone post.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-18-2013 , 05:29 PM
OK, I back now. Done with the dilaudid, but I did add a beer to the hydrocodone to give a similar effect.

Not as fun as other questions I'm sure, but you mind briefly detailing your back pain saga?

I have incredible lower back pain and have been to multiple doctors over 3 years, several MRIs and nothing. They just keep sending me to physical therapy after they are certain they see nothing wrong. Done PT 4 times now and it doesn't help. I am 25.

Did you have similar issues? It seems a lot of folks back pain goes undiagnosed for a long tome. Any recommendations?
Sucks man. All the problems I know about would show up on an MRI. For most of us it's getting them to actually do an MRI that is the hard part, what with the money-saving protocols most HMOs have. Best answer for mystery back pain I've seen is just strengthening the hell out of your core with instability exercises. Bosu-ball seems to be the best for working a wide variety of those muscles in a wide variety of ways.

As for my serious back pain, I have now idea what caused it, but it got cray in 2007 when I was visiting Disneyworld with the wife. We were staying at the Hilton there, which had redic soft pillowtop beds, and I woke up with serious pain in my left hip/buttock. I just figured I'd thrown something out of place sleeping on the soft bed, but it didn't get better. Flight home was excruciating. Went in to the doc on Monday and got the standard muscle relaxant and painkiller pack.

When that did nothing, went in to the doc a few weeks later and got sent to PT. That was when I discovered that my back was the problem, not the hip, and that I had sciatica. PT did nothing, but once I had "failed PT," I finally got referred for an MRI that showed bulging disks at L4-5 and L5-S1. I got referred to pain management, and they gave me epidural steroid injections that handled my pain very well. It took me over three month to get an effective treatment, but injections every 2-3 months handled my pain pretty well for 5 years.

A couple of times I had new extrusions, but they always reacted well to the ESIs. in late Feb I had a bad attack (likely due to new extrusion) while at a war for my medieval group. I was in charge of one of the sides, so I couldn't let pain stop me. My wife recruited a few guards to make sure no one would charge into me. I saw a hole in the enemy line and went for it, being careful to let my guards stay in front so they'd take the maximum impact. Instead, some 400lb dude on the other side comes rushing over to try to plug the gap, trips, and accidentally tackles me from behind. Against the rules in our game, but it was a total accident. Plus, the pain totally went away. It was like in the old movies the guy who got amnesia from being hit with a hammer gets hit with a hammer again and his memory comes back.

Next morning I wake up and can't feel or lift my left foot. The pain went away because the nerve is so pinched it's no longer carrying impulses. Que surgery.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-18-2013 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by THEOSU
One of my frustrations with playing so much less in the last six years since my son was born (and hardly at all since Black Friday) is that I'm just not as good as I used to be. I used to be really good, and now I'm probably just barely competent. As a hypercompetitive person, this can eat me up when I let it. How have you adjusted your competitiveness to cope with the fact that you're not the best at poker?
What a great question! I have never been the best at poker, so it dosn't eat me up too much as long as I don't backslide. I try to measure myself against people who have more experience than me (easy, peasy, cause in casino games most of them suck), or have put in as much work as me (much tougher competition), but not get too worked up over not being better than the folks who have put in more work and more hours.

That said, that's easier for me with poker, because I've never been never the top of the game. As I get older and no longer near the top of my martial art, it's tougher to take.

I think the way I've done it that I've just accepted the change in the situation and now I look at my various forays into the poker world as mental stimulation, but man, whenever I screw up in a way that I wouldn't have years ago, it's frustrating enough that it really bothers me until I play again, even if that's eight weeks later. And that's something that I can't shove aside.
A thousand times this! I don't mind other people getting better than me, but I HATE getting worse myself. With martial arts, it's the nature of aging, but when I make a dumb mistake in poker it's really frustrating.

One of the things I like to do after a long time off is to go back to some of my favorite threads and refresh myself on some things that should be basic. It helps me get my head in the game.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-18-2013 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
My ex and I had a "you can get you appetite anywhere, as long as you come home for dinner" policy.
lolol, this should get us to 200 no problem!

c'mon, thread, DISCUSS.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-19-2013 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
lolol, this should get us to 200 no problem!

c'mon, thread, DISCUSS.
What's your favorite appetizer???
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-19-2013 , 12:05 PM
Hmm. Now that I'm off the narcotics, I'm not sure how, or even if, I should answer that.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-19-2013 , 07:52 PM
But you still don't haz 200 poasts.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-19-2013 , 09:17 PM
Well, I'm not gonna artificially inflate the post count, but I did throw this out there...

Fave appetizers were prob the twin redheads who were just flirty and not inclined to take things too far, so both hot and not dangerous.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
05-20-2013 , 06:17 AM
posting just to tease you, lololol. I should lock it right now. You're soooooo close.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
