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Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr)

10-10-2012 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by AmazonPrime
What if your friend grabbed the donkey's legs and forced him to do a eg stand?
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-10-2012 , 11:47 AM
Favorite Superhero

Favorite trash hand

Your worst spew ever at the table (if you can't remember one specific hand just name a few)

How much do you rely on physical tells (if at all)
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-10-2012 , 07:28 PM
Favorite Superhero
I used to really like the Blue Devil (, though looking back on it, these comics were seriously cheesy.

Favorite trash hand
J9. It makes some nice disguised nutted hands, but is super easy to get away from with one pair. 2-pair can get a lot of value from SDs, if you are careful.

Your worst spew ever at the table
From before I found 2+2:
5/10 Euro NL, 1600 effective stacks. Only decent player on the table OLs UTG (covers), 4 limps to me. I bump it to 50 OTB with AQo. UTG calls, 2 more calls.
Pot: 220
Flop AQ3hh
UTG leads for 100, one call. I ...
Shove to get rid of the FD, The pot is already big enough for me, ldo. Yup, I shoved for 1500 more into a pot of 520.
UTG snap calls, other player folds. A OTT gives me the nuts to crack his 33. I rake the biggest pot of my life. I am such a luckbox.

How much do you rely on physical tells (if at all)
I don't exactly rely on them, but I use them a lot against fishy opponents. Especially reliable for me are the "big sigh followed by big bet" strength tell, the "re-check my cards when another of a suit hits" tell, and, amazingly enough the grunt of disgust from passive players is almost always genuine and an invitation to steal the pot.

Against better opponents, I find tells much less reliable, though I do try to catalog tells to shown hands to build profiles for Vs I expect to play again.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-10-2012 , 09:14 PM
Biggest man crush in this forum that isn't Ace.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-10-2012 , 09:34 PM
What are your thoughts on paying people with combat jobs more money than pogues?

In garrison and while deployed
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-11-2012 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
I haven't seen it. I just watched a trailer on YouTube, and the only Arabic in it was the prisoner saying "Don't shoot. I'm an American" in really bad Arabic.
This is a great well, thank you.

The speaking might be deliberate. In the classic "Godfather" scene where Michael shoots Sollozzo, only after I learned Italian did I realize that Coppola had Sollozzo speaking fluently where Michael was speaking horrible "standard" Italian. The last words Michael speaks in Italian before switching to English is, "How do you say, how do you say?"

My question, if not already asked is are you a lifer in the AF? You must be coming up to the age where the military seems to want to force everyone out who isn't a general.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-11-2012 , 01:06 AM

congrats on the post and thanks for taking the time to do it.

Your poker goals align almost exactly to mine and you described my play almost exactly (analytic CRC). I'm delighted to know that there is a legitimate genre of poker players just like me who don't fit into the pro, grinder, fish categories.

my question to you is this.

What is the one adjustment which you believe the typical good analytic CRC can make to improve their win rate?
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-11-2012 , 02:24 AM
Biggest man crush in this forum that isn't Ace.
mpethy, ldo. He was a hero from the uNL COTW days, and when he started posting in here it was like we had a celebrity.

The speaking might be deliberate. In the classic "Godfather" scene where Michael shoots Sollozzo, only after I learned Italian did I realize that Coppola had Sollozzo speaking fluently where Michael was speaking horrible "standard" Italian.
Yeah, he definitely said it in the way they train Marines right before deployment. You'd think he'd have learned more in 5+ years of captivity, though.

My question, if not already asked is are you a lifer in the AF? You must be coming up to the age where the military seems to want to force everyone out who isn't a general.
I'm in a very fortunate position. When I commissioned it "re-started the shot clock," so I am nowhere near my up or out point, even though I now have over 20 years of service. Only 12 of it is commissioned, so I could go like another 6 years without getting promoted and also not get forced out.

What is the one adjustment which you believe the typical good analytic CRC can make to improve their win rate?
Good question, and one I'm struggling with. If you haven't already got v-bet thinner OTR, add that. After that, my instincts tell me that we've pretty much maxed out the value against the fish and it's time to stop avoiding the regs and start playing back at them when their range is often FE-based. So far, though, i have a hard time pulling the trigger on that, and the times I have made the laydown instead of the re-steal I was so tempted to try, I've generally found that my hand-reading is mot yet good enough for thin re-steals.

If you find the answer, plz let me know. Coaches ITT, any general thoughts?
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-11-2012 , 11:58 AM
Nice thread. Enjoyed reading the OP. There are a lot of CRCs in my games and this was good insight into their mindset and motivations and your post gave me some things to think about.

calvin and hobbes was and will always be the nuts.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-11-2012 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Garick

Against better opponents, I find tells much less reliable, though I do try to catalog tells to shown hands to build profiles for Vs I expect to play again.
What are APDs tells that he should really get rid of because they are super obvious and maybe some not so obvious ones..... You have to answer, and truthfully, because it's a well.

(Although I do know a few and have sucessfully used them against people who think they have me pegged )
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-11-2012 , 03:57 PM
Great post and great well.

Was really excited when I saw this up and it has delivered.

Sounds like you're not much of a degen, but most degen moment?

Biggest poker epiphany?

Favorite thread?

Least favorite thread?
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-11-2012 , 06:23 PM
What are your thoughts on paying people with combat jobs more money than pogues?

In garrison and while deployed
I've always thought that the idea of $200 a month for imminent danger/combat pay was just insulting. Especially since we get the same for 200 miles in the rear, but technically" in theater," or for right in the sheit. As for paying combat specialties more in garrison, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, we are asking them to risk more. OTOH, they perform their primary duty much less often than, for example, a jet maintainer, who performs his wartime mission every day.

What are APDs tells that he should really get rid of because they are super obvious and maybe some not so obvious ones..... You have to answer, and truthfully, because it's a well.
Sigh. You do the "grab a big stack fake" a lot. When you really intend to make a big bet, you often eye your stack like you are visually counting out the amount so that when you bet you won't have a timing/counting tell. Pre-flop you almost always glance left right after you look at your cards if you're going to play them (very good policy, imo) but when you have a marginal hand you look a lot longer. I suspect you're trying to get an idea of how many more will come in to various bet sizes.

I have noticed a couple of others, but I'm not sure what they mean yet, or even if they have any consistent meaning. You def mix up the speeches, so I just ignore them at this point.

Sounds like you're not much of a degen, but most degen moment?
I'm so not a degen. None of my degen moments come from gambool. I have a few from alcohol.

My buddy and I drank over 2 gallons of beer each (we lost count at 8.5 liters each, but there was prob more) at Oktoberfest a couple of years ago. My memories are hazy, but I know I talked my way past several security guards (in German and fluent drunkenese) to get into various beer tents that were "seat required." The first time I told the guy that we'd left our seat cards in the tent and went out to use the porta-potties because the line for the men's room was too long. He bought that and let us in, so we decided to try a new and more outrageous excuse at each tent. I don't think we actually tried this, but one we discussed was claiming to be in the band, and that I played tuba and he played glockenspiel.

I remember that we got lost in Munich, and when we finally found the train station, I was getting off every time it stopped, throwing up off the edge of the platform, and then getting back on quickly before the train could pull out again. We woke up at 2pm in our hotel the next day, so I guess it worked.

Biggest poker epiphany?
The biggest one, and one that made me profitable for years with no other skills, is that it's OK to fold. In social poker or smallest limit stakes, that's all you need.

Biggest pre-2+2 epiphany after that was the law of 2/4, which allowed me to actually be able to figure pot odds at the table.

Biggest from 2+2: Tough call. Probably finally groking the idea of EV vs ranges (including FE), vice versus villains actual holding. This has allowed me to get somewhat away from my nitty ways and actually use some aggression with air/draws, and not just fat value bets.

Favorite thread?
Basic Theory: EV(pretty basic now, but it blew my mind then) 7853639
Bought a house with poker mobnies (many of the pics don't work anymore )
Story: Toss up between Matt Moore and Chuck Bass story threads.
Mat Moore:
Chuck Bass:****-dr-1085130/

Least favorite thread?
BBV Anonymous Confession thread. Every once in a while I get curious, and after reading three posts I am depressed and need brain bleach.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-11-2012 , 06:59 PM
What is the one adjustment which you believe the typical good analytic CRC can make to improve their win rate?

Good question, and one I'm struggling with. If you haven't already got v-bet thinner OTR, add that. After that, my instincts tell me that we've pretty much maxed out the value against the fish and it's time to stop avoiding the regs and start playing back at them when their range is often FE-based. So far, though, i have a hard time pulling the trigger on that, and the times I have made the laydown instead of the re-steal I was so tempted to try, I've generally found that my hand-reading is mot yet good enough for thin re-steals.

Yes, value betting improvements have been my big epiphany this year.

For me, I feel that most of the work I've done over the past year, with the major v betting and bet sizing improvements on the way, has been about improving my 'offense'. The best way for my win rate to improve more now is improving my 'defense'

I think I can be more disciplined about folding to small flop bets when I'm holding middle pair weak kicker and I need to stop using math and pot odds (or even worse.....information) as an excuse to call when I know I'm beat on the river.

One more good river fold every two sessions would see a decent win rate improvement for me.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-11-2012 , 07:06 PM
That makes a lot of sense. I tend not to call a lot of river bets thinly against bad players, as they just so rarely are aggressive OTR without a strong hand. If they "same bet" it, I'll often turn my made hand into a bluff. I pretty much only call thin when I have a hand that is generally strong, but relatively weak given board/action. In those cases I call because bad players don't always realize when their hand is relatively weak, they just think "ZOMG, 2 PEARS!"
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-11-2012 , 11:37 PM
My Uncle was a grad of the Naval Academy. Can you finish his sentence "Son you have to understand the Air Force is comprised of ______________"

And you would tell him _________________.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-11-2012 , 11:49 PM
Not sure what the grab a big stack fake is. I can tell you this on the others... You have definitelt noticed some stuff, but I don't think you have the meanings down exactly. Yeah the speech.... You know not to level yourself with them. Some people cant help themselves though and it's fun to do. I've stopped alot of it though and I wear glasses more often because I know I got some eye tells. I know its tacky to talk tells on 2+2, but screw it.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-12-2012 , 12:11 AM
Well, I don't know your uncle or what era he graduated in, but I'll take a guess.
"Son you have to understand the Air Force is comprised of big brained comfort lovers who were too weak to join a real military branch."

And I would tell him "at least we're big brained..."

Which reminds me of the old joke about cultural differences among military branches.

When you tell the Army to secure a building, they post guards at all the entrances and check the ID of everyone entering or leaving.

When you tell the Marines to secure a building, they lay down a covering barrage of mortar fire, storm the building with a rifle platoon, and kill everyone inside.

When you tell the Navy to secure a building, they turn off the lights, lock the doors, and go home.

When you tell the Air Force to secure a building they take out a six-month lease with option to buy.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-12-2012 , 12:18 AM
not sure what the grab a big stack fake is
When you grab a big stack of chips before the action is on you, you never bet them if it is checked to you (though you sometimes bet some of them). It seems more like a blocking level, and I suspect its usually a hand you want to see another street and/or showdown, but one that you want to pot-control.

If you are really going to make the big bet, you often cut it out with your eyes before the action is on you, but not actually grab it.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-12-2012 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
When you grab a big stack of chips before the action is on you, you never bet them if it is checked to you (though you sometimes bet some of them). It seems more like a blocking level, and I suspect its usually a hand you want to see another street and/or showdown, but one that you want to pot-control.

If you are really going to make the big bet, you often cut it out with your eyes before the action is on you, but not actually grab it.
Oh.... The old chinese man move. Yeah, that one is a joke bro and I think I only do that to very weak players, but it's really as a joke. I know I do that and I know how it looks. Lol.

Guess my glasses are +EV if I'm cutting a stack out with my eyes.

Can't wait to big stack fake you.

Back to the thread!
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-12-2012 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
Well, I don't know your uncle or what era he graduated in, but I'll take a guess.
"Son you have to understand the Air Force is comprised of big brained comfort lovers who were too weak to join a real military branch."

And I would tell him "at least we're big brained..."

Which reminds me of the old joke about cultural differences among military branches.

When you tell the Army to secure a building, they post guards at all the entrances and check the ID of everyone entering or leaving.

When you tell the Marines to secure a building, they lay down a covering barrage of mortar fire, storm the building with a rifle platoon, and kill everyone inside.

When you tell the Navy to secure a building, they turn off the lights, lock the doors, and go home.

When you tell the Air Force to secure a building they take out a six-month lease with option to buy.
That's pretty much it, my Uncle was a year after John McCain. He said up until the Gulf War First, we had never won a war an Air Force; it had been the Army Air Corps.

the secured transaction.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-12-2012 , 06:23 PM
About to head out for the weekend. Ask now, or wait until Sunday for a reply...
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-12-2012 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
About to head out for the weekend. Ask now, or wait until Sunday for a reply...
Where ya going? Was thinking about going to CC...
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-12-2012 , 06:44 PM
Heading to Sante Fe. Part of that travel for a non-profit position that I mentioned a while back. GL this WE, all. May your tables be full of fishies.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2012 , 08:18 PM
I's back. Anymore questions? Other than "why did the 49ers suck today?" because I don't understand.
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2012 , 09:10 PM
If any of these questions have been answered and I missed them, feel free to ignore those....

Favorite bromance moment ITF with APD?

Best/worst moment in poker?

Closest you got to quitting poker/going pro?

Favorite beer?
Pooh-Bah Post: Psych, Story, and Well (tl;dr) Quote
