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PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP

09-16-2010 , 04:10 PM
2/5$cash game
all stacks about 500$
seat 4-5-6-7-butt-smB all limp in

I in BB wake up with JJ--
my standard here(JJ in BB) is overbet(make it look like AK or robbery) i raise to 40-or 45$ (depending on my perception at the time)

1 caller seat 6 !!! ("semi-pro whos solid/creative" calls)

flop Q high rainbow........
whats my lines...all scenarios...
please answer or email to

please its one of my only holes...G bless..u: ^-)
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-16-2010 , 04:35 PM
he has you beat since he called your raise he has QQ+ I would C/F since hes a semi pro i highly doubt he would call your raise without something strong.
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-16-2010 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by SADFIZZLE
he has you beat since he called your raise he has QQ+ I would C/F since hes a semi pro i highly doubt he would call your raise without something strong.

ok i disagree with this post.

you can either lead out or check call down. i would lead out for like 60-70$
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-16-2010 , 05:41 PM
I think they frown on you posting email addresses here.
This can be villain dependent. Heads up I make cbet here.
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-16-2010 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by davefast007
2/5$cash game
all stacks about 500$
seat 4-5-6-7-butt-smB all limp in

I in BB wake up with JJ--
my standard here(JJ in BB) is overbet(make it look like AK or robbery) i raise to 40-or 45$ (depending on my perception at the time)
Are you saying that a raise to $40-$45 here is an "overbet?" There is $35 in the pot when the action gets to you, so a pot-sized raise would be to $70, and an overbet would be bigger than that. (I'm not necessarily saying you should raise that much, but raise to $45 is not an overbet imo.)

As played, I would continuation bet on that flop most of the time. Since your preflop raise size allowed villain to get better than 2-1 on a call, and he has position, his range might be wider than you think and he'll fold to a c-bet often enough to make it profitable.
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-16-2010 , 07:50 PM
He should have very few Q in his range.
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-16-2010 , 08:57 PM
Much depends on your image. Have you played many pots? Raised many? Folded on later streets? Shown bluffs?, etc.

If your image has been TAG (tight agg) then I'd c-bet. LAG (loose agg) image, I'd c-c. Unless you have a more precise read on your opponent, folding on the flop is not an option.

QQ+ are raising PF before it gets to you. AQ and KQ are a concern, but with >2-1 on the call most of the V range is behind.
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-16-2010 , 09:06 PM
i would prefer to know the other cards that are on board

but ya i think heads up this is a good spot to c-bet ~2/3 pot
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:29 AM
What are other board cards. Generally I'm Cbetting here for value 1/2 to 2/3 pot and looking to get called by worse, although its not horrible if villain folds and we win the pot.
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-17-2010 , 12:48 AM
You are often ahead here, and the only question is whether he will call you with worse and pay you off more often if you bet now or pot control and bet turn so he thinks he can get to show down cheaper. You may also get raised "for information" by a worse hand or by a bluff if you bet here so those are some dangers. It depends on your reads. Simply Qxxr doesn't tell us enough. What are the other cards? Do they hit his range? is there a 9 or an 8?
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-17-2010 , 07:59 PM
flop is Q 7 4 rainbow...!!!! im tight aggressive...but my opponent sometimes is loose agg. and sometimes wild...each scenario whats the best lines....the guy near bottom made a good point...if i am "raised for information" in that spot if my opponent has 99...or 1010 ?? there is no defense in that case if i do indeeed lead 1/2 to 2/3 rd pot...??? i believe this hand outta position to a Q crap crap flop is the toughest to play in no Lim....if A or K flop i can easily Continuation bet- then check fold...cuz my opp. fears AK wholeheartedly with my slightly above standard preflop raise, and if he calls to A hgh or K hgh flop I 4sure have to believe im trailing in over 90% of spots, and can easily getaway

but in a Q hgh spot...i have bet enough preflop to expect most KQ and AQ would me especially since i am tight agg. and he would think the same..with 1010 or 99 he wouldnt put me on a Q thus thinking his 99 or 1010 may be good...

please help and go deep w ur answers...
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-17-2010 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by davefast007
flop is Q 7 4 rainbow...!!!! im tight aggressive...but my opponent sometimes is loose agg. and sometimes wild...each scenario whats the best lines....the guy near bottom made a good point...if i am "raised for information" in that spot if my opponent has 99...or 1010 ?? there is no defense in that case if i do indeeed lead 1/2 to 2/3 rd pot...??? i believe this hand outta position to a Q crap crap flop is the toughest to play in no Lim....if A or K flop i can easily Continuation bet- then check fold...cuz my opp. fears AK wholeheartedly with my slightly above standard preflop raise, and if he calls to A hgh or K hgh flop I 4sure have to believe im trailing in over 90% of spots, and can easily getaway

but in a Q hgh spot...i have bet enough preflop to expect most KQ and AQ would me especially since i am tight agg. and he would think the same..with 1010 or 99 he wouldnt put me on a Q thus thinking his 99 or 1010 may be good...

please help and go deep w ur answers...
Ugh. Okay. Where to begin?

For starters, fwiw, your opponent limped in behind 2 people and then called a 9x raise out of the blinds with 100bb effective stacks. He is not loose aggressive. I doubt he's aggressive at all. This is likely loose/passive with the possible potential for being spazzy (which you're misinterpreting or misdescribing as "aggressive"). In all likelihood this kind of player is an atm.

That said... Q74r is a pretty safe flop for JJ. It would help if you had some reads on Villain. What's his limp/call range here? Small/mid pocket pairs? Is he likely to have AQo or KQ?

Pot has $115 in it and you likely have a very tight and not terribly aggressive image (given your description of why/how you raised JJ here). I think I like a lead for say $75ish in this spot to keep control and help define your opponent's range. If he's the kind of guy who just auto assumes you have AK, even better, as he'll be calling and trying to get to showdown with smaller pairs, so this hand has some value in it.

If you get raised, you're going to have to dump it. If Villain is "raising for information" with TT or 99 that is lol hilariously bad and you should get all his money in the long run. In all likelihood a raise is 44, 77, or AQ. Frankly even AQ or KQ should just be flatting you here given your likely range and the fact that he has position on such a dry board.

In all likelihood you're never getting raised in this spot (really even a set should be flatting and letting you barrel off again). If you get called, then it's evaluate on the turn. At that point you probably have to go into c/c mode unless a (or maybe a Q) peels, but realistically Villain should never be vbing 88-TT on the turn there, so you're probably going to get to showdown against a passive enough 2/5 live player.

C/c is also a viable line (and quite possibly the most +EV) on the flop because it'll induce bluffs or possibly protection bets from middle pairs that just always assume you have AK (if villain sucks), but I kinda hate it because you gain no information, lose control of the action, and are going to be playing guessing games on the turn and river if Villain doesn't shut it down. Given that you're terrified of a super dry flop, heads-up, against a weak range of hands and you haven't even put in a bet on the flop yet, I doubt you're going to want to be c/cing multiple streets with JJ, so it's definitely not an ideal line for you to take.

As played, bet $75 and feel pretty good about it. If that's like a huge flop bet for your game even though it should be small-to-standard, then bet like 1/2 pot.

If he calls, play poker. How often will he bluff if checked to? Is he going for 3 streets of value with Top pair if you check the turn? Would he turn a middle pair into a bluff (he shouldn't) by betting it? Would he have raised a set on the flop, etc, etc?

Fortunately there are no draws on this flop, so you're not going to get put in bad spots by semi-bluffs. Shouldn't be too hard to play heads-up.

If you'd gotten called by say 3 people here, it's a pretty standard check/fold.
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-18-2010 , 02:40 AM
well, try and figure it out this way for yourself. Figure what his range is, and what hands make up most of that range. Then think of what villain will do with that range if we bet flop or check it.

Do this, really. Look at pokerstove table and pull out all the range of the villain limp calling this bet to the best of your ability. Then figure how much of that range is Qx. Then look att the other parts of the range. Figure out the % of each grouping so that you begin to really understand the range and how much of it is yadi yadi.

Whatever gives us the highest earn, thats the route to take. If he is good he wont raise a Q on the flop if we bet, so that is not a help. Will he start firing if we check? Will he float midpairs is we bet?

Your image and gameflow will make a difference too. We are not folding though until some good reasonable reasons to. Thats what makes some people much higher earners over others, the ability to size up all that info and then make the right choice. There are a bunch of ways to play even the simplest of hands. Whoever figures out the puzzle of info, is the biggest earner.
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-18-2010 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by SADFIZZLE
he has you beat since he called your raise he has QQ+ I would C/F since hes a semi pro i highly doubt he would call your raise without something strong.
How does this type of advice come out
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-19-2010 , 07:18 PM
[QUOTE=SADFIZZLE;21597043]he has you beat since he called your raise he has QQ+ I would C/F since hes a semi pro i highly doubt he would call your raise without something strong.[/QUOTE

ooookkkk,, i figured a big part of his range was small-mid pp's.. im learnin
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-20-2010 , 12:09 AM
Villian's line really looks like a small-medium PP here. I c-bet, and expect a call from a medium PP or most Q's, a raise from a set, and a fold from all others.
If raised, I fold. If called, I fire again at a dry turn. Mostly I expect to win a nice little pot on the flop.
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-20-2010 , 01:49 AM
Reads on post flop play would help. If opponent bets when checked to, I´m betting myself to make the hand play out a bit easier as you never know if he is going to fire all 3 when you show that you have a weak hand. 60% of the pot should work well. If called I´m check calling one street and deciding again on the river if he bets again. The flop is so dry that we can be in a WA/WB situacion very easily. Against a competent opponent I´m checking AA, KK, and AQ on the turn as well and check calling down or betting the river when checked through on the turn.
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-20-2010 , 03:41 AM
how villain views you is pretty critical here, and why having a nitty image or even real tight...but aggressive isnt that great.

Villain would most likely expect you to cbet a very polarized range here.
Qx+ and air. Therefore betting like half pot should get called almost always by villains midpairs.

If called, checking turn would be advised, since betting it prolly would be of no value. If checked thru, then i would again polarize the river. I would bet kind of big like you sensed weakness and trying to bluff. Try and play the hand like you would if you saw villains hand and it was 88.
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-20-2010 , 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by SADFIZZLE
he has you beat since he called your raise he has QQ+ I would C/F since hes a semi pro i highly doubt he would call your raise without something strong.[/QUOTE

ooookkkk,, i figured a big part of his range was small-mid pp's.. im learnin

This advice is the worse advice on here Please don't follow
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
09-20-2010 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by vikingxxi

This advice is the worse advice on here Please don't follow
PLEASE HELP 2/5 no Limit BB-JJ to Q hghFLP Quote
