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PAHWM:  Set vs Super Nit-- k pot PAHWM:  Set vs Super Nit-- k pot

03-04-2012 , 12:36 AM
CLIFFNOTES: Played against the nittiest weak tight nit ever and folded a set to her raise on the flop while over $1.5k deep. Also floated her with complete crap merely to steal

Was playing at an incredibly juicy 2/5nl game where the buy-in is $400 - $1000.

Hero ($2k) Image is decent and not really important for this post....

V1, the world's nittiest weak tight nit fish. She had bought in $3000 in the last two hours, reloading $500 at a time like clockwork, every 20 minutes or so. Her pattern was to raise her strong hands, bet flop if ahead c/c one street if she didn't hit the nuts, and then fold turn or river to any other bets. She was also fond of calling pre and flop merely to fold turn and river to ANY pressure. She did this 95% of the hands she was in. Significant hands:

I had 43 in BB, she limped in MP, LP raises $25, CO calls, SB calls, I call, she calls. eff stacks $1k.

Flop($125) 8 5 6
SB checks, I check, she bets out $55, LP, CO, & SB folds. I c/r to $155, she tanks, shows me 87 and says, "You must have flopped the straight huh? or you got AK" and then she folds OMG!!!!

Another hand. She open raises $85 from UTG, LP calls, I call from BTN with 62 I know 100% she has AA or KK

Flop($255) J 8 3 rainbow

She bets $200, LP folds, I call.

Turn($655) Q

She checks, I say "sorry" and bet $250, she turns over AA and says, "You got the straight huh? Damn it you so lucky" and she folds

She did this every single hand she was in but only two of us at the table were exploiting it (she also changed seats every time she could to get to the "lucky" seat).

okay, now for the hand in question.

A normal TAG who had been at the table for 2 hrs raises $35 from MP, CO calls, super nit calls from BTN and I call from BB w 33. Effective stacks $1.7k,

Flop(140) 9 3 2 r
I check, MP c-bets $100, CO folds, and BTN raises to $200. I tank and think about all the hands she's been folding all day and I fold.

MP insta calls.

Turn(540) 7

MP bets $250, BTN raises to $600 MP tanks and says, "God, you're like the nittiest nit ever, what do you have? QQ?" and then he calls.

River (1740) 2

MP checks, BTN bets 700 which puts MP all-in. MP tanks for like 5 minutes saying, "You got a set huh, god you are so nitty, you're the world's biggest nit. But you could have QQ, or KK too. Okay I call"

She turns over 99 for the full house, MP says, "I knew it" and shows AA.

************************************************** *

This was the first time I have ever folded a mid set this deep on the flop on this type of board and truth be told, it was one of the easiest folds I had ever made.

She was the nittiest weak tight nit I have ever played against, she could redefine the text book on weak tight nittiness. So when she raised the preflop raiser I had zero doubt she was monster, and in order for her to raise in this spot, she had to have the 100% best hand. Not a good hand, not a great hand, but the best hand.

How did I know this? Simple. I paid attention. I watched her fold so many winning hands and check back river with so many hands she should have been betting for value (like top two pair or 3rd nut flush, etc) that I had zero doubt she had a set. And given her paranoia she wouldn't have done this with bottom set.

So what is interesting is that the Preflop raiser had the same data I did. He had seen her fold ridiculously strong hands to known donks and he occassionaly gave me "can you believe she folded that" looks throughout the night (she open folded all her hands if she was last to fold).

Yet, when he got his big hand against her and she raised him... he could not find a fold.

The point of this post isn't to serve as a brag but a lesson on how to exploit what you witness. When you have accurately profiled a player based on data and observable facts, then you have to use said data. Given that she folded everything but the nuts, I isolated against her and floated her every chance I got while in position without caring what two cards I had. I stole from her all night until the hand in she raised. That was her FIRST raise like that all night...

anyways, sorry for the super long post, but thought it would be interesting.

Against an unknown player, I'm probably going broke here.

Against her, easy fold.
03-04-2012 , 01:19 AM
Is this a brag or something?
03-04-2012 , 01:22 AM
I feel like this is pretty standard.
I've folded sets before too!
03-04-2012 , 02:28 AM
You occasionally find players that nitty. Once, at Sam's Town Gold River (Laughlin, NV) they literally gave me over $400 over two nights at $1 - 3 limit.

"She turns over 99 for the full house, MP says, "I knew it" and shows AA".

A common leak: marrying big hands and paying off like an ATM even when they know the hand is no good. Oh well, at least his mistakes keep Ms. Ubernit in action.
03-04-2012 , 03:53 AM
Mods - please move this to BBV...

OP: How is this a PAHWM? You are coming across as bragging about how awesome you are. I am sure you are very awesome - but why not post in BBV/chat thread then? I didn't really see any real questions you wanted help with in your post, so other than bragging, what was the point?
03-04-2012 , 03:56 AM
I call with 62os. I know 100% she has AA or KK.
03-04-2012 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by canoodles
I call with 62os. I know 100% she has AA or KK.

Last edited by vaz1981; 03-04-2012 at 04:13 AM. Reason: BBV worthy
03-04-2012 , 04:12 AM
AA KK = 100%
03-04-2012 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
She checks, I say "sorry" and bet $250
03-04-2012 , 05:57 AM

This thread is one of those posts that seemed like a good idea at the time.

When I was at the table I was just amazed at how transparent and obvious the situation was with her and how almost no one thought to exploit her. Similarly, I couldn't believe how that one Villain couldn't lay down AA to her when she bet every single street and shoved river....

Anyways, I asked the mods to move this to BBV as I can see how this comes across as a brag when that wasn't my intent.
03-04-2012 , 06:04 AM
Welcome to hand reading 101.
03-04-2012 , 12:29 PM
one would think that someone with 4k+ posts would know better than to clutter the forum with this useless garbage of a thread.

nice fold.
03-04-2012 , 01:17 PM
"You got the straight huh? Damn it you so lucky"

Was she Asian or something?

Wasted 3 minutes reading this post that asked for no advice or gave any situational play worth discussing.

GG, GL. Where was this again, might have to make a trip?
03-04-2012 , 01:21 PM
"I call with 62os. I know 100% she has AA or KK."

And weren't you the same guy who practically told me i needed brain surgery if i thought the J9 thread was a call? This gives you're opinions tons of merit.

Not to mention it was a ridiculous 17bb open.
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