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PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown

04-15-2013 , 07:09 PM
Youngish asian V sat down ~1/2hr ago, seems TAGgy, competent. My image is TAG/winning.

Only showdown I've seen Villain involved in- A bunch of limps, and the SB (pro) raises to 8bbs. V calls in BB and the flop comes 5 way.

Flop is K53ss, SB checks, V bets 2/3 pot and gets called by SB and one of the limp/callers. Turn is a 9os, and V shoves for ~2/3psb, gets called and wins at showdown with KQo.

That is the only showdown I've seen. He has been button straddling a fair amount. Hasn't played too many pots. He bought in for 100bb but now has over 250bb.

The only showdown of mine that V has seen is the following: I open 3.5x pre, get 3bet 3x by a reg pro, and flat his raise OOP. I proceed to c/c three streets on a J105rJ2 runout, and table AA and MHIG.

For the purposes of this hand, we are not going to know what the stakes are. Since there is a Button Straddle (Mississippi) 1BB = Straddle.

Effective Stacks ~110BB

V straddles BTN for 1BB, folds to Hero in UTG1, Hero raises to 3BB with QQ (tbl was pretty tight to my left), folds to V who flats BTN

Flop (6.5BB) 873


Last edited by ticketmaster; 04-15-2013 at 07:16 PM.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-15-2013 , 08:01 PM
6 and make a pot committing 3-bet if he raises (shoving if potsize allows). Aggrooooo!
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-15-2013 , 08:07 PM
Would make it 5bbs otf.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-15-2013 , 08:18 PM
B/C 5 bbs. Not sure about committing after 3 bbs PF raise, however board may override small ball plan.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-15-2013 , 08:34 PM
i hope no one here read my other post today.

Raise bigger vs Missippii straddle!! hate narrowing my range while villains is 100% ATC

When I see this flop, at this raise size, I feel like when all of the money goes in at some point in the hand we are largely beat or 50/50 w some ridiculous draw chopping 3 bets worth of value in a 200 bet pot ; however I do feel like we can get two good streets of value.

I don't mind checking flop and getting a couple streets of value on turn and river.
Or planning on betting flop, check turn and betting big on most rivers making our hand look like a missed draw most of the time.

I hate to have to fold to a raise on the flop since there are soo many draws in villains raising range... actually maybe since it's a pretty small pot I don't hate bet folding against a solid player on this flop.
Seems weird but hopefully if we muck here he shows us what he raises w on the flop and take a note for next time. The second I see him raise the flop w JJ-99 my money goes in much easier. It's just weird bc I feel like his line is to continue small balling w one pair hands (besides AA, KK) on this flop.
Also, I vacate this game in favor of one that does not have a Mississippi straddle, ****ing things completely flip theory out the window.

Last edited by sungar78; 04-15-2013 at 08:43 PM.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-15-2013 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by NeverScurred
6 and make a pot committing 3-bet if he raises (shoving if potsize allows). Aggrooooo!
On board with this.

I don't like calling if he raises. I would much rather 3b/call. If he were to raise, being an aggressive young Asian, a tentative range would be 87s, sets, OESD, FD, combo draws, 7 x.

34% of the time, a draw completing card or a 7 will hit the turn. If we check and he bets again OTT, we're in a tough spot. The other 66% of the time that a blank hits, he could check back and take a free card. Ew.

We could call then lead a brick turn, but is it a bet/fold or bet/call OTT? Tricky spot where we are open to mistakes; I'd probably bet/fold a brick turn.

In general, getting it in OTF against a competent, aggro player with a big overpair on a really wet board can never really be a mistake since you should usually be a 45/55 coin flip against his range.

To anyone who advocates just calling a raise, what is your plan for various brick or bink turn cards?
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 12:01 AM
I definitely think you should raise bigger facing a straddle, though non immensely more. 3.5 to 4x sounds good, tending towards 4x if the table is deepish.

As played I generally c-bet here vs most players, and against this one I'd be happy to cbet, and not really consider checking.. I wouldn't make it huge, probably 2/3-3/4.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 01:25 AM
concur with 2/3-3/4. V seems to overvalue hands a bit, but not crazy. I know you don't want to give stakes, but with two known pros at the table, there shouldn't be too much LP-tardedness, so a PSB here is probably not getting called by 8-9 outers. If he raises big, this seems most likely to be a combo-draw, and I would be fine with committing.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 02:27 AM
Villain seems kinda sticky calling an 8bb raise, while he has position on the raiser, he could easily sandwich himself with more callers. We don't have the info on his stack size when he made that decision, but it seems important because if he was 50bb deep (if there was a straddle) and called w/KQo for 16% of his stack, I dunno how good this guy is.

He must see you as trappy based on the AA showdown....a reason to lead this flop, besides all the other great reasons like value towning draws and worse pairs. I think checking here is really bad, and we open ourselves to get bluffed on future streets and give free cards to all the million combos of drawing hands. Bet 2/3 pot.

I agree w/Sol about opening to 4x if the table is deep. And side note, I think I know the stake based on the potsize after rake...but, I'm prob wrong.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by Hand Shaker
Villain seems kinda sticky calling an 8bb raise, while he has position on the raiser, he could easily sandwich himself with more callers. We don't have the info on his stack size when he made that decision, but it seems important because if he was 50bb deep (if there was a straddle) and called w/KQo for 16% of his stack, I dunno how good this guy is.

He must see you as trappy based on the AA showdown....a reason to lead this flop, besides all the other great reasons like value towning draws and worse pairs. I think checking here is really bad, and we open ourselves to get bluffed on future streets and give free cards to all the million combos of drawing hands. Bet 2/3 pot.

I agree w/Sol about opening to 4x if the table is deep. And side note, I think I know the stake based on the potsize after rake...but, I'm prob wrong.
He had ~100bb in the KQo hand and called ~7% of his stack.

You can pm me with a guess if you want
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 03:12 AM
PM sent. Had he 3b yet?
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Hand Shaker
PM sent. Had he 3b yet?
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 07:00 AM
I'm raising more pre flop OOP - to at least 4 and probably 4.5bb.

as played, on the flop I'm betting pot
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
I definitely think you should raise bigger facing a straddle, though non immensely more. 3.5 to 4x sounds good, tending towards 4x if the table is deepish.

As played I generally c-bet here vs most players, and against this one I'd be happy to cbet, and not really consider checking.. I wouldn't make it huge, probably 2/3-3/4.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 08:49 AM
How big is the straddle compared to the normal BB? If it is twice the normal BB, then I would go 3.5 - 4 times the straddle, if the straddle was bigger then 3 times the straddle is fine preflop.

On the flop I like 5 BBs. Charge random over cards, straight draws and smaller over pairs. There is a lot that can stick around for at least one bet that we are beating. I would also be planning on betting most turns, and expect to take it down on the turn more then on the flop.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 11:40 AM
I like 5bb preflop, but that is game dependent.

OTF, bet pot, but .75 to 1.25 would be fine. I tend to bet pot otf with straight and flush draws possible.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by TAOxEaglex
To anyone who advocates just calling a raise, what is your plan for various brick or bink turn cards?
Hey TAO ...

Given we raised <3% of stack pre, I’m less inclined to 3-bet/commit OTF. Higher pre, say 7-8%, I would.

Turn plan would be to check and evaluate. This clearly makes playing the turn (oop) more difficult, but there are spots like this we need to work through sometimes. 3-betting may fold out worse whereas calling keeps hands behind in.

Vs. a competent player we will not get multiple streets of value. The V raise would be our 2nd street, so even if the turn is checked back, I’m OK. The advantage of playing small is we should be able to release more quickly. My turn action on a blank would be dependent on the V bet-sizing.

There is a brief history (AA hand) of C/C strong. A flop call of a raise shows strength. In fact, given the smallish PF raise, a set is in our perceived range.

I also think we need to include TT/99 in their range as well.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 03:11 PM
4-5x pre. Slightly less than a psb otf
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 05:55 PM
I tend to agree with the ppl in the raise-more-pre camp. I would like to note that 3x was the standard open over a straddle, and due to the fact that I had a bunch of tight players to my left I decided to go with that. But I think 3.5-4x is better still.

I think a b/3b would be hugely overplaying our hand here. I guess I could be wrong. Keep in mind the guy is relatively unknown and only bought in for 100BBs. The fact that he is youngish and asian gives some credibility to stereotyping him as aggro. However, ppl buying in 100bbs instead of 200bbs will often not play super aggro.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 06:10 PM
Assuming we were to face a raise:

3b small/fold > 3b/call >> call/eval IMO

I really don't see a way for me to play this solidly OOP when 1/3 of the time a crappy card will hit OTT and, like you said, I have no real info on him.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 06:56 PM
3bsmall/fold is awful. We have too much equity.

Bet/call sort of sucks because our hand is faceup and he'll rarely try to bluff us after we flat. I don't mind a bet/overjam. We can get called by worse sometimes, and mostly we're just protecting our hand against what is likely a draw heavy range.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-16-2013 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
3bsmall/fold is awful. We have too much equity.

Bet/call sort of sucks because our hand is faceup and he'll rarely try to bluff us after we flat. I don't mind a bet/overjam. We can get called by worse sometimes, and mostly we're just protecting our hand against what is likely a draw heavy range.
When I first started thinking about the situation, you can see I advocated getting it in OTF as per my earlier posts. Much of this was when I was assuming villain was a TAG young Asian player.

After giving it some more thought, I started thinking, "As the preflop raiser, when I get 4b AI OTF what sort of range am I really looking at?" Especially once ticketmaster repeats that is was more of a superficial assumption and that villain is more of an unknown, I don't know if we have as much equity as I originally figured.

Most of the players in my LLSNL player pool are passive players by nature. If the average player were to 4bAI a flop (especially into the preflop raiser), I'd be pretty sure they have 2p+ or a badly played AA.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-17-2013 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by ticketmaster
Youngish asian V sat down ~1/2hr ago, seems TAGgy, competent. My image is TAG/winning.

Only showdown I've seen Villain involved in- A bunch of limps, and the SB (pro) raises to 8bbs. V calls in BB and the flop comes 5 way.

Flop is K53ss, SB checks, V bets 2/3 pot and gets called by SB and one of the limp/callers. Turn is a 9os, and V shoves for ~2/3psb, gets called and wins at showdown with KQo.

That is the only showdown I've seen. He has been button straddling a fair amount. Hasn't played too many pots. He bought in for 100bb but now has over 250bb.

The only showdown of mine that V has seen is the following: I open 3.5x pre, get 3bet 3x by a reg pro, and flat his raise OOP. I proceed to c/c three streets on a J105rJ2 runout, and table AA and MHIG.

For the purposes of this hand, we are not going to know what the stakes are. Since there is a Button Straddle (Mississippi) 1BB = Straddle.

Effective Stacks ~110BB

V straddles BTN for 1BB, folds to Hero in UTG1, Hero raises to 3BB with QQ (tbl was pretty tight to my left), folds to V who flats BTN

Flop (6.5BB) 873

Hero bets 4BB, V makes a weird face and pretty quickly calls

Turn (14.5BB) 8

PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-17-2013 , 02:06 AM
The turn is effectively a blank, what was our plan for blank turns when we bet the flop?

Given how aggro this player seems to be with "value" hands based on what hero has observed in his short time at the table, I think it's we can draw the conclusion that scrunched up face + quick call points to a range that's weighted toward draws and floats with overs; I'd expect villain to raise flop with nearly all 2p+ hands. Even combo draws are mostly raising hands from this villain, I would think.

I'd probably bet 12.5bb here on the turn and hope to avoid an A, K, J, or diamond on the river. Assuming the river is also a blank, if I'm correct in assuming V shows up with a busted draw or air/A-high in that spot a lot of times, the question is do we check and bluff-catch, or should we bet for some reason?
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
04-17-2013 , 02:35 AM
Few 8s in his range here, though any he had PF may well have called the flop given his previously shown stickiness. With the quick call, seems like draws dominate his range. Let's charge them. I go 10-12BBs here, probably leaning to the larger side given stickiness and less perceived FE if he should decide to turn his likely draw into a float.

The interesting question to me is how we react to a raise here. V's a relative unknown, I'm not sure I can give him credit for a delayed semi-bluff on a paired board, much less a float with air. OTOH, he could turn a lower overpair into a bluff here (though he prob would see it as value) given the KQo hand we saw. I'm really not sure how we'd react to a raise here, tbh. I think I'd have to do some soul reading.
PAHWM: QQ in straddled pot vs relative unknown Quote
