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PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI

07-03-2021 , 10:59 AM
read OP 1st post

V typically opens to $6
this open is $10

fish open larger with better hands

calling pre in position was better than 3-bet

now as played we have awkward stack size vs pot and missed flop.

PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-03-2021 , 11:03 AM
Against an ABC player I don’t mind a small c-bet to fold out pocket pairs. But I’m obv folding to a raise and not putting any more chips in the pot if he calls unless we bink a J.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-04-2021 , 11:04 PM

Folds to Jewel who opens for $10. This is larger than normal (That's what she said). Tim and Ronald call. Hero looks down at AK and....

Hero raises to $50. Jewel calls with his small hands (I know). Tim remembers that he actually has to pay rent this month and folds. Ronald looks at me like I'm Gorbachev, says something about how I didn't follow the plan, and folds.

Flop: QT6 ($123)
Jewel consoles a cup of coffee and checks. Hero bets $40. Jewel follows his heart and intuition and calls.

Turn: QT6 2 ($203)
Jewel checks again. Hero?
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by spikeraw22

Folds to Jewel who opens for $10. This is larger than normal (That's what she said). Tim and Ronald call. Hero looks down at AK and....

Hero raises to $50. Jewel calls with his small hands (I know). Tim remembers that he actually has to pay rent this month and folds. Ronald looks at me like I'm Gorbachev, says something about how I didn't follow the plan, and folds.

Flop: QT6 ($123)
Jewel consoles a cup of coffee and checks. Hero bets $40. Jewel follows his heart and intuition and calls.

Turn: QT6 2 ($203)
Jewel checks again. Hero?
you said in the intro that he's just playing his hand and needs good hands to put all the money in...with your stack size I'd prob go half pot (try to get under pairs to the T to fold plus some Tx, you also get value from str8 and flush draws. and re-eval on rivers, generally face-up Vs aren't keeping track of the pot and your 200 river bet will still put pressure on them even though it is only 1/2 the pot. don't think checking it back on the turn is bad fwiw
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 02:15 AM
We could try and triple him off AQ or KQ here but I think we have better candidates like AJ and KJ so I’ll just check it back and shift into realization
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by hyperknit
We could try and triple him off AQ or KQ here but I think we have better candidates like AJ and KJ so I’ll just check it back and shift into realization
Are AJ and KJ considered better bluffs because they have less SDV?
Or is it some blocker thing?
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 12:36 PM
why you and others feel the need to try and triple barrel bluff someone who as you stated just simply plays their hand is beyond me.

you can't bluff a station

you can't bluff someone who is unaware

IE : V doesn't have a clue what you are trying to rep and could care less ;
he only knows what he has.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by snowman
why you and others feel the need to try and triple barrel bluff someone who as you stated just simply plays their hand is beyond me.

you can't bluff a station

you can't bluff someone who is unaware

IE : V doesn't have a clue what you are trying to rep and could care less ;
he only knows what he has.
I agree on this analysis, and now that he called our flopbet+ we bricked the turn i am inclined to slow down and check.

Against some opponents who can handread+have a fold button i will ship this turn at some frequenzy, but not against this described villain.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by fatmanonguitar
Against an ABC player I don’t mind a small c-bet to fold out pocket pairs. But I’m obv folding to a raise and not putting any more chips in the pot if he calls unless we bink a J.
I guess I planned to check brick turns if he calls flop so I'll stick with that.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by snowman
why you and others feel the need to try and triple barrel bluff someone who as you stated just simply plays their hand is beyond me.

you can't bluff a station

you can't bluff someone who is unaware

IE : V doesn't have a clue what you are trying to rep and could care less ;
he only knows what he has.
I think only one person has advocated for a bet and it was with a view to 'eval river'.
Why do you think Jewel is a station?
Isn't part of the point of betting small on the flop to 'keep his range wide' and then blow him off the weak bits of it on the turn, with up to 10 outs if called?
I guess I am now advocating for a turn bet - $140 and give up river
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Rebus
Are AJ and KJ considered better bluffs because they have less SDV?

Or is it some blocker thing?

Well KJ is open ended as well which is nice to have 8 outs rather than 4.

Also Yes K hi wins less often than A hi at show down.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Rebus
I think only one person has advocated for a bet and it was with a view to 'eval river'.
Why do you think Jewel is a station?
Isn't part of the point of betting small on the flop to 'keep his range wide' and then blow him off the weak bits of it on the turn, with up to 10 outs if called?
I guess I am now advocating for a turn bet - $140 and give up river
op post
Just kind of boring and playing his hand. He seems kind of heartless as in he's not putting a lot of money in without a good hand

typical open $6

this open $10

V doesn't read hand ranges
we whiffed

PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 04:27 PM
Just playing his hand, no 4bet pre, no c/r flop, check turn..... Doesn't reek of strength to me
Oh yeah I forgot he opened $4 more than his usual preflop so he must be nutted
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Rebus
Just playing his hand, no 4bet pre, no c/r flop, check turn..... Doesn't reek of strength to me
Oh yeah I forgot he opened $4 more than his usual preflop so he must be nutted
he doesn't have to be nutted

he doesn't care what you rep
only what he has

you beat nothing
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 06:55 PM
I mean you're probably right and a bet is spewy, so take this as an insight into the mind of a breakeven slightly spewy reg (me)

I reckon he gets to the turn, and folds the turn, with all the AK (9), all the JJ (6), maybe some 99 or AJs (say 2)

I reckon he gets to and calls the turn (with his weak sauce line) with AA/KK (be generous and say 4 combos, really he would have 4bet most of them), QQ/1010 (say 1 of each) and AQ (9)

I mean even a zero equity $140 bluff only has to get through what, 40% of the time?

I think he folds at least that much of his range, and we ok equity against his calling range anyway.

So I'm blasting off
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by snowman
op post
Just kind of boring and playing his hand. He seems kind of heartless as in he's not putting a lot of money in without a good hand

typical open $6

this open $10

V doesn't read hand ranges
we whiffed

They’re everywhere.

Shove or ck back, give up.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by snowman
op post
Just kind of boring and playing his hand. He seems kind of heartless as in he's not putting a lot of money in without a good hand

typical open $6

this open $10

V doesn't read hand ranges
we whiffed

They’re everywhere.

AP Shove or ck back, give up. I only say shove bc it’s honestly not clear to me that we can realize equity better by checking more than shoving. The majority of his range is still 1p.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Amanaplan
They’re everywhere.

Shove or ck back, give up.
Checking back the turn is not giving up.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-05-2021 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by JayKon
Checking back the turn is not giving up.
Eh, not putting more is what I meant, barring a few rivs.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-06-2021 , 12:48 PM
Still not a fan of down betting, but against someone who just plays their hands I guess it's OK. Will he fold JJ and worse for $40? Would he fold them for more?

Turn just depends on my read -- will he fold JJ or a Q or worse? (I never expect him to fold better, but would he have raised flop with better?) If not, check and decide. If so, bet ~$125.

W/o more info, I default to check/decide.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-13-2021 , 11:23 AM
Sorry for the delay everyone!


Folds to Jewel who opens for $10. This is larger than normal (That's what she said). Tim and Ronald call. Hero looks down at AK and....

Hero raises to $50. Jewel calls with his small hands (I know). Tim remembers that he actually has to pay rent this month and folds. Ronald looks at me like I'm Gorbachev, says something about how I didn't follow the plan, and folds.

Flop: QT6 ($123)
Jewel consoles a cup of coffee and checks. Hero bets $40. Jewel follows his heart and intuition and calls.

Turn: QT6 2 ($203)
Jewel checks again. Hero checks.

River: QT6 2 6($203)
Jewel checks one more time. Hero?
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-13-2021 , 01:16 PM
Check. Jewel would be a fool to fold almost any pair at this point, and I doubt he is calling w/ worse.

The only reason to bet would be to get him off a chop, and it's hardly worth it.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-13-2021 , 01:22 PM
I like a pot-sized bet here rather than a check back. There are too many hands Jewel could have played this way that are ahead but will likely fold to a big river bet (e.g., A/K-10, JJ, AK, 99, 88). And KQ might fold here too. So while we have some showdown value, I say go for it and try to fold out better in this spot! It's possible V is trapping but that's a very patient V to check turn and river and risk that you check back river as well.

Edit: Sent this before seeing Javanewt's post - I can see the merits of a checkback but I'm still voting to pot it here.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-13-2021 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by weiskoda
I like a pot-sized bet here rather than a check back. There are too many hands Jewel could have played this way that are ahead but will likely fold to a big river bet (e.g., A/K-10, JJ, AK, 99, 88). And KQ might fold here too. So while we have some showdown value, I say go for it and try to fold out better in this spot! It's possible V is trapping but that's a very patient V to check turn and river and risk that you check back river as well.

Edit: Sent this before seeing Javanewt's post - I can see the merits of a checkback but I'm still voting to pot it here.
If I am Jewel, any hand I got here with that beats AK I am calling with on the river. Also, if you bet, I think a pot-size bet induces a call more than a "slightly over half pot" bet. I'd make it look value-heavy.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
07-13-2021 , 02:06 PM
Check back. They always put us on AK and our line is c/w exactly that. I don't think we are likely to successfully bluff now.
PAHWM: I hate AK. I never win with it VI Quote
