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01-10-2016 , 06:18 PM
1/3 MS

Table is very deep and generally goes to flops multiway even with sizeable preflop raises. In the past ten hands we've had a $45 get 3 callers and a 35 raise get 2 callers before getting squeezed. Players are loose pre in part because the table is so deep. 4 players have $2k+ and everyone else has $800-1200 except one guy with $80.

Hero is playing $3k and in SB. Villain straddles in CO to $6, button calls, hero has AKss. I limp for $6 because I don't want to build a huge pot against 4-5 villains OOP.

BB folds, Villain utg raises to $30, utg+2 calls, utg +3 calls, CO straddles calls, button calls.

Utg has ~$1k and is largely unknown. +2 is a tight/solid reg with $3k. +3 is an unknown with $800. CO is an aggressive/good local pro with $3k. Button is OMC with $800.

Action is on me, $150 in the pot, 5 villains playing 1000 deep against two of them. What's the move?
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 06:44 PM
You can flat call and then get away cheap if you miss. This is a leak if you do it very often but this deep and OOP you should sometimes. Or you can raise enough to commit on most flops you hit, $150 looks good. You need to raise big because stacks are deep, pot is bloated and your way OOP.

I'm going with $150 here.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Jamitontheriver
What's the move?
Raise to $150-$180. Leaning towards the upper limit.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 06:51 PM
Normally I'd say to squeeze, but that seems to defeat the entire purpose of you limping initially.

What's our image? Are people ALL calling squeezes? You have to remember you have a top 3 starting hand, there's nothing wrong with isolating here.

Probably raise it to ~$150ish. If UTG 4bets you big, you can probably fold. Calling is OK but it puts you in a spot where you might have a really difficult decision with TPTK so deep, or you're just going to check/fold when you miss, and win a small pot when you hit and everybody simply folds. Which, would be a reason to just take it down now. If you aren't 3betting this hand, you're not balancing yourself to ever be able to squeeze pre without QQ+.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 07:36 PM
I don't like the flat pre, I would raise to about $50 instead with the intention of either getting HU vs. 1 villain or collecting the dead money. I'm not intending to stack off 300bb with TPTK.

AP, I guess you may as well re-pop now. We're kind of committed if we get called and hit the flop, which I'm not super happy about. I'm not experienced at navigating deepstack play though.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by YGOchamp
What's our image? Are people ALL calling squeezes? You have to remember you have a top 3 starting hand, there's nothing wrong with isolating here.
Image is solid LAG. Certainly could be squeezing in this spot with nothing and the two primary big stacks at the table know this. However, although people have been calling initial raises pre, there hasn't been a lot of three betting and most three bets have led to folds. Hero has three bet once in 2-3 hours, did not show hand.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 08:28 PM
Raise to $140 and gamble
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Jamitontheriver
Image is solid LAG. Certainly could be squeezing in this spot with nothing and the two primary big stacks at the table know this. However, although people have been calling initial raises pre, there hasn't been a lot of three betting and most three bets have led to folds. Hero has three bet once in 2-3 hours, did not show hand.
Certainly even more of a reason to be squeezing here with the intention of iso'ing somebody with a dominated range.

I'd be more inclined to see multi-way flops with hands that have more value-multi way such as any PP or like T9s. The fact they think you might be squeezing is more merit to doing so as you can actually get value when you hit.

When you elect to simply call here and play an $180 pot out of position 6 ways, your setting yourself up to be in a position where you're not likely to win a big pot with TPTK (I doubt somebody is giving you two fat streets with KQ), so they're going to check/fold when they miss, you have to check/fold when you miss, or somebody hits something nutted when you also hit and you're in a rough spot because you're so goddam deep.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 08:55 PM
First problem is that there shouldn't be any unknowns if you've been sitting with them long enough for you to both be that deep. We should have a pretty good handle on everyone's tendencies at this point.

Second problem is that if we're limping this pre then it's probably time to go. The only reason I can think of that we wouldn't wanna go to the flop with a big pot and likely the best hand is because we don't feel comfortable being this deep. If we're not raising AK (even OOP) then what are we raising?

That being said, as played, this is a definite 3bet. As other people have already said prob somewhere in the 150ish range. I think there's a good chance we take it down right here, and if we get called we should be able to assign a range to whoever calls and then evaluate the flop for how to proceed from there.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 09:36 PM
^+1. If we're limping AKs because we're 1,000BB deep then we really should be getting up before getting so deep that our style is changing, It's time to go in that case. It's hard for me to see how our image is solid LAG if that is the case. I think it's an easy 3 bet to 150-180.
If we take it down pre that's a good result imo. Going 5 ways to the flop with an SPR of about 4 isn't a horrible result either...
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 10:15 PM
Range vs. range you're doing fine. I would expect UTG+2 to be your only problem.

I'ma make it $250-300, and try to GII against everyone.

BTW -- Hero's line is perfectly fine. Ignore the "limping pre" is bad nonsense.

Love those Redneck Riviera games!
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 10:57 PM
Hero makes it $230 to go. UTG folds, UTG +2 flats, +3, CO, button all fold.

Heads up to the flop with UTG +2. Effective stacks: ~$2800, pot: $550



UTG +2 had been pretty quiet all game. In the one notable hand he was involved in, he straddled the button, SB, BB limped, UTG made it $25, got two callers in MP and then before V could act on the button, SB announced verbally $125. V flats the $25 on the button after SB announced, SB then made it $125, got a call from UTG and one from MP and then V made it $525 on the button. V showed down QQ in that hand.

Hard to range V here, as the flat/flat line is very strange. Almost certainly excludes AA. I would range him on something like 1010-KK, AK, AQs. But to be honest the line is so unusual that there are probably some other strange combos in there as well.

Last edited by Jamitontheriver; 01-10-2016 at 11:08 PM.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by water69
First problem is that there shouldn't be any unknowns if you've been sitting with them long enough for you to both be that deep. We should have a pretty good handle on everyone's tendencies at this point.

Second problem is that if we're limping this pre then it's probably time to go. The only reason I can think of that we wouldn't wanna go to the flop with a big pot and likely the best hand is because we don't feel comfortable being this deep. If we're not raising AK (even OOP) then what are we raising?

That being said, as played, this is a definite 3bet. As other people have already said prob somewhere in the 150ish range. I think there's a good chance we take it down right here, and if we get called we should be able to assign a range to whoever calls and then evaluate the flop for how to proceed from there.
Casino allows you to buy in for up to the max stack, so we haven't been playing that long together. I feel very comfortable playing deep, but I also know that one of the keys of playing deep is that you don't create bloated pots out of position, especially against players who are good enough to make moves on you. That is just throwing money away. So I don't have much of an opening range from the SB in these situations. I don't think I'm opening any hand from the SB in this situation. At a table that is super deep, calls wide, and rarely three bets I can't see much of a reason to open AA from the SB.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 11:05 PM

Probably fold to a raise.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-10-2016 , 11:29 PM
I would probably limp/reraise to $200 instead of $230. As played, cbet $270-$290 on flop and prepare to unload the clip for multiple barrels.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-11-2016 , 12:14 AM
What do we expect when we c-bet? Do we realistically expect him to fold an overpair on this flop? How likely is he to float and rep a set even if we do c-bet? Just c-bet and get ready to fire multiple barrels to rep AA isn't a good plan against a V with more than three brain cells. I've found I save a lot of money by not blindly c-betting and trying to just fire 3 streets without a plan, especially against decent V as described who I expect isn't going to autofold to a c-bet on this board. I think I like x/c'ing to try and pick up equity in the turn and reevaluating from there...
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-11-2016 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Jamitontheriver
Heads up to the flop with UTG +2. Effective stacks: ~$2800, pot: $550


What did he call with that he plans to fold on that flop? I think we can let this go.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-11-2016 , 01:28 AM
I agree with werebeer that it's hard to put him on a hand that he's going to fold this flop on... however, given his lines pre, he can conceivably have hands like KQs, AQs, maybe even QJs, 88,99 or other pairs he thinks he can get stacks in with if he hits.

I feel like I'm fishing for a reason to not check/fold here, because with 2 overs and the backdoor draw, you can double barrel a lot of turns too -- and when you check this flop he's definitely going to bet all of his air. But it's hard to say if he even has any air in this spot...

I think I prefer betting ~$300, continuing on any spade, Q, J, check or bet an A or K, and giving up on anything else.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-11-2016 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by Jamitontheriver
Hero makes it $230 to go. UTG folds, UTG +2 flats, +3, CO, button all fold.

Heads up to the flop with UTG +2. Effective stacks: ~$2800, pot: $550



UTG +2 had been pretty quiet all game. In the one notable hand he was involved in, he straddled the button, SB, BB limped, UTG made it $25, got two callers in MP and then before V could act on the button, SB announced verbally $125. V flats the $25 on the button after SB announced, SB then made it $125, got a call from UTG and one from MP and then V made it $525 on the button. V showed down QQ in that hand.

Hard to range V here, as the flat/flat line is very strange. Almost certainly excludes AA. I would range him on something like 1010-KK, AK, AQs. But to be honest the line is so unusual that there are probably some other strange combos in there as well.
Bet $400.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-11-2016 , 02:02 AM
I think I prefer betting ~$300, continuing on any spade, Q, J, check or bet an A or K, and giving up on anything else.
I don't play live much, but this would be my line.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-11-2016 , 09:11 AM

Hero checks, intending to call one bet. Believe that he's not folding anything that he called preflop with and not wanting to commit to a triple barrel. Villain checks behind


Hero now picks up a flush draw and a gutshot. However, the J hits Villain's range reasonably hard.

What next?
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-11-2016 , 09:47 AM
I like the check and the check behind is a good result for us. This is one of the best turn cards for our hand. I like leading about 1/2 pot with the intention of calling a reasonable raise.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-11-2016 , 10:35 AM
On this flop I think it's a toss up between c-bet and check. Your limp/raise preflop is representing a big pair, so you should continue a lot. You probably won't get a lot of folds on this flop though, so checking is also fine. As played, I much prefer a check on the turn. You have some equity now, don't want to get raised and probably don't have much FE.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-11-2016 , 10:38 AM
On the flop vs a range of 77-QQ, AQ+ we have ~43% equity. I'm assuming V wouldn't flat 30 w/ AA/KK and quite probably even QQ knowing it would most likely go multiway to the flop, but correct me if I'm wrong. I think we gotta bet the flop with the intention of barreling any J, Q, K, A or spade.

As played, our equity increases to ~53% on the turn vs the same range. Problem is at this point I don't think we're folding out anything that's beating us since we checked the flop. I prob just check/call at this point and then evaluate river.
PAHWM: AKs Quote
01-11-2016 , 11:41 AM
As played: x/c
PAHWM: AKs Quote
