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03-07-2012 , 04:27 PM
Image: loose aggro. they think im overly aggro and ive been playing prolly 40 percent of habds bcuz the table is weaktight pre. ive shown some preflpp 3bet bluffs to try and get action from hands that shouldnt be calling pre. $470

Villain 1 usually passive limp calling pre. standard post flop fish

Villain 2 gambly Asian playing any two suited. $600 even overally on a second buyin

Folds around to villain 1 in the cutoff who raises to 15.
Hero AA raises to 40

Villain 2 bb calls 40
villain one calls

Flop: 229
Bb check
villain 1 bets $45
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-07-2012 , 04:33 PM
Um...Stacks? Position? Did V1 V2 call? Are they in the blinds? Are you in the blinds? Did someone raise?

We need a lot more info before we can PAHWY...
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-07-2012 , 04:45 PM
We need to know V1's stack before we suggest a line.
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-07-2012 , 05:11 PM
i think we can assume hero is on button since bb check and villain 1 bet then action is to hero.

without stack sizes and assuming this is a rainbow board, im flatting here to keep our range as wide as possible. villain 1 could have 9x, 33-88, 1010+ and although some of that range will get scared alot by turn cards i think most of his range folds to a raise. villain could obv also have 2x/99 here but if he does so be it. were not worried about bb villain here very often.
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-07-2012 , 09:20 PM
Villain 1 was sitting with 430 in the cutoff i was on the Btn and then villain 2 was the BB
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-07-2012 , 09:26 PM
Make it $135, shove the turn.
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-07-2012 , 09:29 PM
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-07-2012 , 09:48 PM
I raised to $105 villain 2 called and villain 1 called.

it checked around to me on the turn? now what

Turn came an 8 bring a second spade

2s 2d 9c 8s
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-07-2012 , 09:50 PM
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-07-2012 , 09:53 PM
I take it you were too busy counting your chips to see what the turn card was?
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-07-2012 , 09:54 PM
Let's see pot is already 425, AA on a mega dry board, no reraise, we are against what you describe as bad players who don't think, and we only have like 330 behind? Shove is our only bet. If someone has 98 we're still ahead.

Only hand V1 could possibly have that beats you is 99. More likely he's at TT-QQ and you have him crushed.

V2...given a description of GAMBOOL GAMBOOL top pair is there often enough that I don't see how you're folding.

LOL at riverman's post.
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-07-2012 , 10:50 PM
I checked the turn in position. The pot was large and i didnt have a PSB left and i figured any worse hand that would call me on the turn is also calling me on most rivers.

River 10h
final board:
2s 2d 9c 8s 10h

Villain 2 bets $200
Villain 1 calls
Hero ?
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-07-2012 , 11:02 PM
Bad check on turn, I don't think villain has a two, I think villain will call a shove with jj+ too. He can also have TT, v1 will moan fold his overpair or have the tens, I just feel either villain can have tens. So I call here
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-08-2012 , 12:31 AM
LOL a this turn check. Villain 2 likely backed in to something here, but could also have something like T9. I will eat my shirt if you don't have V1 beat (although I guess he could be donking around with some random 2x and won't raise the river with the straight out there.)

Unless you've picked up something on one of them that makes you think they've got you beat, I'm shoving this river as played. I don't see them folding for $130 more after putting in $200 OTR, and the way you've played this hand V2 could be value betting all sorts of crap you destroy.
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-08-2012 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by Koss
LOL a this turn check. Villain 2 likely backed in to something here, but could also have something like T9. I will eat my shirt if you don't have V1 beat (although I guess he could be donking around with some random 2x and won't raise the river with the straight out there.)

Unless you've picked up something on one of them that makes you think they've got you beat, I'm shoving this river as played. I don't see them folding for $130 more after putting in $200 OTR, and the way you've played this hand V2 could be value betting all sorts of crap you destroy.
shoving river is horrible
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-08-2012 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by pacmanjt
not shoving river is horrible
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-08-2012 , 07:50 AM
my head hurts from how badly you played this hand
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-08-2012 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by pacmanjt
shoving river is horrible
Do you not like money?

Do you think v1 smooth calls with TT making a boat here? You are killing his range.

v2 you have already called a spewer. You've got to be ahead of their range given your read.

Your post feels like you are seeing monsters when there aren't any. Start putting people on hands, don't just worry about the worst case, and see if you are ahead of their range. It's hard to see how they beat you given their lines. If v2 has a 2 or miracle boat then lol.
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-09-2012 , 10:24 PM
everything you guys would have done would have lost more money. literally never posting in this hellhole again lol. you guys suck.
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-09-2012 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by pacmanjt
everything you guys would have done would have lost more money. literally never posting in this hellhole again lol. you guys suck.
Good. Make sure the door won't hit you on the way out.

BTW, bet the turn.
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-09-2012 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by CyrusJavid
Good. Make sure the door won't hit you on the way out.

BTW, bet the turn.
i would pay for the option to play you HU
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
03-10-2012 , 01:36 AM
If you have all the right answers why are you posting in the first place?
PAHWM: AA 2/3 Quote
