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PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed

01-28-2017 , 05:04 AM
Why don't you want to call? It's probably the most preferred option of all your options.

450 is not really just a click.

So what you are doing with AA? JJ? Specifically ones with the diamond in your hand.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by Dochrohan
Why don't you want to call? It's probably the most preferred option of all your options.

450 is not really just a click.

So what you are doing with AA? JJ? Specifically ones with the diamond in your hand.

To me, its just a natural reaction with your open bet bet range in a sh game 110bb eff. I don't think there's any way you're playing straights, sets, and nutty FDs via a 3b min raise leaving .0004 psb behind for the riv.

Prob pc turn sometimes with OPs, bet sometimes.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 05:30 AM
That's where we differ, I'm betting again turn and I'm folding with JJ to a raise and I would be in a very tough spot with Aces.

Since you jam 2p here, you certainly are shipping straights? Seems very bad.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 05:36 AM
When you would make it around 450 on turn with a raise, you would have still €500 left.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 05:59 AM
shouldve checked flop, bet turn. As played, you shouldve checked turn, which wouldve not only gotten you an easy river call, but also mightve induced bluffs. at this point youre likely facing a river shove with too weak of a hand to be happy, but too strong of a hand to be happy with a fold. either fold on turn, or call turn, call river.

hands almost sure to be in his range: 56, 44, 77, 88, various flush draws, especially AdTd, T7 69

discounted but possible hands T4 74 (good shot of being folded pre), T8 (wouldve raised flop), J9 (mightve folded flop or pre although thatd be pretty tight), TT (wouldve raised flop or pre)

I think there is a WIDE bluffing range here (especially with basically dead hands like AJ or 55 or something that mightve called a flop bet and then decided they could take it down here, and turned their made crappy hand into a bluff)

youve got 4 or fewer outs vs almost his entire value range here, so shoving takes down his bluffing range, and you could do that with ATC if you thought the bluff was that likely

325 in the pot, youre facing 135 with another bet to go, he needs to be bluffing probly 40% here to be worth calling turn + river, so if you think he gives up on his bluffs on river, id call T fold any non T/7 river, otherwise id fold (most likely im folding here)
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 06:06 AM
So if you're folding T7, what are you calling?

You block no flush draws and you block value hands.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 06:19 AM
44, 77, 88, 69, J9, AdTd, TT.

Also as I mentioned, i would not have bet flop with this hand, and as played would not have bet turn, so i would not be facing this raise with this hand, i would be comfortably calling a river bet, and taking advantage of his bluffing range.

Another person mentioned he would raise and two barrel ATC here, not a bad suggestion specifically because four handed at a new table people will fold nearly their whole range two three bets except the exact range that crushes this hand, so yeah, bluffing with a wide range here and then checking back a two pair is exploitable, specifically because youre exploiting their perceived weakness.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 06:21 AM
I think checking flop is ok but it's not the best. Same with checking turn, again not the best.

Too much plus side to betting and not enough with checking.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 09:08 AM
If you click page 3 and don't know, we're on the next action.

V1 - BTN is playing too tight for short handed but again too early to tell
V2- SB playing loose as expected
V3- BB seems to be the better of them, he has raised 2x but CO/BTN. C-bet and folds each time.

4 handed:

CO Hero (little over €1000)
v1 BTN - little under €1k
v2 SB - little under €1k
v3 BB - maybe €1100

Hero is dealt T7

Well, I raised.

I made it $30 everyone folds but BB.

Flop (€65):748

Villain 3 Checks Hero bets €40 Villain calls.

Turn (€145) T

Villain checks Hero bets €90 Villain raises to €225 Hero?
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 11:57 AM
Flop check is much better than turn check. Turn check as played is just plain bad. I see the reasons for betting flop, and I don't hate it.

His sizing is pretty lame cause I doubt he sizes this way w/ bluffs too often (I've seen weirder stuff I suppose), but he also doesn't really have that many value combos if you think about it. 56o/96o probably folds pre, and 56 probably x/r flop unless he has 56dd. J9o might fold pre, might call pre, but might not x/c flop, sets x/r this flop a lot also. So he has slowplayed sets/straights (maybe ~20 combos at the very most?) and turned T7/T8/TT for value. He also might be raising Txdd for "value".

I mean, most, if not all his bluffs have a pretty large amount of equity against our specific holding, and our equity vs his range is probably >50%, so yeah, I like raising. But what size? If we shove, it's about a pot sized raise. I don't think making a small raise to $400 or something would induce him to shove over us with any of his bluffs.

After some thought, I like jamming the turn as played. Imo nh if you jammed turn

Last edited by Jarretman; 01-28-2017 at 12:15 PM.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 12:15 PM
Call. Villain should have a fair amount of semibluffs in his range. Shoving only gets called by better. We got value from his draws. Call and calling most rivers. Your hand looks like a double barrel with overs. Villain will have a hard time putting you on two pair here.

I'd like to hear more from the 'check flop' crowd. I don't understand why we would let everything from overcards to diamonds draw for free. Most turns are bad for hero's hand. It's not like hero is in a WA/WB situation where a free card is less hurtful.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 12:30 PM
If he has a fair amount of semibluffs on the turn (which I agree with, all his bluffs ott are semibluffs imo) then us shoving and him folding is a good thing DUCY?

Also, he still might call with some equity disadvantaged hands like Txdd, 89, T9 etc etc. Or, he might call with some of his pure draws, like A9dd because he puts us on a worse draw.

He might bluff the river with those semi-bluffs, but then he gets to realize his equity, and we can get folded off the best hand/call with the worst hand often on the river (ie, not realize our equity)
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Dochrohan
I think checking flop is ok but it's not the best. Same with checking turn, again not the best.

Too much plus side to betting and not enough with checking.

Against the other two opponents here, and weaker opponents generally, I agree with bet/bet/bet line.

Against stronger opponents, like V here, I prefer to play for pot control in these spots and would generally check flop or turn.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 12:42 PM
When you make it 450 on turn it's to get value with T7 and get to showdown essentially. It will be super difficult for him to shove

Shoving seems like the worst option other than fold.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 01:34 PM
Raise pre $30, bet flop $35.

Based on flop and turn action, check back and raise the expected river bet when the diamonds brick. Checking back disguises the great strength of your hand here and if he pairs a high card (A for example), he might pay off a river raise.


Last edited by Hardball47; 01-28-2017 at 01:41 PM.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Dochrohan
Turn (€145) T

Villain checks Hero bets €90 Villain raises to €225 Hero?
I miss read the flop but it's still a bet. You hit a pair four handed so you might as well see if villain has any interest in pot. On the turn the ten is an oddly dangerous card because it makes the situation hard to read. Villain can be as light as T9 and think they have best hand and can be bluffing a draw. On the other side J9 just got there, 65 and T8 are still ahead.

I don't like a raise because there isn't much better that folds and not much worse that calls. Td9d with top pair and a huge draw probably calls but that is it.

Range is hands that can be betting is wide enough that I'm not folding to first aggressive action. Call turn and play river carefully. I'm mostly hoping for a check/check on river because even a ten is a risky card.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 02:06 PM
nobody liking the min raise.

Maybe I am ambitious but I am pretty sure worse 2p and draws can

Should appear as no FE and it is tough to shove 2p now.

Calling is the standard play but puts you in gross river spots and often have to call a bet, however raising allows us to check behind almost all rivers but the T and 7

Jamming is the I am scared to play postflop line. At least to me
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 04:39 PM
You are already postflop. Jamming turn is less than a pot limit raise.

And yes, I am scared to play this river. It's not a good river to play. I think we realize more EV by jamming turn than playing this river. Even if villain only calls with better, and folds all his bluffs, it's a good thing in this exact spot, with this specific holding.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 04:46 PM
So why are you afraid of the min raise?

Are you worried he fold 2p?

I think rivers are pretty easy to play, you fold some you call a lot.

Sucks but you have to with the exact board and our hand.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 05:53 PM
In my 2-5 player pool I'm very comfortable b/f turn with this hand against most players fully aware that I will be over folding. Agree that against solid player, however, this would be too tight but makes me slightly more inclined to check turn.
I really like your min raise idea, something I hadn't considered at all. Is V really going to shove over that raise with even A9dd or just call to try to realize his equity. What rivers are we planning on folding? Just diamonds or also Jx, 6x? I'm assuming not any other rivers.
I'm guessing call>minraise>jam>fold but I'm not certain at all and wouldn't be surprise if any (besides fold) would be best. This is definitely a spot that is basically impossible to intuit, only way to solve is to try running in crev vs a balanced range, more bluff heavy range and more value heavy range and compare. I'd be particularly interested to see how minraise does I like the concept. I'm away from home/computer for a few days but probably will try running it when I get back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 07:57 PM
Bet flop, bet turn. Those are good. Now fold. He's bluffing hardly ever. Combo draws raise flop. Even his occasional bluffs have a lot of equity. You're crushed by his value range, and you beat 0 value hands
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 08:10 PM

You'd need a reason to fold here 4 handed and I'm not seeing one.

Folding here is super exploitable, especially to this sizing.

@min, what are you calling with? You probably should be calling a lot of your continuing range here.

Last edited by Dochrohan; 01-28-2017 at 08:29 PM.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Dochrohan
Turn (€145) T

Villain checks Hero bets €90 Villain raises to €225 Hero?
Hero tanks for 20 seconds and goes all in.

Villain folds.

Your €90 bet looks like a b/f double barrel. Villain here is raise-folding.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Hardball47
Hero tanks for 20 seconds and goes all in.

Villain folds.

Your €90 bet looks like a b/f double barrel. Villain here is raise-folding.
That's optimistic. Just as easy is it is for him to have hands that raise folds, he has hands we lose to.

Which is why I advocate calling turn and calling a lot of rivers or we can sneakily "min click" and get to river without having to face a bet vs a large % of his range. What hands are comfortable in re-raising?

Jamming is ok, but it's not the best choice because you push out all those bluffs in his range and force him to call a lot of better hands, all because you want to protect your equity.

If you're going to fold too much on river, I get the shove.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
01-28-2017 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Jarretman
If he has a fair amount of semibluffs on the turn (which I agree with, all his bluffs ott are semibluffs imo) then us shoving and him folding is a good thing DUCY?

Also, he still might call with some equity disadvantaged hands like Txdd, 89, T9 etc etc. Or, he might call with some of his pure draws, like A9dd because he puts us on a worse draw.

He might bluff the river with those semi-bluffs, but then he gets to realize his equity, and we can get folded off the best hand/call with the worst hand often on the river (ie, not realize our equity)
I agree the pot has gotten large and there is a significant incentive to take it down. However, villain is likely bluffing and will only hit his draw ~20% of the time. Two of the diamonds boat hero up. Villain should have some overcard bluffs as well. We should expect him to bet most rivers. Hero will need to call all river, imo, including 4-straights and diamonds.

I haven't done the math, but I suspect villain makes a $300-400 river bet often enough as a bluff to make calling the turn profitable. A 'better than average' villain should have the guts to fire another bullet on most rivers.
PAHWM 5/10 T7s 4 handed Quote
