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Overpair Multi Way Overpair Multi Way

02-14-2015 , 02:50 PM
PARX 1/2 NL around 10pm. Table has been very active and there have been a lot of multi way pots. Very good and fun vibe at the table.

Most of the players are weak and relatively loose. More like they over value hands like KJ and such. Only one or two other players Id say have above a level 2 thought process.

Hero BB($230)- 20's White kid. Has been playing at the same table for ~7hrs. Raising majority of the pots I enter. Raising in position but I have limped small pairs and suited connectors. About an hour ago got a full double up with Jd10d on a 4d5cAc9d2x guy snap called my turn shove with 6x7x LOL. Should have left then because I was not playing well.

V1 Utg+1(~300)- 40's white guy. Has limp called a lot of my position raises. He has made two big laydowns with top two.

V2 MP(~400)- 30-40's Asian guy. Won a big pot off me earlier when he called my triple barrel with his TPWK on a pretty wet board.

V3 BTN(700+)- 50's Black guy. Only player to be at the table longer than me. Won a $500 pot, hitting a one outer, earlier in my session. Slowly dwindled away until he double up by hitting a gutshot. Has limp called 90% of raises. Has only raised maybe 3 hands in the 7hrs that I've been there.

V4 SB(~500)- 30's White guy. Has been at the table for maybe 2hrs. Lost his first buyin with top set to runner runner flush. Lost the pot to V3 when he hit that gutshot. Has been running bad but has not effected his play. About a level 2 thought process.


6 limps and Hero in the BB has 10,10. Hero raises to $18. Sizing? I expect one or two callers.

4 calls. 5 way flop. Pot~$90

Flop is 5s3h5d V4 checks, Hero bets $50. Sizing?

Folds to V4 who quickly calls.

Pot ~$190. Turn is 3c. Hero has ~$160 left. Hero?
Overpair Multi Way Quote
02-14-2015 , 03:04 PM
More pre. I would go at least $25, but if you were only expecting one or two callers it is fine. Did V4 check the turn? I might check behind, but will call any bet on the river. Stacks are odd. I think going all in on the turn is a mistake. Only better will call.
Overpair Multi Way Quote
02-14-2015 , 03:11 PM
Yea my bet sizing I think was not too good. My stack on the turn I felt was pretty tricky.

And yes sorry V checks the turn.
Overpair Multi Way Quote
02-14-2015 , 04:08 PM
As played, you're committed to the pot after the flop. Shove the turn. You're only scared of a 5. V would limp/call pre and call the flop with 66-99. We can eliminate JJ+ because he'd probably raise pre.

I would make your preflop raise a little larger to $22. On the flop, I would fully commit to getting my money in.
Overpair Multi Way Quote
02-14-2015 , 04:36 PM
I am never folding this hand but is shoving the right move? $160 is a huge bet into $190 pot. Is he calling it off with 6,6?
Overpair Multi Way Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:11 PM
Yes. You're committed anyway. An ace or worse pocket pair might call us off.

You should make the decision whether or not to commit to the hand on the flop. You can then adjust your bet size to get it in on the turn. In this case, if you bet $60-70 and get a caller or two, you can safely shove the turn.
Overpair Multi Way Quote
02-14-2015 , 07:48 PM
He'd likely raise pre with a higher pp. He can definitely have 66-99, no fd, not many sd's he can have. It's pretty much 5x or 66/77/88/99. The worse pp's are the bulk of his range. I don't think those pp's are calling $160 into $190 though. I'd check here, and bet for value otr, ~$75, whatever you think a mid pp will call.
Overpair Multi Way Quote
