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Overpair to a flush board and check raised. Overpair to a flush board and check raised.

11-26-2019 , 09:27 AM
1-2 NL holdem.

V1 UTG +1 LAG young Asain with about 200 in front.

V2 Midle Position, older white guy. Pretty tight but I wouldn't say a total rock. Big Stack at the table with around 800 in front.

V3 Cutoff. Young White guy with hate and glasses. Seems kind of TAG. But we seen him make a few mistakes. He has already rebought once in the past hour
200 in front.

Hero White guy on the button. Tag image. 300 in front.


All vilains limp to hero who looks down to see JcJs. Hero raises to 15 and all villains call. Blinds fold.


Flop comes 10h 7h 2h.

All villains check to hero.

Hero bets out $30.

V1 folds, V2 folds. V3 check raises me to $75.

Pot not $168

My thought: I am thinking V3 is testing me. Why would I bet if I hit the flush? He may have a hand like Ah-X and I'm coin dlipping. if he has a set or a flush I'm dead meat.
Overpair to a flush board and check raised. Quote
11-26-2019 , 09:39 AM
I would go $20 pre; $15 is clearly too small

X flop four ways ainec. My betting range on this flop is TT (only set I raise pre), all of my flushes (which are just suited broadways), and then my A combos (A Kx/Qx/Jx.) There's no reason to bet JJ here; we can't get value from a whole lot worse, but still have decent sdv.
Overpair to a flush board and check raised. Quote
11-26-2019 , 11:16 AM
Agree with sixsevenoff. Pre is too small unless you thought only one or maybe two would call.

Flop is a check into three players. Even if they are good enough to raise you with the naked A, you have to make serious decision and it's going to get expensive.

As played, I probably just let it go unless you are sure he is testing you -- then you can gii and pray.
Overpair to a flush board and check raised. Quote
11-26-2019 , 12:17 PM
Yeah bigger pf. I don't mind flop bet, you have to fold to a raise. In tougher games/higher stakes yeah I'd check, but 1/2 I think bet is fine.

V3 has joined the dark side.
Overpair to a flush board and check raised. Quote
11-26-2019 , 12:39 PM
You have to consider what V3's check-raising range here is.

- flushes
- sets
- A-x
- A-pair

You are crushed by the first two and flipping against the last two. Unless V3 is a maniac and is doing this with A-T no heart then putting money in is giving most of it away.

I agree with the others about checking this flop back. As played, I would just fold it. It's a bad flop, move on.
Overpair to a flush board and check raised. Quote
