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Optimize overpairs plays (maximize value and minimize losses )!sample hands I played ) Optimize overpairs plays (maximize value and minimize losses )!sample hands I played )

09-30-2016 , 03:13 AM
Few years ago, I often get 100bb /double up with hands like QQ/KK/AA

especially I did not know how to check with overpairs.

Now, what would be according to you best line to take Live Full ring value at low stack (1/2 and so on) and mid stack? (5/10 or more)

here below 2 hands I played. would you have played differently to optimize value?

Live casino 1/2.5 blinds

Hand 1
Hero LAG image but seen as competent by Vilain (he knows I can he spewy sometimes and bluffs ) .

Vilain 30s asian regular winning tight player - pretty ABC in my opinion. tends to think about hands that beats him from his opponents than hands that he beats. - imo

effective stack 250$

Hero raised with QQ to 10 UTG ,
folds to vilain
Vilain calls 10 in MP,
folds to vilain 2
Vilain 2 (not important) calls in LP

pot 33.5 flop 458 with flush draw.
Hero bets 20
Vilain raises pretty quickly to 60
V2 folds
Hero re read the board and calls (at this stage could be p+straight draw, p + FD or FD+ straight draw imo - I dont put him on 2 pairs. Set possible but as possible as a good draw 10+outs or with pair already)

pot 153.5 turn 3x not openning another FD and not putting a flush on board

check check

river 9x => for me turn and river cards might not change anything to the range i put him on and he did not attack the turn.

Hero??? any comments on any stage of play is welcome
Would you have bet the turn?
what do you do on the river?

hand 2
UTG player 40s /he does play baccarat and he does not spew crazy at poker but he can be spewy preflop and pretty weak ABC raising sometimes 7-8bb with only 80bb stagk being first in pot EP/MP (50% of his raise are like that and he raises maybe 1 hand per orbit in EP/MP and otherwise limp call).

he raises to 10
I UTG+2 with AA black re raise to 30
fold to him checking how much I got (he got 300 i cover) and calls

flop 62.5 - QT6r

he checks

I bet 35
he calls

turn T rag (pot 132.5)
check check

river 4

same question
would you have checked turn?
turn : if you bet - how much? if he calls, what do you do on river on a check
turn : if you bet - how much? if he raises, do you call? what do you do on river on a check from him?
if he checks raise turn and pot the river? do we call?

turn - if it went check check, river he bets to us eg half pot : should we thin value raise? or polarize the AA?

As played, what do you do on river?

comments are welcome
Optimize overpairs plays (maximize value and minimize losses )!sample hands I played ) Quote
